Sutton’s mentor Isobel Wolmby, Aurukun Mission, Cape York Peninsula, holding Thomas Sutton, 1976: photo by Anne Sutton.
Harry Gertz, teacher of Gugu-Badhun language, at Yangkarrdji, Valley of Lagoons Station, Queensland, 1970: photo by Peter Sutton.
Mary Walmbeng and Dorothy Pootchemunka performing moulting ducks maintenance rite, upper Knox River, Cape York Peninsula, 1986: photo by David Martin.
Country being fired by Reggie and Cassidy Uluru, Lake Amadeus, 1999: photo by Peter Sutton.
Cloaks and footwear map, Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia: Second Edition, 2019.
Watercraft in use at the time of European arrival map, Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia: Second Edition, 2019.
Reconstruction of traditional dwelling, Lake Condah, 2020: photo by Peter Sutton.
Tree interior alight without external burn, 2020: photographer’s name withheld.