DHS- Domestic Terrorism
Washington, DC
March 08, 2018
Dan received a routine INTERPOL report in response to a query Meg sent nearly two months before. The report confirmed there were many Albanians proud enough of their origins to have the Double Eagle needled onto their bodies. At least six tattoo shops in the capital city of Tirana alone offered a variety of artistic interpretations, and the investigators thumbed through photo albums displaying the work that the artists completed over the years. The report concluded that the double eagle tattoos were common and did not seem to be connected with any particular group. Bottom line: inconclusive.
While the report itself did not represent any investigative breakthrough, it convinced him that the answer to the domestic terrorism question somehow involved Albania. He googled the State Department and clicked on the link for the CIA World Fact book. There on the first page was the country's geographic location and its flag: a jet black double-headed eagle on a field of red. He didn't expect to find anything earthshattering in the public domain country background paper, but it did provide some historical context on the country and its tortuous history. He jotted some quick notes for his next meeting with the Admiral.
After the morning meeting with the team, Dan was walking back to his office when he met Jack Lang in the hallway.
"Hey," he said, "Sorry I missed the meeting this morning. I got a late start and just couldn't get through the traffic. A tractor trailer is burning out there on the beltway, and it's just like a massive parking lot."
"No problem, Jack. Nothing new this morning."
“I'm late, and there's nothing new so let's grab some lunch today down at the Indian place I've told you about. It's right around the corner, about a three minute walk. I'm headed into the tank. Let's meet in the lobby at noon."
Dan refused any social invitations from his team but thought recently he should do something more to motivate the group.
"Sure. I'll see you then."
The two were seated at the bay window in the front of a busy restaurant right at noontime, moving past a line of about a dozen people waiting for tables.
"You must be a regular to get this kind of attention," Dan remarked as he glanced at the menu.
"Since this project began in January, I usually make it here once a week."
The Maitre D' brought a basket of hot naan and bottle of imported sparkling water to the table and greeted Jack.
"Welcome my friend. I'm a bit surprised you are dining with another gentleman today. Welcome, sir. I have some delicious spiced lamb today accompanied with basmati rice and fresh dal. Would you like to try it?"
"Sounds good to me, Kamal. Dan, what will you have?"
"I'd like the same thing."
Kamal bowed slightly and headed towards the kitchen.
Dan tore off a piece of the hot naan and asked, "Where do you work when you're not here with the team?"
"When I'm not on the road, I work out of our M street office. Double Eagle is an international conglomerate and business takes me all over the place, mostly involved with the care and feeding of our major customers."
"I know that Double Eagle is one of DHS' top contractors and has a good reputation for program performance. Are any of your customers grousing about the change in your ability to see them because of this lengthy temporary assignment?"
"No. It's really the program team's responsibility day-to-day anyway. I represent the company’s leadership when I meet with them. Right now, I don't own any specific program but work on top level customer relations and new business capture."
"What exactly is that?"
"Yeah, I forgot you are new to the acquisition side of things. What I try to do is look for government opportunities early in the planning phases, long before they are known to the masses or posted on the Fed Biz Ops website. We try to match up customer needs with some solution or product we have in the portfolio that is aligned. If we have a solid match then we engage the customer and try to convince them to award a contract to us directly without competition. If we don't have a solution in hand, then we make sure we understand the requirements, shape them as best we can and then decide to submit a proposal or not. Usually all the work done in the pre-solicitation phase is led by what we in industry refer to as the Capture Manager."
"Got it. So is someone managing your Capture now during this period? "
"Actually, I am between assignments so this works out perfectly. I'm not exactly sure what Spence will give me next."
"My boss."
Dan never tasted any better Indian food. He and Jack got special attention, and he felt a little conspicuous by the meal's end. He checked his watch and told Jack he had to get back to a meeting in ten minutes. Jack grabbed the check, and Dan insisted on paying for his half of the bill.
"I'm a new civil servant and need this job. I can't be breaking any of the rules," Dan insisted.
"Don't worry, no one will even know."
"I will, so what's my half?"
"Twenty dollars."
Dan slid twenty-five dollars over to Jack. "Great lunch, Jack. Here's a few dollars for Kamal for the service. I enjoyed it. Thanks. See you back in the office."
After Dan left, Jack laid a crisp $100.00 bill on the table and left the restaurant.