The Choice

How did everything get so out of control so quickly? I know I wanted to have fun this summer, but this is no longer fun. But who I choose to hang with this weekend will end up affecting the rest of the summer. I have to make the right choice, and I need your help. Choose wisely, because New Jenna’s new life depends on it.

image1. Nicholas

Pros: He’s unlike any other guy I’ve ever met. He’s so mature and together and confident and sexy. Back home I could never get a guy like him in a million years. He thinks I’m beautiful, which means that when I’m around him, I feel beautiful. Also, I’ve gone further with him in the hookup department than I ever have before, and it’s amazing.

Cons: Yes, sometimes he makes me feel beautiful, but sometimes he also makes me feel childish. Just one amused look can totally flatten me. Also, he was totally cool about not having sex, but what if that changes the longer we’re together?

Heartbreak risk level: Moderate

image2. Kyle

Pros: He’s gorgeous, athletic, grounded, smart, and is into science, like me. It’s incredible to find a guy my age who has dreams and goals and actually goes after them. I can totally be myself around him. He has a lot in common with the real me, which makes being with him very easy but still exciting. Kissing him felt very, very right.

Cons: Because he’s so goal-oriented, he can be all-business. He’s a responsible planner, and I was supposed to let loose this summer and try new things. And there’s always the issue of the mysterious Manette. Is he really over her? Because it seems like she’s not over him.

Heartbreak risk level: High

image3. Sean

Pros: He is so cute, so smart, so funny, and such a good dancer. We spend almost all day, every day together, and I’ve yet to get bored around him. He’s just full of surprises. The running thing, the gentle thing, the dancing thing. Who knows what side he’ll reveal next?

Cons: He’s kind of impatient and way obsessed with doing well in class. Not that I’m not—it’s just that he takes it to the extreme. I’m not sure dating my lab partner fits into the “new me” goal of the summer.

Heartbreak risk level: Moderate


Have you made your decision? I hope so, because it’s down to the wire. Just remember, this is my California Summer of Dreams, so choose well!


If you choose Nicholas,
keep reading.


If you choose Kyle,
turn to
Chapter 10: You Chose Kyle.


If you choose Sean,
turn to Chapter 10: You Chose Sean.