
Chapter Five: The Lair, Part 2




Feeling pretty impressive with my new gear I head back into the first room with Kala. The door to the next section is open, it is very dark, but I can make out a few rooms to the sides of the hallway. I enter Stealth and peek into the rooms on the left and right sides of the hall. There are some empty shelves and a collapsed cot. I wonder what this place used to be? I see a door at the end of the hallway. When I get within a few feet, the door opens with a swish, dust falling everywhere.

I rest a few minutes to regain my stamina. The next room is a bit smaller than the first, and there are no glowing metal blocks. There is enough of the bioluminescent moss that I can see reasonably well into the room. There is a what looks like a console near the back of the room and recessed into the wall there seem to be twenty square storage units. They are all open and empty, except one.

I enter the room in Stealth and head towards the console. A few feet into the room I notice a huge mud burrow in the corner behind me. I freeze. Shit, what do I do? My stamina will run out soon. I pick up a rock from the floor just in case. I begin moving towards the console again while watching the burrow. My feet trip over each other and I fall to the ground. As I hit the floor, I hear a deep gurgling noise come from the mud house. A colossal Gibling lumbers out of its home. It's twice the size of the other ones I have fought. I quickly use Analyze on it.

Elite Cave Gibling

Level 6

Health: 300 

Stamina: 215

Mental: NA

Race: Humanoid

Disposition: Hatred

Skill 1: Screech

Skill 2: Maul

Loot: Uncommon

Oh damn, level 6? I use Teleportation on the stone in my hand trying for its brain. I see the rock fall beside its head. I pull up the combat log; Elite Cave Gibling resisted the Teleportation attack.

Crap. I fire off a dark bolt at the monster as it turns towards me. The bolt hits its side and knocks off five percent of its health. I follow it up with my new Shockwave skill. I feel energy build in my legs, and then I'm flying through the air and land behind the Gibling. The Shockwave slams it against the wall, and it falls on its stomach, another ten percent health gone. It screams in pain and anger and flips over, and then it uses Maul. I try to jump out of the way, but it hits me three times quickly, the final hit sends me flying across the room, sixty percent of my health gone.

"Hey, tubby! Pick on someone your own size." I hear Kala yell over my moans of pain.

I try to get up but collapse back down in agony. I hear the Gibling scream, and I look over to see it on fire.

"Be careful, Kala," I yell.

I remember the Health Orbs in my backpack. I quickly get one out and crush it in my hand. My health surges back to one-hundred percent. Wow, those things are fantastic. I jump up and fire another dark bolt at the Gibling as it rolls on the ground trying to put the fire out. I activate my Dark Shield as I run up to it and slam it in the head with my staff. Its health is over half gone.

I get an idea and Morph my hand into a sharp point that ends in bone. I yell out in pain, almost passing out as I skewer it through the eye into its brain. Its health disappears instantly.  You have killed Elite Cave Gibling (Lvl 6). You receive 150 experience points.

Congratulations! You have completed the quest:

The Gibling Lair

You have cleared the lair of all Giblings.

Quest Type: Normal

Difficulty: Hard

Rewards: 150 experience

Congratulations! You have increased to level 3. You now have 10 attribute points to disperse.

"Well, that was fun," I say to Kala. I Morph my hand back, a little disgusted by how it looks. Kala is already over by the console examining it.

"No, it's fine, I'm okay. Don't worry about me." I say sarcastically to her. I decide to hold off on distributing my stat points. I stand up and look at the dead Gibling, I kick it and say "Asshole.".  I wave my hand in front of it and loot the corpse.

Gibling Bone Necklace

Rarity: Uncommon

Quality: Primitive

Durability: 40/40

-This necklace will provide the user with Stun immunity and a 10% chance to Stun an opponent with all attacks.

Stun duration: 3 seconds

I also got; 1 Luminous Core, a Hebra pelt, and a Fairy Crown.  Wait, what? I get the tiny crown out of my pack.

"Um, Kala? Are there Fairies on this planet? Look at this crown." A new pop up appears.

New Quest Alert:

The Fairy Crown

You have found the quest item Fairy Crown. The Gibling you slain was carrying this crown. Find the Fairy village and return the crown.

Quest Type: Rare

Difficulty: Very Hard

Rewards: ?????

Do you accept this quest? Y/N

"Awww. Look how cute that crown is. Can I wear it?" Kala asks me.

"Yeah, I'm not sure it would fit your non-existent head." I laugh.

"Whatever! See if I ever kiss you again." She scowls at me. "As I told you when you came to this planet new mobs and beings were populated from the mythology of Earth." She says.

"Well you know, if you want to choose your bonded form to be a fairy you can wear the crown then," I say to her.

"I don't want to be a fairy! And don't joke about my bonded form. It's a huge decision." She continues to scowl at me. I hold my hands up in front of me

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I know it's a big decision. I just want you to be able to join me in the loot and experience." I offer her a smile.

"Oh don't you worry your pretty little head about the loot, I'm taking half of everything you have once I have a new form." She does an evil laugh. I accept the new quest.

I walk over to the Gibling's mud burrow. It's big enough that I can walk into it. It reeks of piss and death and I almost gag. I put my hand to my nose and look around. All I see is a small pouch on the ground near what I think is its bed. I grab it and run out, not able to stand the smell any longer. I open the pouch and dump the contents onto my hand. You have received; 10 Dim Cores, 8 Common Cores, 3 Luminous Cores, and 1 Radiant Core. 

"Wow, that monster has been busy. Look at this Kala." I hold the cores up for her to see.

"Damn. You're buying me everything later. Everything." She says the last part barely above a whisper. I laugh at her, she is ridiculous. "You might be careful with that Radiant Core though. Radiant and above cores can only be obtained from higher beings, like humans and such. If we ever make it to a village, the inhabitants may question where you got that Radiant Core. Although some higher level monsters can have cores that high, it is scarce. Just be cautious, we do not want to be known as murderers."

"Well, alright. Thank you for the info. I'll keep that in mind. Now, let's go check out that console." I say. We both move over and look at the device. It is shaped out of the same glowing metal from the first room. There are no markings or buttons on it. There is a small hole the shape of a cube right in the center. I pull out the key, it is the same size as the hole on the console and made out of the same metal.

I look at Kala "So, what do you think? Should I put it in?" I ask her.

"That's what she said," Kala says and then laughs.

"Dork," I say and smile at her.

"Yeah, go for it. Just be on guard." She replies.

I move the key over the hole and then the key snaps out of my hand and slides into the hole. A screen pops up in front of the console. It's an overlay of the twenty storage units, and all are red images that overlay the open cubicles. There is one green one at the end. I move my finger over it and select it. There is a hissing sound and metal grinding, then the unit opens, and a four foot round glowing metal ball falls out. I jump away and point my staff at it and wait. Nothing happens. I pick up a rock and throw it at the ball. Before the stone can hit a blue energy shield activates and the rock bounces away.

"Wow, what the hell is that thing?" I ask Kala.

"You don't know what that is? It's one of the balls of the Jolly Green Giant. How the fuck would I know what that is." She says to me. Okay, fair point I think to myself.

Congratulations! You have completed the quest:

The Old Ones I

You have used the quest item Key of the Old Ones. Investigate the further to unlock The Old Ones II

Quest Type: Secret, Unique

Difficulty: ????

Rewards: ????, 300 experience

I pause and look over the quest completion window. Damn, that's a lot of experience. I wonder why one of the rewards is still unknown? I dismiss the window and slowly walk up to the metal ball, I reach out to touch it, right before I do a pop up appears.

Do you wish to activate Unit Beta X20? Y/N

"Ugh, I don't like this. What if it's a bomb or something?" I say.

"Jax, come on, it's not a bomb. It's obviously connected to the quest." She tells me.

I guess she has a point. I select yes. The metal ball glows brighter, and then a sound like a very deep trumpet emanates from it. I back away from it, as does Kala. The metal ripples like water and then it forms a body. It stands around six feet tall and looks like a liquid metal man.

"Kicyet Batoler ti Hufte" It says.

"Uh hello?" I reply to it.

"Kicyet Batoler ti Hufte" It says again.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you are saying," I say.

A red light emits from it, and I'm paralyzed. Dammit, not this again.  I feel something searching in my mind, like a child looking for cookies. I reach out and touch the presence in my mind and an image of an ancient world flashes before me. My god, they were so advanced, my mind is barely able to comprehend what I saw. I now know that the red light is a scanner that accesses the language part of the brain to facilitate translation. After a few moments, the red light stops and I feel the thief leave my mind, and I can move again.

"Analysis complete. Language database updated. Greeting Progenitor. I am Unit Beta X20. What is your command?" It asks in a metallic voice.

I'm not sure where it is speaking from because it only has the shape of a head, no face or mouth. I laugh, I am feeling amazed and scared at the same time.

"Uhhh, what are you?" I ask it.

"I am Unit Beta X20." It says. Okay, let's try something else.

"What is your purpose Unit Beta X20?" I ask it.

"My purpose is to follow your commands." It says. Oh man, is this thing messing with me?

I rub my face and sigh.

"What type of jobs are you able to perform?" Kala asks it. It turns towards her and scans her with the red light.

"Greetings, Prototype Unit Resurrection Alpha. Unit Alpha needs to initiate bonded form to best serve it, master. Progenitor, Jax, should Unit Beta X20 override Unit Alpha and choose a form?" It asks in its metal voice.

"What?! You better back off you Terminator looking ass-monkey." Kala yells at it.

I look at Kala with amusement, ass-monkey? That's a new one. "I don't know that reference, Kala. What are you talking?" I ask her. Then I look at the metal man and say "But no, Unit Beta X20 do nothing to Unit Alpha, or I mean Kala, please. And you can call Unit Alpha by her name. It's Kala." I say.

"Ugh, how do I know more about ancient Earth pop culture than you do?" Kala ask?

I ignore her question. "What tasks are you able to perform X20?" I ask it.

"I am a multifunction unit. My current list of skills are Analysis, Melee Combat Function Tier One, Scout, Manual Labor, Cartography, Morph Function Tier One, and Defense Function Tier One. I will be able to unlock new functions as I level up. I am currently in Protocol One Mode. I will be able to learn faster and have more functions in Protocol Two Mode." It says.

"Well damn, you can do all kinds of stuff. What are these protocol modes?" I say raising an eyebrow at Kala.

"Protocol One Mode limits my neural learning pathways from reaching levels of sentience." It says.

"Very interesting. Will you be a danger to Kala, myself or others if you move to Protocol Two Mode?" I ask it.

"Unknown. Only Unit Beta X01 and Unit Beta X06 moved to Protocol Two Mode, and results were erratic. A kill switch must be activated before Protocol Two Mode is initiated. I predict a three percent chance of critical failure. Do you wish to activate Protocol Two Mode?" It asks me without any emotion.

"What do you think, Kala? Personally, I think this thing seems like it could be a huge help to us. I would like to see it able to achieve its true potential." I look at Kala.

"The thing freaks me out. It was just asking to override me. And why did it call me Prototype Unit Resurrection Alpha? What the fuck is that? Did the same beings make us? Ugh, I don't know Jax. I trust you. I will support whatever you choose." She says, her colors swirling complexly.

I stand there and mull it over. "Alright, Unit X20, I want to activate Protocol Two Mode," I say to it.

"Yes, Progenitor Jax. Please place your hand on my chest to initialize." It says. I walk over to it and place my hand on it. The metal ripples and envelops my hand.

"Hey. What the are you doing?" I yell and try to pull back.

"No need for alarm, Progenitor. This is part of the process." It says to me. A pop up appears.

Do you wish to initialize Protocol Two Mode? Y/N

I look at my hand that is submerged into the metal, it feels like it is in ice water. Hesitantly, I select yes.

Warning! Protocol Two Mode is in prototype phase. Results will vary. A kill switch must be activated before proceeding. A unique three word phrase must be input for the kill switch. Kill switch input requires 75 Mind Energy to set pass phrase as well as to initialize self destruct. Do you wish to continue? Y/N 

I select yes. I feel a tug at my mind and then almost a third of my energy drains away.

Unique Core Energy signature of Jax Stone registered.

Input kill switch phrase now:

I enter the three words. The liquid metal removes itself from my hand, and I set back. The metal man ripples and the loud, deep resounding trumpet noise emits from it again. It morphs back into a ball, and the ripples become violent and chaotic. Both Kala and I move back further and look at each other.

"You sure that was a good idea, Jax?" She asks me.

"We'll find out soon I think," I say.

The ripples slow down and then stop. Then it forms back into a man shape. We stare at each other, my knuckles turning white from gripping my staff tightly. The right arm and hand of the metal man form into a wickedly sharp looking sword. All of a sudden it is moving towards me faster than I can track. I don't even have a chance to move or cry out before I hear a slash and a wet sound. I realize that I'm squeezing my eyes shut, waiting for my death to come. I open my eyes and turn to see X20 behind me standing over a dead creature, its head decapitated. I do a quick Analyze and know that it's a Hebra.

"Damn. Where did that thing come from?" I ask.

"Unit Beta X20 seeks forgiveness from, Progenitor Jax. It acted without expressed command. Unit Beta X20 predicted a 93.67% chance of serious injury to, Progenitor Jax, without my help. Do you wish to activate my kill switch now?" Its voice is still metallic sounding, buts also different. There seems to be emotion, it almost sounds sad.

"No, please. It's okay. You were only protecting us. You can put your sword away." I say nervously looking at the blood dripping off of it. I feel something wet and see that I pissed myself a little. "I take it that Protocol Two Mode was successful? And please, call me, Jax." I say adjusting my wet pants. Good thing I'm basically a pants store and can change.

"Yes, Jax, mode upgrade was a success. New neural pathways are currently forming. The input I am receiving is... amazing. Thank you. I now realize I was trapped within my own mind. This freedom confuses me, but do not worry. I will adapt quickly. I am ready to serve... master." The metal ripples like a wave from its head to feet.

"No," I say firmly. "I am not your master. If you have a mind of your own, I release you from any obligations to me. If you are to travel with us, it will be of your own volition. Do you understand X20?" I look at the metal man, and it ripples a few more times.

"Jax, do you think that was wise? We have no idea what this thing is." Kala says to me.

"Kala, how can you say that? Were you not created to serve me? I told you I am not your master. Yet, you still follow me, and I consider us friends. Should we not give X20 the same choices?" I say to her.

She swirls with elaborate patterns and colors, thinking. "You are right, I'm sorry. I just don't want to see you hurt. I care for you." She moves closer to X20 "Thank you for protecting, Jax. Are we good, metal man? You are not going to try and override me are you?" She asks it.

"No, Kala, I will not override your bonding ability. I understand the situation better. I only spoke of that measure because I predicted an eighty-four percent increase in your effectiveness to help Jax in your bonded form. May I suggest that your bonded form take that of a Wrath 7534 War Bot? I believe we can download the schematics from Facility Zero." Its says to Kala.

"Um, yeah I think I'll pass. I don't want to be a warbot. But thanks?" She backs away from it.

New Quest Alert:

The Old Ones II

Unit Beta X20 mentioned Facility Zero. Find this facility. 

Quest Type: Secret, Unique

Difficulty: Cruel

Rewards: ?????

Do you accept this quest? Y/N

Both Kala and I look at the new quest. Cruel difficulty? Yeah, that sounds like a blast. I look at X20.

"So what is it going to be X20? Do you want to come with us? I for one would feel much better with you on our side." I walk up to it and hold my hand out to it. The metal man does not move.

After a moment it speaks "I will accompany Jax and Kala. Thank you for giving me my freedom. I pledge my service to you of my own free will. I will protect Jax and Kala with my life." It still hasn't moved its hand to shake mine. "I understand that Jax is making a gesture towards X20, but I do not possess the necessary information to participate." It says.

I laugh and then sigh, "It's called a handshake X20, you take my hand in yours, and we shake. It is a gesture of friendship."

It moves it's hand and envelops mine in metal and then moves its arm up and down rapidly. "Hey, whoa now. Not so fast, and don't envelop my hand. That is a bit disconcerting." I pull my hand away, shaking off the slight numbness.

"My apologies Jax. Shall we try again?" It says.

"Uh no, I'm good. We can try again later. Let's maybe get out of this place. X20 is there anything else here we can loot or any info we can gain before we leave? What is this place anyway?" I ask it.

"This is Substation twenty-eight. I am detecting loot in the dead creature before me. This facilities power source is no longer functioning, and I am not able to connect to the network."

I walk over and loot the Hebra. Yeah, definitely not related to Zebras. It is about five feet long, looks to be around two-hundred pounds, and is pitch black. It kind of looks like a panther, but its claws are like a dinosaurs, and its head looks like a bird with antennae. It has no eyes that I can see. I wave my hand in front of it and collect its loot, just a pelt, and a common core. I do notice that the pelt's letters are blue. I hold it up "Anyone know why the wording for this pelt is in blue?" I ask.

"That is a Hebra Pelt. My database indicates that it is a rare crafting material. It is an extremely strong leather that has stealth properties." X20 tell me. Huh, well that's cool, this will be my second one.

"Well, if no one objects let's leave and find a nice safe meadow to regroup and talk," I say.

"Yes please," Kala says.

"That is acceptable. Would Jax like me to assume point on Mission Nice Safe Meadow?" I chuckle and look at Kala.

"Lead the way X20". I say. The metal man morphs back into a ball and rolls out the door.