CATEGORY: Power Strategies and Fact Manipulation

RULE 1776: A Real Genius Can Fool All the People, All the Time

SOURCE: Anonymous, advisor to William Lester, President, NAU

VIA: L. E. Modesitt, Jr.

Madness isn’t limited to the practitioners of hard science. Although the most infamous of crazed creations have sprung from the brains of scientists dabbling in physics, chemistry, or biotechnology, our next tale draws on a far more nefarious branch of intellect: political science.

Political scientists have a bit of a bad name. The lobbyists and analysts stalking the halls of the Senate and House are spurned by voters and legislators alike. Most people see them as manipulative schemers, twisting the power structure of the nation for their own benefit. For many, that scorn is probably undeserved, but the unnamed narrator of our next story lives up to that reputation and then some. He has great plans for the people of the North American continent—plans so large, they will shake the entire world.

The author says that this story was inspired by the events that led to his becoming the legislative director for a U.S. congressman and later political positions, and spending nearly twenty years in politics, government, and Washington, D.C. So he speaks from a lifetime of experience in the twisted webs of political scientists.

Which makes you wonder: Just how fictional is this story?






Too many historians claim all the geniuses were mad, especially the ones who understood politics as an engineer understands structures, or a scientist understands his specialty. The key is to understand their genius and not fall prey to the slurs on their abilities. How do you think Hitler and Goebbels captured the heart of Germany, or Lenin Russia, or Rasputin the Czar’s family, or Bush the younger and Cheney capitalist America, or Lester the North American Union or…? The list is as long as history, and everyone dismisses each instance as an individual aberration, a political situation unique to that nation and time. And too many people focus on only the negative instances, unlike the positive examples, such as the American planters or development of the present-day NAU. But I digress. To understand how it all happened, it’s necessary to go back a few years …

*   *   *

I’d recently finished the last oral examinations on my dissertation from one of the very well-known universities of North America and been granted the relatively worthless Ph.D. in Political Science, despite the opposition of the most senior member of the PoliSci faculty. A “chance encounter” of a—shall we say—passionate nature he had with a young lady acquaintance of mine removed that obstacle. Shortly after that fortunate resolution I first encountered William Lester.

As part of my research, I’d become a member of the Conservative Populist party, and even served as a ward committee-person for Plymouth—not Massachusetts, but another Plymouth. Being the ward’s titular head for the party was a position few wanted, especially when that year’s elections were only for local offices and for the regional representatives to the North American Union, then far more of a coordinating body than what it later became, thanks in large part to my highly successful and unacknowledged (as well as unappreciated) efforts.

On that Tuesday night in 2067, only a few handfuls of voters attended the ward caucus to be addressed by two of the candidates for the NAU Assembly. The first candidate was Johnstone Byron III, the youngest son of the Byron family of ZipZap fame and fortune, and the second was one William Lester, barely five years older than I was at the time, but already working on his second billion. Lester was a perfect 198 centimeters, tall enough to stand out amid the rabble, but not tall enough to be thought a less-than-intelligent athlete. His father had been a builder who’d lost almost everything in the successive American financial meltdowns in the early part of the century, and Lester could claim to be a self-made man from his foresight in purchasing northern Saskatchewan marshes and swamplands before the acceleration of global warming created a land-run. He sold out before the subsequent crash, retaining some holdings in the event of the inevitable resurgence that would come with the next wave of global warming, when the last lingering benefits—and profits—of cap-and-trade were exhausted.

Lester’s voice was deep and mellifluous. His face was pleasant, with a touch of authority beyond the grown-up-boy-from-next-door image he cultivated, and his chin was just square enough to proclaim solidity, but not pigheadedness. His logic was impeccable when he addressed the thirty-odd folks with little else to do on a Tuesday night … and that was the problem. While he understood finance, he clearly didn’t comprehend certain aspects of motivating people to tap the touchscreen next to his name in the voting booth. Part of that, I later learned, was because he’d always dealt with people who actually cared about the intricacies of systems such as politics and business, rather than, put politely, the general public.

So immediately after he finished speaking, I went out on the already half-sawed-off and spruce-beetle-killed limb. From that precarious perch, I addressed the handful of ConPoppers still in the multipurpose room of the west Plymouth Library. “My friends, we’ve heard from both of these fine candidates—the distinguished and noted scion of fame and fortune, the most highly educated and multiply-degreed, the honorable Johnstone Byron the Third … and the hard-working Bill Lester, who has made every new dollar the hard way with his own two hands. A round of applause for them both, before you make your way to the voting screens…”

I did have the foresight to hide Lester’s Turnbull & Asser black cashmere overcoat so that he had to wait until everyone was lined up to vote—and so that no one saw it. That enabled me to lead him out to the foyer, where I offered him back his coat.

“Mr. Lester,” I said, because all politicians want to be the one to tell you to be less formal, rather than having you take that initiative, “I think I can help you.”

He didn’t tell me “no,” but he didn’t agree, either. He also didn’t tell me to call him “Bill.” That came later.

Even with my efforts, Lester only won the ward by nineteen to ten. He did win enough wards, if only by the application of a great deal of effort and tangible financial assets and, I have to admit, his own mellifluous voice to get on the ConPopper final slate for the election of delegates to represent the old northeast USA in the NAU.

I did more research before I attended the regional NAU convention, and, before the votes were taken at the convention, I cornered William Lester while he was talking to a sandy-haired and ruddy man dressed in a cranberry-maroon Harris Tweed jacket far too loud for the tastes of most ConPoppers, and a deep solid-maroon tie that was too conservative, not that all ties weren’t suspect to the bedrock ConPoppers.

Lester saw me coming, and he didn’t quite roll his eyes. “Why don’t you talk to Anderson, here? He’s my campaign manager. He’s the organization man.” Lester eased away graciously and charmingly. I have to admit that he did that well.

I smiled politely at Anderson LeBrun. He’d been the staff director for Senator Claxton until the senator had lost his reelection bid after his links to the failed Northcoast Golf and Rugby Club had been revealed by his mistress. Then, it might have been that his mistress had been later revealed to be an transvestite, and Claxton had protested that he hadn’t known.

“Bill said that you rounded up a few votes for him in Plymouth,” offered LeBrun, “and gave a good pitch for him.”

“I’d like to think so, but he’s a very good speaker. I do think we could focus his speeches to be more effective.” I meant that I could, of course, but you always use “we” when trying to become part of an organization, however small.

“You’re one of those academic types.”

“No. I use academic and other research methods to gain the maximum positive emphasis for whomever I work for, and the maximum negative exposure for his opponent. That’s the polite way of putting it. Everything’s aboveboard and clean in the dirtiest way possible with no fingerprints.”

“Oh?” LeBrun wiggled his bushy eyebrows. “What advantage would that provide, beyond fancy language?”

“Old-fashioned results with no legal fuss.”

“Why don’t you explain?”

I did, and LeBrun hired me on the campaign as researcher and strategist. I didn’t get paid as much as I’d made as a teaching assistant at the university, but I wasn’t in it for the initial pay. The first thing I got to work on was a position piece—a Web-based info-slam or Webchure—flooding the Net and letting everyone know just how good a man William Lester was. Of course, the hidden tags about “sex,” “free money,” “scandal,” and “reducing your utility bills”—among others—didn’t hurt.

Neither did all the documentation on Wikipedia, Armsapedia, Sexapedia, Publicapedia—all of the targeted online “encyclopediae”—because all of what we posted was scrupulously true. That was to play up the lawsuit we filed when our opponents tried to claim we were electioneering on public communications systems.

By the time we were finished, Lester came out as the leading ConPopper candidate in the eastern USA—and in early 2068, he went to Ottawa as a delegate and a politician to watch, mainly because no one could figure out why he’d worked so hard and spent more than a few millions of his own funds to get elected to what amounted to being a delegate to an advisory assembly.

The NAU wasn’t totally advisory, although most people thought so. It could set mandatory continental shelf fishing quotas as well as patrol the Arctic Ocean against foreign mineral-nappers, supported by the Offshore Patrol—what was left of the U.S. Coast Guard that had been transferred to the NAU, along with the less-than-adequate funding to support it. The NAU also had just completed the integrated intraborder security system between the United States and Canada, effectively erasing all border patrols there. The Congress had acquiesced in that in order to shift U.S. Homeland Security forces to the Mexican border, where they could expand their free-fire zones. Besides, since more and more U.S. citizens had migrated northward, and very few Canadians wanted to move south, there wasn’t much point in the U.S. border checkpoints anyway, and the Canadians still wanted U.S. new dollars.

For the first year, Lester made speeches and attended debates, and offered high-sounding propositions—but only the ones I told him wouldn’t come back to bite him. Anderson LeBrun didn’t like Ottawa. That was what he told Lester, anyway, nothing about his not wanting his dalliances to come out, given his prenuptial agreement with his fourth wife—something about a different resource division if that occurred. I did counsel Anderson that leaving was probably in his best interests. I even smiled. He didn’t.

Before long, Lester proposed letting the NAU Offshore Patrol take over anti-smuggling duties along the North American coastline. With the adoption of the low-cost MS integrated sonar/radar imaging systems and the RPV-towed balloon limpet mines, the Offshore Patrol effectively reduced sea-borne smuggling by 90 percent, and Lester was hailed as innovative and cost-effective.

That wasn’t enough for him, but I’d known that from the beginning. Fame and adulation are far more addictive than money or sex, or even money and sex combined.

He sauntered into the staff office in Ottawa on that June fourteenth and looked at me. “I’ve done all I can do here. It’s time to get ready to make the Senate run.”

I gave him a polite smile, the one that he knew meant I had reservations.

“You don’t agree. Why not?”

“You’d be better served running for vice chairman of the NAU.” The popular view was that no one of any import wanted the position of vice chairman of the NAU, that is, except Charles Morgan … and Luis Gonsalvo, who had no chance, not when half his potential supporters had nowhere to vote. Even Lester wasn’t that interested.

“It’s a meaningless position in a largely ceremonial organization,” he pointed out. “Why would I want to do that? I ran for the NAU Assembly to build name recognition without having to wait for years to work up through the party to run for the U.S. Senate.”

I didn’t tell him that running for the Senate would have been a stupid decision. “It may seem like a meaningless position, but it has national and international visibility, and you get the NAU to pay for a larger staff. Plus, since they’re paid in Canadian loonies, you can get better staff while you wait for the next Senate election. You run next year, and you’re against John Jacob Astor. He won with eighty percent of the vote.”

“That’s because he was a porn star. Besides, I’ve got more than enough money.”

So I told him, “You might not take Astor, but you can take Morgan, and the position of vice chairman won’t be ceremonial in another two years.”

By then, Lester knew enough not to dispute me on things like that. “What do you see happening? What exactly do you have in mind?”

“What’s the current U.S. deficit—this past year?”

“Twenty trillion.”

“And what are the projections for next year?”

“You’re the political scientist.”

“That’s true.” At times, I knew he thought I was a political mad scientist, but I’d been right on so far as he was concerned, all the way.

“So you tell me what this has to do with me … and the Senate run.”

“Next year’s deficit will run to fifty trillion … if they’re lucky, and the president and the Congress will have to come to the NAU to serve as an intermediary for a bailout from Canada or the Indian multinationals. They won’t call it that. It’ll be a restructuring of governmental assets or something like that. The Canadians will have to pony up, because they don’t want the Indians getting a foothold, not after what it cost to buy off the Chinese in the second restructuring. You don’t want to be the Senate to clean up that mess, but you do want to be in a visible position when that happens. Even if it doesn’t happen, the visibility won’t hurt your political future. In fact, visibility in a position where you can’t be held accountable for the mess will be an asset.”

He did nod at that, before he spoke again. “What about Morgan? Charlie’s never made a mistake in his life. He’s still married to his childhood sweetheart. He’s not brilliant, but he’s definitely not stupid. He’s always hired the best and the brightest staff, and he’s listened to them.”

“What church does he attend?”

Lester looked puzzled. “That’s not an issue. The man hasn’t so much as a littering or a water-overuse citation. He’s greener than the northern swamps and straighter than a hydropower spillway.”

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll take care of it.” And we did.

First, we came up with a series of Webchures—each one targeted at a different voter niche. My favorite was the one for the high-minded hypocrites. We didn’t call them that, of course. They were voter group 1A-Beta: Undecided, highly educated, religiously affiliated, self-identified, self-made professionals.

The Webchure was slick. It showed Morgan in a series of images—all with members of his staff, all recognizable, and all digitally “enhanced” to highlight their attractiveness, especially that of the men, and their positions altered to bring them very close together. We also made some very subtle alterations to Morgan’s expressions, so that he appeared far more interested in his companion than in the papers or the scene. And the captions were, pardon the pun, apparently straightforward.

“NAU delegate Morgan working closely with trusted aide Mark Roberts…”

“Morgan discussing medical issues with…”

“Longtime personal assistant with Delegate Morgan…”

The text took Morgan’s own words, often from debates before the NAU in Ottawa, ostensibly setting forth his own words.

… and I would like to thank the gentlewoman from London, Ontario, and she is a gentle, sensitive, and feeling woman in every sense of the word, for raising the issue of non-asset-based financial and economic interdependence, particularly as it pertains to currency stability across the NAU …

… we all know what we know, but what we know is not necessarily what we think we know, especially in terms of cybertechnological-asset management interfaces …

The Webchures for other groups were more pointed, since most of the other niche voter groups weren’t inclined to value subtlety. I particularly liked the one that went to Weapons Unlimited, which featured Lester standing beside an M-98 tank, smiling.

“Tired of tiresome U.S. regulations on the right of self-protection? Ready for a new approach? Then support Bill Lester…”

Then again, the one to Trees Unlimited wasn’t bad, either. There, Lester was standing before a stand of Mugo pines in northern Saskatchewan and declaiming, “Reforestation is the key to a better environment and more effective government … I’ve known that for years, and that’s why I was one of the first to put my own money into growing these very trees…”

Of course, he’d planted them years before as a backdrop for his land deals; so his claim of putting his own money out was perfectly accurate.

The one to the computer professionals was also catchy. We just provided a message that claimed it had a hidden algorithm, designed and concealed by a North American programmer, as opposed to the Microsoft techs who’d run off to India, which was why Lester favored local expertise. There wasn’t any algorithm; so no one could find it, and the Microsoft attorneys filed a cease-and-desist order. We complied, and then sent another message that pointed out that Microsoft could only respond with lawyers, not programmers. They couldn’t fight that, either, because it was true.

Now, an old-line news analyst of the past century might have caught a certain lack of philosophical consistency, but after the passage of the revised Freedom of Information Act of 2040 by the U.S. Congress, which affirmed the right of every citizen to the news of his or her choice, unhampered by contradictory facts, none of the 207 different news channels had a news analyst interested in such, since hiring anyone for such a position might have subjected them to civil action under the FOIA [revised].

All of the Webchures went out under the independent information provider provisions of Canadian and U.S. law, and every word in any of them was absolutely factually verifiable.

Parts of Lester’s stump speech were tailored to whatever audience he was addressing, the need for ecologically sound maple tree research in Vermont, investigating sustainable and balanced cod harvests and more federal assistance for bark-beetle eradication in Maine, the need for regional communications tariff subsidies in Massachusetts, support of Tar Sands subsidies in Alberta … Those sorts of postures have been a political staple since Alcibiades, but since no one studies history anymore, I could adopt strategies and points from everywhere, and no one had a ready counter. But the real gut issue was belief, and that part of Lester’s speech always hit certain points.

“I stand for the good, old-fashioned values of hard work … and the faith behind those values. There are those who condemn people of faith and belief, but what I find truly amazing is that as belief in an Almighty Deity has declined, so has this great American continent. When atheists were five percent of the population, the nations of North America were strong and proud. Today … almost a third of North Americans are nonbelievers. Are we as strong? Are we as dedicated to hard and honest work? I’d be the last man to tell you how to believe, but I’ll be the first to tell you that belief is important, that trust in the Almighty and the virtues He espouses are the keys to our future … Would you trust any politician who puts himself above the Almighty or denies the power that created this vast universe…?”

At first, Morgan didn’t even understand what was happening, and by the time he did, it was far too late.

Of course, the liberals in Massachusetts, SoCal, and in what was left of flooded New York City screamed and yelled, but they did it all in newsprint, and no one but people who wouldn’t have voted for Lester anyway read the handful of remaining newspapers and magazines, online or otherwise. And most of those didn’t care that much who won the election.

Although it was close, even if only 10 percent of the eligible voters in Canada and the United States voted, Lester did eke out a victory over Morgan, by a good thirty-thousand votes out of forty million cast on that Sunday in September. No one paid much attention to the votes from Mexico and Central America, because there weren’t all that many voters left, not after the hurricanes of the forties, and most of those who could vote, in places where there were even polling places, all voted for Gonsalvo, and he came in a distant third.

“You won,” I told Lester when I walked into his small delegate’s office in Ottawa on Monday morning.

“Now what?”

“Before long, Chairman Hazlett will discover he doesn’t want to really run things, and you’ll make yourself indispensable.… Just be very visible, and very charming … and very helpful. As always.”

I could tell he wasn’t happy, but I found him a new personal assistant and lined up as many speaking appearances for him as possible, just to keep him occupied until the inevitable occurred—which it did … just about a year later.

The United States deficit topped one hundred trillion, and the remaining Republicans and the Conservative Populists in the U.S. House of Representatives balked at increasing the marginal federal income tax on the upper middle class—those making over ten million a year—to 70 percent. The Democrats refused to consider imposing a 1 percent tax on the so-called working poor—those making less than a million. At that point, the Bank of China not only refused to buy American treasuries, but threatened to dump everything they had. Microsoft, headquartered and totally based in India since the Great Seattle Quake of 2057, stopped manufacturing replacement parts for the obsolete computers used by the American government, and the Bank of Canada foreclosed on the U.S. Federal Reserve, which had been privatized after the Collapse of 2050.

President Huston demanded that the congressional leaders work out a compromise, and they did. They impeached him. Vice President Ramirez resigned, and Speaker of the House Coulter became president. She still couldn’t get the votes to break the impasse and proclaimed Martial Law under the provisions of the Patriot Act of 2051.

General Simplot, the U.S. Armed Forces Chief of Staff, threatened to release all military personnel from active duty, because none had been paid in two months.

That was the point at which I made my next suggestion to Lester. “Have Hazlett recommend that the North American Union take over government functions for the United States, using the Canadian dollar. By eliminating Congress and not funding the bureaucracies and lobbyists in Washington, the lower tax rates will cover paying the military so that Americans can feel protected by American soldiers and sailors, while finally getting real universal health care, and not the charades of 2010 and 2035. Tell everyone that the military uniforms won’t change, and neither will their responsibilities, and that they’ll remain right where they are, since the Canadians might get touchy, otherwise. Since you’re an American, elected by Americans…”

It wasn’t all that simple, as the massacre in Berkeley and the famine in Illinois and Indiana proved, but by the winter of 2071, the NAU was effectively governing North America. Hazlett wasn’t that young, and more and more he had to rely on Lester—and his staff.

Hazlett’s wife had left him because she thought he was a traitor to Canada, and fled to Buffalo Narrows, way up north. She drowned in the floods of 2072, almost instantly, when a methane belch caught fire in the permafrost and melted everything in sight. I arranged matters to provide him with some enthusiastic consolation; seven months later, he died a very happy man, and William Lester became chairman of the NAU.

Matters to the south of Ottawa weren’t getting any better, especially in the United States and Central America, and the Canadians—particularly former U.S. residents who’d fled the three banking restructurings, the financial restoration surtaxes, and Buy U.S. Transport Acts—were deeply concerned that Canada had ended up funding the rebuilding of the nearly prostrate United States, despite the fact that, or perhaps because of, more than 25 percent of the U.S. population in 2050 had since emigrated to Canada.

So Lester proposed a raft of reorganization programs, among them the Regional Area Prosperity Effort, the American Financial Transformation plan, the Social Cooperation and Regional Economic Work plan, and the Financial Reconstruction and Infrastructure Grants. The most immediately effective of these was the Youth Alliance for Restoration and Progress, a regional plan for those areas of the NAU where social order was degenerating, notably those declining piles of stone south of Ottawa.

While the Union assembly had some qualms, Lester had the answers we’d prepared, particularly in his second state of the North American Union address:

“When social order begins to degenerate, the first signs are small things: loitering, littering, broken windows, lazy people using public spaces for private functions. YARP is designed to mobilize the talents of young people who would otherwise be unemployed or underemployed to combat this kind of deterioration. Those without homes will be relocated to appropriate housing elsewhere. Those who persist in unrestricted tagging or decoration or socially nonconstructive protests and objections will be detained and reeducated in socially acceptable decorative endeavors, beautifying cities and parks…”

The dark gray YARP uniforms were sharp, too, and … within a year, all sorts of crime in the old United States of America had dropped precipitously, except in Washington, D.C., where YARP was precluded by a provision requested by Acting President Coulter, and in SoCal, because the NAU had decided that the better part of valor was to wait until the various factions had determined who governed what, since the Republicans insisted on balancing local budgets with a 90 percent deficit, and the Democrats refused to cut nonexistent spending for a state workforce that no longer existed, and CrackArmy was taking over most of the urban areas.

The U.S. Army troops were, for the most part, more than happy to transfer to the NAU unified military, with their old commanders and new funding to repair their old bases, and to fuel their tanks and aircraft. They also appreciated getting regular pay and medical benefits. Not long after that, Lester returned areas of old Mexico to “local authorities,” delegating all functions to the locals and surrounding such areas with remote automatic weapons. That had the effect of reducing drug deaths and related hospitalization costs, after, of course, the initial depopulation and the spate of acute withdrawal deaths, which weren’t covered by NAU universal health care.

With some credit available and seaway control reestablished, Qataran LNG shipments resumed, and that allowed enough power for some air-conditioning, at least in Ottawa, and in the Toronto financial centers, and the Albertans got back full-time power, and more fertilizer was manufactured and sent to Saskatchewan, and the Tar Sands Fourth Phase really got going. Lester did have to divert money to rebuild port facilities in Victoria to replace those inundated by the rise in the Pacific Ocean.

When the time came for elections in 2073, only Johnstone Byron III filed to run against Lester. He was a good opponent, that fair-haired and wealthy do-gooder out of old New England, even if he hadn’t learned much from his first contest against Lester. He got 31 percent of the vote, most of that from the provinces of Massachusetts, New York, NorCal, and Oregon.

On the other hand, turnout was light in the Old South of the United States, but that was hardly unexpected after the 2072 hurricane that sank half of Louisiana and Mississippi, and eradicated the remains of Florida. Washington Province went heavily for Lester, since there weren’t that many liberals or Democrats left after Microsoft closed down all its plants there years earlier, and the dryland farmers of Montana, the Dakotas, and lower Minnesota really didn’t have anyone else to support.

Most of Alberta voted for Lester. That wasn’t surprising, following the Colorado River Water Wars, since after the spruce and pine bark devastation had wiped out all the Utah mountain forests and the Great Salt Lake had become a salt flat, most of the Utah population had migrated into Alberta to follow their LDS brethren. The Temple in Salt Lake City did remain a holy place, standing in the middle of a desert—a sort of American Mecca. There was only a 30 percent turnout in Saskatchewan, because most of the voters didn’t like either American candidate, although I would have thought that a few more would have supported Lester, given all the jobs his land booms had created in the northern part of the province.

Following the NAU election, it only made sense for NAU to disband the Canadian parliamentary government, and although some complained that the NAU military was overly demonstrative, particularly in Quebec, the subsequent savings certainly justified the effort, especially since bilingualism was no longer necessary in that province. And the northern relocation efforts have certainly resulted in a more equitable population distribution, and an increased labor force for the alternative minerals extraction program being pioneered by the NAU. All in all, we’ve created a more perfect union, and who would have thought it just a few short years ago?

*   *   *

Now that the NAU has restructured North America into a far more productive and efficient nation, and all of those ills of the recent past are largely behind us, you can all set aside your fears about how a big and inefficient government will take over everything. Government is already smaller and more efficient. North Americans are keeping a greater percentage of their income because of the centralization of government and the elimination of local bureaucracies and excessive local elected bodies. With the new physical fitness initiatives, deaths from poor exercise and diet are down, as are the medical costs associated with them, after the initial readjustments, of course. The civic improvement brigades across all of NAU have lowered local infrastructure costs. With the integration of the Offshore Patrol, the former U.S. Navy, and the Canadian Naval Forces, there’s absolutely no need to worry about illegal immigration, not with the wide-scale deployment of the new AI-guided limpet mines. The enactment and implementation of the Freedom of Choice Acts mean that you don’t need to worry about spending your last years as a semi-sentient vegetable … and wasting your estate. With the reform of estate taxes and the revenues from FOCA violators, we’ve lowered income and property taxes, and the new educational curricula are instilling a greater reverence for the value of manual and skilled labor.

All this because of the enlightened policies of Chairman Lester … and a more perfect Union.


L. E. Modesitt, Jr., is the bestselling author of the Saga of Recluce, the Spellsong Cycle, the Corean Chronicles, and several other series, as well as a number of stand-alone novels, such as The Eternity Artifact and The Elysium Commission. His most recent books include Haze, Arms-Commander, Empress of Eternity, and the Imager Portfolio series. His short fiction has appeared in a number of anthologies—including John Joseph Adams’s Federations—and was recently collected in Viewpoints Critical.