Atlantic Salmon Federation
St Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada / Calais, Maine, USA, has one of the most comprehensive online collections of information, including a guide to the Atlantic Salmon Conservation Centre:
Atlantic Salmon Trust
Pitlochry, Scotland, funds and conducts research into the problems that confront wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout; it has a website with a particularly useful section called ‘Salmon Facts’:
Salmons Webpage
in French, German and English maintained by RiverNet is the best source of information about the current and recent situation of the Atlantic salmon in continental western Europe:
Wild Salmon Center
an organization based at Portland, Oregon (with Russian of fices in Moscow and Elisovo, Kamchatka), dedicated to the scientific understanding and protection of the finest remaining ecosystems of salmon in the North Pacific:
State of the Salmon
site maintained by the Wild Salmon Center and Ecotrust, the most up-to-date guide to the condition, distribution and management of the various species of Oncorhynchus:
The Salmon Page
hosted by Riverdale Grade School in Portland, Oregon (‘all things salmon: catch them, cook them, save them’), is a gateway to a huge number of salmon-related sites:
Salmon Nation
the ultimate website for lovers of salmon on North America’s Pacific coast who wish to live in a salmon-friendly manner:
The Salmon Farm Monitor
maintained by the Scottish-based Salmon Farm Protest Group, provides extensive coverage of the case against farmed salmon, including a bulky archive:
Scottish Quality Salmon
an industry organization, puts the case for sustainable, environmentally responsible salmon farming that also takes fish welfare seriously:
the leading brand of the Canadian Fishing Company (Canfisco), has a ‘Wild Salmon Spotlight’ with information about life history, West Coast canning, and conservation efforts:
Salmon skin leather haute couture
for the latest, from bikinis to sandals, visit the website of SKINI London: