Wow—THE RED KING launches a whole new series of books for Sara Wilde, with a slightly different spin. Thank you to all my readers who have stayed with me on my journey so far, and to those who are joining me for the first time! I hope you enjoy the ride. As always, my deep and abiding thanks to Elizabeth Bemis for her beautiful work on my books and my site—especially my fantastic cover. My editorial team of Linda Ingmanson and Toni Lee went above and beyond the call of duty with The Red King, as I introduced a mystery into the story that kept us all on our toes. Any mistakes in the manuscript are most definitely my own. I am deeply grateful to Edeena Cross and Sabra Harp for their brilliant beta reads, and to Kristine Krantz, whose careful eye (and skeptical side-eye) kept me on the right track, as always. And, of course, sincere thanks go to Geoffrey, who helped bring this series to life. It’s been a Wilde ride.