First I want to thank my husband, Brad, for all his help. I also want to thank my loyal readers on the Readers of Jill Williamson Facebook page, who helped with brainstorming here and there whenever I asked. As always, I would be lost without my writing world friends: John Otte, Dana Black, Amanda Luedeke, Stephanie Morrill, Shannon Dittemore, and Melanie Dickerson. A special thank you to Tom Luque for his help with sailing and to Peter Glöege for designing such gorgeous book covers. And I am indebted to the amazing team at Bethany House Publishers, including editors Dave Long and Elisa Tally, who helped make the book so much stronger, and marketing geniuses Noelle Chew and Amy Green, who continue to amaze me with everything they do. I am thankful to be working with such talented people.