Culture Smart! Israel sets out to condense an extremely complex subject into a compact guide that will help you discover the Israel behind the clichés. This dynamic, diverse, and paradoxical country is steeped in history and biblical associations, yet most Israelis are modern, secular, and energetically materialistic. Visitors from abroad will find much that is familiar, and more that is unexpected. To soften the impact of the latter, this book offers insights and essential human information that will deepen your understanding of the Israeli people and enable you to make the most of your visit.
Israel embraces its many visitors—tourists, businesspeople, foreign representatives, pilgrims, and, most of all, those who have come to stay. The Israelis love showing off their country and its not inconsiderable accomplishments over seventy years of statehood. They glow when a returning guest says, “I can’t believe the development that I have seen,” or when a business traveler says, “Next time I’ll bring my family,” and they are genuinely upset when it happens, as is inevitable with over 3.5 million tourists a year, that the occasional visitor has a bad experience. Israelis like to be liked.
So, for now, Bon Voyage through these pages. You will read about the formative influence of Israel’s ancient and modern history, its geography, and what makes Israelis the way they are. You will acquaint yourself with Israel’s democratic institutions, rich cultural life, wide range of cuisines, sports and leisure opportunities, sandy beaches, and lively city streets, and you will understand its dilemmas.
The Israelis you will meet will be from all walks of life. They will be more or less sophisticated depending on their occupations, where they live, or where they were brought up. They will almost always be friendly, helpful, direct—perhaps to a fault—and resourceful. Some will be well mannered; others won’t. A few may be Holocaust survivors; many will be the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. They will all carry with them memories of Israel’s wars, in which relatives, comrades, and loved ones fell in defense of the country.
Finally, you will learn what to expect and how to behave in different social circumstances, so that you can avoid misunderstandings and make genuine friends and valued business partners. Israelis are great travelers, and those whom you visit may one day visit you.
“Bruchim Habaim!” Welcome!