
Apart from the complete translation in the Loeb series two others are worth noting: the version (with omissions) by the brothers H. W. and F. G. Fowler (Oxford, 1905), which is lively and very readable, but sometimes strays rather far from the Greek; and the Penguin selection, Lucian, Satirical Sketches, by Paul Turner (Penguin, 1961).

General Background

Bowebrsock, G. W., Greek Sophists in the Roman Empire (Oxford, 1969).

Reardon, B. P., Courants littéraires des IIe et IIIe siècles après J.-C. (Paris, 1971).

Russell, D. A., Greek Declamation (Cambridge, 1983).

Swain, S., Hellenism and Empire (Oxford, 1996).

Taplin, O. (ed.), Literature in the Greek and Roman Worlds (Oxford, 2000).

Critical Studies

Anderson, G., Lucian: Theme and Variation in the Second Sophistic, Mnemosyne Suppl. 41 (Leiden, 1976).

—— Studies in Lucian’s Comic Fiction, Mnemosyne Suppl. 43 (Leiden, 1976).

Bompaire, J., Lucien écrivain: imitation et création (Paris, 1958).

Hall, J., Lucian’s Satire (New York, 1981).

Helm, R., Lucian und Menipp (Leipzig and Berlin, 1906).

Hirzel, R., Der Dialog: Ein literarhistorischer Versuch (Leipzig, 1895).

Homeyer, H. (ed.), Lukian: Wie man Geschichte schreiben soll (Munich, 1965).

Jones, C. P., Culture and Society in Lucian (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1986).

Peretti, A., Luciano: un intellettuale greco contro Roma (Florence, 1946).

Robinson, C., Lucian and his Influence in Europe (London, 1979).

Reference Works

The following are referred to in the notes by authors’ names or by initials.

Kock, T., Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta (Leipzig, 1880–8).

Leutsch, E. L., and Schneidewin, F. G., Corpus Paroemiographorum Graecorum (Göttingen, 1839–51).

Nauck, A., Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (2nd edn., Leipzig, 1889).

Otto, A., Die Sprichwörter und sprichwörtlichen Redensarten der Römer (Leipzig, 1890).

Oxford Classical Dictionary (3rd edn., Oxford, 1996). (OCD)

Further Reading in Oxford World’s Classics

Apuleius, The Golden Ass, trans. P. G. Walsh.

Catullus, The Complete Poems, trans. Guy Lee.

Juvenal, The Satires, trans. Niall Rudd.

More, Sir Thomas, Utopia, in Three Early Modern Utopias, ed. Susan Bruce.

Shakespeare, William, Timon of Athens, ed. John Jowett.

Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver’s Travels, ed. Claude Rawson and Ian Higgins.