Dear Reader,
In Another Day, Another Dali, Serena realizes her closely guarded secret has caused her to misinterpret her grandmother’s feelings toward her for years. Too often we see only what we expect to see in situations and others—like Gladys does with both her painting and her children and Tasha does with both her husband and her mother’s relationship with her brother. Aunt Martha sees Nate as the only option for Serena. Serena’s mother sees Serena’s job as a barrier to her happiness. The teens see the police as their enemy.
Sometimes it takes an appraiser’s objective perspective to recognize the forgery, whether in art or life. But identifying the forgery is only the beginning. As Serena discovers, getting to the truth requires a willingness to search, no matter how painful the outcome might be.
I hope you had as much fun reading Serena’s latest adventure as I had writing it. The enthusiastic response to my invitation at the end of A Fool and His Monet to vote for whom Serena should date has been eye-opening. The feedback will definitely shape Serena’s destiny moving forward.
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Sandra Orchard