Pear Kiwifruit

The black seeds of the kiwifruit are edible. It is not necessary to peel the pears before juicing.

Yield: 34 cup


2 pears

2 kiwi, peeled

12 lemon, peeled

Juice pears, kiwifruit, and lemon. Stir.

Per Serving

Calories: 222

Fat: 2.5g

Sodium: 6mg

Fiber: 15g

Protein: 3g

Sugars: 34g

Carbohydrates: 57g

The Healthy Kiwi

Kiwifruits are rich in many vitamins, flavonoids, and minerals. They contain high amounts of vitamin C and beta-carotene in particular. They have more vitamin C than oranges and just as much potassium as bananas.