Chapter 29



Two nights later, Declan came down the stairs to find Consuela dressed in a simple dress and flat shoes. She looked lovely as always, even as she fidgeted with the hem.

“What’s going on, dove?”

“Have a surprise for you. Thought we could go to Fallon’s.”

“All right,” he answered. “I’ll change.”

“Wear something comfortable.”

He dipped his head and headed upstairs.

Amelia came down with a smile. “He doesn’t know?”

Consuela shook her head. “Shh.”

Chewing her lip, Amelia sat across from her. “Did you find out what they did about the game?”

She nodded. “When he comes back down, I’ll tell you both.”

“As long as it’s over.”

“Still miss him?” Consuela asked.

She shook her head. “No. It was magic. I don’t feel as bad about falling for him. He didn’t play fair.”

“No, he didn’t. Though, Fallon really does do amazing work, if you’re into tattoos. And Devlin makes amazing jewelry, if you’d rather go that route.”

“A little of both couldn’t hurt, right?” Amelia shrugged. “Either way, I need something.”

“You can discuss it with both tonight.”

Declan came back in jeans and a sweater. “Now what?”

“Well, Robert came by earlier. The Deathbringer coven has been dismantled. Those bent on revenge are dead. Blood Bound is over. Yuri’s company has been dissolved. And the official story of the bloodbath at Gas Works was a movie some film school kids were working on.”

“What about the deaths?” Amelia asked.

“They have that covered, though I didn’t ask for details,” Consuela asked. “I’m happy it’s over.”

“Me too,” Amelia answered.

“And Brent would like you to write a revised story with what you learned, for Others.”

“Gladly. Though I may have questions.”

Declan smiled. “We’ll both be happy to answer them.”

Consuela nodded. “You both ready?” She started for the door.

Declan caught up. “What are you hiding?”

“You’ll see,” she answered coyly, shutting down her thoughts.

Declan couldn’t reach in to sense what she felt.


* * * *


Consuela pulled in at Fallon’s, and Declan raced around to open the door for her. Smiling, she let him help her out of the Escalade.

“We could have stayed home,” he murmured.

“We have all the time in the world. Wanted to do this tonight. Besides, I want your family to think of me as part of theirs.”

He leaned in for a soft kiss. “They do.”

“And we should spend some time with them.” She pulled him toward the door.

Amelia smiled. “We’ll have fun.” She hurried past.

Fallon came out, carrying Ryan, her little boy of almost a year. His twin was inside, probably with her father.

Declan reached out for Ryan, who went into his arms with a cooing sound. “Hey, little one.”

Consuela smiled. She knew Declan needed this too. She didn’t want him to stay away from his family on her behalf.

“Is everyone here?” Consuela asked.

Fallon grinned. “They are. And food is on the grill. Come on back.”

She led them all through the house, to the porch. The yard was full of their friends and families. Declan moved to Devlin, who held Rhiannon, Fallon’s little girl.

Leo put his arm around her shoulders. “This was a perfect idea. Bringing everyone’s family and friends together. Seems you’ve found your place in the world.”

“I have. And if you want the house, you can have it.”

“Nah, you may want to visit New Orleans. And I never considered it home. Besides, I like it here.”

“That so?” Consuela asked.

He looked across the yard. “Yeah. Interesting bunch.”

“I’m sure you could find a nice home. And I’d like seeing you more.”

He bumped her hip with his. “I’m glad you’re happy.”

“Me too. But what about you?”

He shrugged. “Happy enough. And it will be better if you’re close.”


* * * *


Amelia sat down beside Delilah. “Hey. Thanks for coming to my rescue the other night.”

“Anytime for my sister. Wish I knew sooner. I would have happily come to kick some vampire ass for my little sister.”

Christian sat down on Amelia’s other side. “Would have needed a hand with that. He fought dirty.”

“You helped send the demon away.”

He lifted a shoulder. “You’re family. Couldn’t lose you.”

“Thanks.” She looked around. “Don’t suppose Brent is coming?”

Christian shook his head. “No, he wants to give you time to get used to being a vampire.”

“It’s not so bad. So far, I’m not tempted by fresh blood.”

Victoria sat down across from them. “One day, you’ll want fresh. Honest, it’s better that way. And especially when you find the right person.”

“One day I’ll find that.”

“Some of us wait decades to find our other half.” She glanced toward the grill and smiled at Lincoln. He really had grown up in the last couple years.


* * * *


Declan pulled Consuela aside. “I could use a drink,” he whispered.

“Where?” she murmured.

He led her into the woods. “You’re moving in, right?”

“Nowhere else I’d rather be.” He dragged his fang through his palm and placed his hand at her collarbone before sinking his teeth into her creamy flesh.

She caressed up his sides, leaning back against a tree. “Love you, Declan.

His magic burst across her skin and he whispered against her ear, “Forever, dove.”