Aboriginal peoples 55–8
Abri du Poisson (cave art) 156
Ainu people 58, 152–3
Alaska 53–5, 56, 63, 73
Alaska Packers Association 53, 76, 77
Albert, Prince 127–8
Alexie, Sherman 163
Altamira, Spain (cave art) 155–6
anadromy 13
angling see sport fishing
Appert, Nicholas 69
apprentices 68, 101
Aqua Bounty Farms 104
aquaculture see salmon farming
can labels 157–60
novels 165–9
poetry 161–5
sculpture 169, 170–72
artificial propagation 85, 89, 94–5
Ascertaining the Weight 127
Astoria, Oregon 72, 74, 89
Atlantic Salmon Fund 141
Atlantic Salmon Trust 165
Ausonius, Decimus Magnus 161
Australia 90, 132–3
bald eagle 54–5
Ballantine, Georgina 139–40
Ballynahinch Castle Hotel,
Connemara 142
Balmoral, Aberdeenshire 129
Bangladesh 79
Basel 86
bear 53–4, 71
Bear Hotel, Crickhowell 145
Beothuck people 147
Berners, Dame Juliana 126
bikini 53, 80, 82, 84
‘Bikini Chef’ see Irby, Susan
Bilton, William 133
Blatchford, Robert 9, 108–9
Bloch, Marcus 28
Boas, Franz 148
Boethius, Hector (Boece) 45
Boldt ruling 122–3
Bonneville Dam, Washington 92–3
Bowdich, Sarah (Mrs T. Edward) 42–3
Bowling, Tim 54, 163
Brando, Marlon 122
Brickson, Ela 172
Bristol Channel (Severn estuary) 47, 107, 167
British Columbia 57, 97–8, 103, 108
Buchan, John 117
Buckland, Frank 40, 47, 89–90, 94
Burning the Waters 118>
California 57, 69, 176
Campaign for Real Fish 98
Canadian Fishing Corporation (Canfisco) 160
canned salmon 53, 68–75, 108, 114
advertising 159–60, 157, 158, 159
Celilo Falls, Oregon–Washington 62–4
Celilo Village, Oregon 151
ceremonies 141
East Asia 152–3
North America 149–51
Charles, Prince of Wales 129
Cheltenham Borough Council 8
cherry salmon see masu 21
Chile 18, 80, 96, 103, 176
Christian, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg 90
civil disobedience 121–3
Clark, Ernest Dunbar 52
Clark, William (Captain) 61–2
clothing (salmon skin) 53, 59, 79–84
coats of arms 144–6
cod 10, 52
colour changes 29–32, 35
colourants 100
Columbia see under rivers
Come Back Salmon Society 174
Compassion in World Farming Trust 96
Compleat Angler, The (Walton) 131
Cong Abbey, Galway 66
Conservative Party 72–3
Couch, Jonathan 21
Country Club of San Francisco 133
cured salmon 62–4, 66–7
dams 92–3, 176–7
Darwin, Charles 31–2
Davy, Sir Humphry 41, 131
Dawson City, Yukon 23
Dawson, Kenneth 68, 141
Day, Francis 13, 28
‘Death Roe’ 120
Defoe, Daniel 67
Dickens, Charles 11, 84, 87–8
dip netting 64–5
disease 96–7
Disney Corporation 159–60
Domesday Book 66
Drayton, Michael 27
Driftwood Creek, British Columbia 14
Dublin 87
Edricus 110
eggs 39, 43–4
transplantation 133
Elizabeth, the Queen Mother 129
El Niño 93–4
Eosalmo driftwoodensis 14
Escobar, Claudia 80–81
festivals 141, 174
Finn MacCool 154–5
‘fish-in’ 122
fish ladder 92–3
fish and chips 78–9, 176
fishing and fisheries 58, 64–5, 91–2, 107, 112–13, 121–2, 141
fishing rights 109–23
fishing tackle 124–8
fish wheel 114
Fitzgerald, John 79–80
Flets, John 87
Celtic 153–5
North American 147–9
food (salmon as) 51, 52–79
Forest That Fish Built, The 55
fossil record 14
Francatelli, Charles Elmé 108
Fuller, Thomas 8
fungus, 35–6
Galway 112
gas bubble disease 92
Gaspé peninsula, Quebec 59
Glasgow 146
genetically modified (transgenic)
salmon 85, 103–5
George IV, King 88
Gerald of Wales 65, 66
Gesner, Conrad 45, 49
Gilyak people 59
Glendaruel, Argyllshire, Laird of 112
Goldcliff Fisheries 113–14
Grand Coulee Dam, Washington 92
Greer, Ron 99
grilse 41, 44
Grimble, Augustus 91
Gunn, Neil (Highland River) 168–9
Guy Mannering (Scott) 117
habitat degradation 91, 107
Haghe, L. 118, 127
Haigh-Brown, Roderick 36
Hallock, Charles 24, 130
Hammond, Richard 102
Hasler, Arthur 47–8
hatcheries see artificial propagation Heaney, Seamus 162–3
Hell’s Gate canyon 25
heraldry 146
Hokkaido 17, 58
homing instinct 45–50
Hoover, Herbert 136–8
Hughes, Ted 12, 164–5
Hume Brothers 69, 71
Humphrys, John 98
Hupa people 57
Hutton, J. A. 38
Huxley, Thomas 24–5
Iceland 59, 80
Irby, Susan (the ‘Bikini Chef’) 80, 82
Ireland 50, 65, 66, 80, 87, 142
Irish Salmon Skin Leather Company 79, 81
‘Iron Chink’ the 70
Irving, Washington 65
Izaak Walton League of America 137
Japan 20, 53, 58, 105
Jardine, Sir William 30, 44
Jay, Tom 171
Jewish cuisine 78–9
Johani, Sara Mall 171–2
John Macnab 117–9
John West (Foods) 71–2, 75, 158–9
Jones’s Guide to Norway, and Salmon Fisher’s Pocket Companion 134
Jordan, David Starr 13, 45
Juni-ka-getsu (Twelve Months of Ainu Manners and Customs) 58
Kamchatka 17, 55, 120
Keiller, Alexander 35, 134
kelt (spawned salmon) 41–2, 68
Kilmorac, Inverness-shire, Falls of 76
Kingsley, Charles 44, 85, 165–6
Kipling, Rudyard 69–70, 72, 114, 124
Kite, Marion 60, 80
Kurlansky, Mark 10, 78
kype 27–8, 32, 34, 42
Lansdell, Henry 59–60
Lash, Jennifer 103
legislation 110–11
leistering 115–16, 121
Lewis and Clark Expedition 61–2, 69, 92
Liberal Party 73
lice 97, 99, 143
life cycle 22–51
Lloyd, Lewis 31, 133
Loch Hourn, Inverness-shire 10
Loch Maree Hotel, Wester Ross 142
Lower Granite Dam, Washington 93
Lymbery, Philip 96
MacDonagh, Donagh 144
Magna Carta 109
Maidu people 151
Main, Alex 169
Makah people 121
Malloch, Peter Duncan 25, 32, 34, 35, 139–40
Manet, Edouard (Still-life with Salmon) 160, 161
Manning, Richard 55
Marion Forks Salmon Hatchery, Oregon 95
Martin, Martin 155
McNeil River Falls, Alaska 54
Melrose Abbey, Borders 77
Museum of Economic Fish Culture, London 90
Native Alaskans 20
Native Americans 56–8, 62–5, 121–3, 147–52, 158–9
New Zealand 18, 50, 132–3
Norway 95, 100
sport angling in 128, 133–5
Nowell, Frank H. 63
odour hypothesis 47–8
O’Flaherty, Patrick 143
Oliver, Jamie 10
Omega–3 fatty acids 102
Oregon 58, 64
organic salmon 105–6
Ormidale, Argyllshire, Laird of 111
parr 38, 41, 42,
Pelling & Stanley 71
Penobscot Salmon Club, Maine 137–8
Penybont, Powys 129
Pictish symbol stones (Inchyra slab) 157
Pliny the Elder 16, 25
poaching 115–20, 136
poetry 115–16, 129–31
Point Hope, Alaska 17
pollution 87–8, 90–91, 97
Poly-olbion (Drayton) 27
postage stamps 145
Private Eye 99
pub names and signs 25–6, 144–5
Punch 97
putcher fishing 112–13
Quebec 121
recipes 76–9
redd 32–3, 36
Restigouche Salmon Club, Quebec 135
Richard the Lionheart, King 109
Amur 59, 60, 61
Ballisodare 50, 162
Bol’shaya 7
Bray 167
Cheakamus 36
Chilkat River 54–5
Clackamas 124
Columbia 11, 17, 62, 64, 69, 72, 92, 93, 176
Dee 23
Don 106
Dunbeath 169
Edw 119
Fraser 25, 55,
Garonne 16
Gotha 134
Ithon 119
Kamchatka 17
Lemhi 62
Lena 20
Liffey 87
Loire-Allier 86, 107
Mackenzie 20
McCloud 89
Mersey 87, 106
Mole 167
Moselle 16, 161
Namsen 134
Penobscot 141
Puyallup 122
Rhine 66, 86, 90, 106, 107
Ruel 111
Salm 107, 145
Salmon 43
Seine 86
Severn 112–13
Shikarubets 58
Snake 62, 92, 93
Spey 23
Tachia 21
Taw 164, 167
Tay 25, 139–40
Thames 87–8, 107, 110
Tivy 27
Toyohira 174
Tumen 21
Tweed 115, 117, 128, 131
Usk 47, 145
Ventura 17
Wye 37, 47, 119, 125, 142
Yukon 18, 24
Romans 16, 66, 114
Ronay, Egon 98
Rouf, Abdur 79
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 47
Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Salmon Fisheries of England and Wales (1860) 30, 89, 112
Russel, Alexander 65, 132
Sakhalin Salmon Festival, Kamchatka 174
Salar the Salmon 167–8
Salmonia: or Days of Fly Fishing 131
SalmoFan 100
Salmon Bites 79
salmon caviar 120
Salmon Farm Protest Group 102
salmon farming 52, 85, 95–103, 176
salmon flies 126
salmon of knowledge 80, 154–5
Salmon Nation 172–4
Salmon Nation: People, Fish, and our Common Home 172
salmon priest (cosh) 132
Sargent, John Singer (On His Holidays) 135
Sax, Boria 170, 174
scale rings 37–8
Scandinavia 13
Science 100–101, 102
Scotland 67, 68, 90–91, 95, 101–2, 111–12
Scott, Sir Walter 68, 77–8, 117, 131–2, 138
Scottish Quality Salmon 101–2
Scrope, William 117–18, 127
Seafield, Countess Dowager of 91
Severn Arms Hotel, Penybont, Powys 129
SKINI 80–81, 83
smell 46–8
smoked salmon 78–9
smolt 41
‘Sockeye Swimmers’ 93
songs 115–16
Soul Salmon Project 170–72
spawning 30–6
species of salmon
Amago (Oncorhynchus masou var. macrostomus) 21
Atlantic (see Salmo salar)
Biwamasu (Oncorhynchus masou var. rhodurus) 21
Chinook (Oncorhynchus tschwytscha) 8, 17–18, 24, 36, 43, 46, 50, 104, 125, 145
Chum (Oncorhynchus keta) 18, 20–21, 24, 75, 145
Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutsh) 19–20, 74
King (see chinook) Masu (yamame) (Oncorhynchus masou) 21
Pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) 18–19, 20–21, 99
Salmo salar 16, 21, 22, 28, 49, 103,
Smilodonichthys rastrosus 15
Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) 18, 25, 44, 56, 74
sport fishing 124–43
American presidents 136–8
record catch 139–40
women 138–41
St Peter 110
St Ronan’s Well (Scott) 77–8
Steller, Georg Wilhelm 8, 17, 29–30
Still-life with Salmon 160–61
Stoddart, Thomas Tod 78, 115–16, 144
Suckley, George 16–17, 28
taboos 149, 151, 155
tagging experiments 45
Taylor, Joseph 94
Through Siberia (Lansdell) 59, 60
tinned salmon see canned salmon
Tolensi, Franciso 66
Topographia Hibernica
Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle 126
Trojan Gene hypothesis 104–5
trout 167
Tunnicliffe, Charles F. 168
Two Summers in Norway 133–4
Ulchi people 61, 153
United States Fish Commission 56
Ushki, Kamchatka 55
Victoria, Queen 108, 127–8, 142
Vigfusson, Orri 141
Walbaum, Johann Julius 17
Wales 107, 113–14, 119–20, 125, 136,
Walsh, C. F. 33
Walton, Izaak 7, 11, 13, 25, 28, 37, 45, 87, 126, 131
Water-Babies, The (Kingsley) 44, 85, 165–7
Westcountry Rivers Trust 107, 165
Westminster Abbey, London 87
Whitaker, George 113
William IV, King 88
Williamson, Henry 106, 167–8
Willughby, Francis 15
Wilson, Harold 74, 76, 129
Wilson, Mark 14
women anglers 138–41
Wye and Usk Foundation 107, 114
Yeats, W. B. 59, 161–2
Youl, Sir James Arndell 133
Young, Andrew (of Invershin) 26