‘Well!’ said Will to the wall,

but the wall said nothing at all to Will.


‘Forsooth!’ The Count of Monte Cristo eyed his cell

with calculation. He’d heard the tapping,

had decided escape was a matter of style

and special attention. No mortar could withstand his stare.

Nothing would love him as much again

as the wall he seduced, that became his door.


When pushed, the wall said ‘Nothing’ to Will

who, shocked, could only manage a ‘Well!’


Kerrunch! Now that’s talking.

A cartoon cat

is a concertina played by a fall

and hitting top C. It’s broom-handle

heart attack, yoiks! and kerpow!

It’s saying: fantasy’s all very well,

you may think you’re an arrow

but a wall’s in the way

and the literal’s stronger, remember.

Splatt! Now.


Once it had started to talk, the wall

couldn’t stop itself. Will listened well.