Composure, communication, tranquillity
Being calm facilitates skilful handling of challenging situations.
Nurturing Blue Lace Agate has a wonderfully cooling and calming energy that creates peace of mind instantly. Traditionally, it is used to enhance communication, encouraging you to express your thoughts and feelings. It is particularly effective if you hold back because of fear of being judged and rejected – often instilled in childhood. Conversely, if you talk incessantly or tend to speak without thinking, this compassionate stone helps you to consider the effect your words have on others and to speak calmly in the moment, rather than mindlessly spewing out your thoughts. It is particularly helpful for men who find it difficult to accept and express their sensitivity, and may be projecting false machismo as a way of overcoming a lack of self-confidence.
If you bottle things up you never fully enter into mindfulness, so wear this crystal at your throat to set your words free. Blue Lace Agate takes you into dynamic inner silence due to its strong spiritual connection. It helps you to be aware that you are loved and supported no matter what situation you find yourself in. Its peaceful energies neutralize any feelings of anger or anxiety, counteracting mental stress.
Breathing, always breathing. Calm ensuing.
Place your Blue Lace Agate over your throat. As you slowly count to four, breathe in and be aware of how the breath moves past the Agate and down into your lungs as your belly expands. Hold your breath and count to five. Breathe out slowly, gently counting to six. Wait until you become aware of the need to breathe in again before repeating. Continue until you feel at peace.