A Note From Jenn

Sara’s adventures in THE RED KING brought her face to face with the King of Cups, who definitely wouldn’t thank me for making him a villain in this tale! In truth, drawing the King of Cups is almost always a very positive experience.

The King of Cups

Court cards are generally about people—the ones you know, the ones you’ll meet, or possibly even yourself—and the King of Cups is someone you definitely want to associate with. Emotionally balanced and truly caring, he sits atop his throne surrounded by the flow of energy, in tune with the world around him. When this card represents a person, look for someone who is jovial, caring, sincere, artistic and creative…with potentially intense feelings, authentic sensitivity and powerful emotions (no matter how balanced he is, this King’s emotions run deep!). When this card does not represent a person, you are most likely involved with a spiritual, creative, or artistic project, something that speaks to your deepest emotions. It’s considered a card of abundance, flow and good luck! In fact, in some readings it’s called the god card, signifying that a higher being is blessing your endeavors. So, when you see the Red King, celebrate! Unless he’s a dark practitioner. In that case, you should probably run away.