
“I knew you would lead me to the key,” Richie sneered. He spread his arms wide, like he was trying to block my way. “As soon as the challenge started, you seemed to know exactly where to go. I watched you—you were looking too closely to be just hoping to come across a box. All I had to do was follow you. It was too easy.”

He jumped down from the cliff and crossed the stream toward me. I clutched the key tightly to my chest.

Richie held out his hand. “We both know I’m the faster and stronger one of the two of us. You can’t outrun me. I’ll get that key from you way before you even make it back to the beach. You might as well just hand it over now, Ethan.”

I pursed my lips.

“Heck, I’ll even throw in a little added bonus for you. Give me the key, and I’ll give you a thousand dollars for your trouble. Donate it to whatever charity you want.” He gave a smug chuckle.

Some bugs buzzed in my ears.

“All right,” I said. “I’ll give you the key.” I held it out in front of me.

Richie grinned and sauntered up to me. “Thanks for making this easy, Ethan.”

He leaned in for the key.

In a flash, I yanked it backward, out of his reach. Startled, he leaned over too far and lost his balance.

“Psych!” I cried. I jumped over him and raced across the stream.

He scrambled to his feet and charged after me.

I bolted into the depths of the jungle. My feet pounded into the dirt, thudding as fast as my heartbeat. The humid air clung to me as I ran. Behind me came Richie’s concentrated panting. It was so loud in my ears, louder than the birds and my own breathing. He’s too close! He would catch me any moment now.

I burst out of the trees into a clearing I knew—a small clearing home to a certain pig. It looked up from the berries it was eating and squealed with surprise. At the last second, I leaped over it.

Then, there was a scream. But not a pig’s scream—a boy’s scream. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Richie cowering with his arms over his head while the pig bolted into the forest. I couldn’t believe it—Richie wasn’t a tough guy after all.

I tore out of the clearing, leaving Richie behind. So much for a love of nature not being an important skill in this game, huh, Richie? I laughed as I ran. The jungle flew by so fast it was a single smear of green, with flashes of white and yellow and even red as I scared birds into the air.

Then, in the distance, the beach came into view. The ocean was a sparkling blue line running behind the trees. Chase’s boat popped up as I got closer. And the chest, its lock twinkling like a star.

“Ethan!” A voice roared from behind me, startling me. Richie had caught up to me.

I broke out from the jungle and into the sunlight and sand. For a moment, I was blinded by the bright white light. Richie jumped out soon after. I felt his fingertips swiping at me. I blinked hard and saw Chase staring at me, open-mouthed. The chest was mere yards ahead of me. I was going to make it. I was going to win!

Richie’s fingers grasped at my shirt.

I dove for the chest, ripping out of Richie’s grip.

“No!” he shouted. He dove after me.

The two of us flew through the air, me reaching for the lock and Richie reaching for the key. My hand slammed into the chest. The key plunged into the lock. And with a click, the chest popped open, right as Richie and I hit the ground.

“Ethan has opened the chest, and with that, he wins this season of Teen Wilderness Masters!” Chase cried. “What an incredible final round!”

I pulled myself to my feet and looked into the chest. On top of a gold plaque reading “Teen Wilderness Master” was a check for $50,000. I couldn’t believe it. Behind me, Richie pounded his fist into the sand.

“Congratulations!” Chase took my hand and shook it vigorously.

Dazed, I accepted the chest from him. I had really done it. I was the Teen Wilderness Master!