FIRST, TO YOU. I began this book for you and I’ll end it for you as well.
Infinite thanks to my agent, Rebecca Podos, without whom I would not be half as functional as I am. You inspire me daily and I’m lucky to have you in my corner.
Thanks to my editor, Elizabeth Bewley, as well as Nicole Sclama, Alexandra Primiani, and everyone at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for their passion and faith in Mara’s story. I could not have told her story alone, and I’m glad I didn’t have to. Thank you, Susan Buckheit, for your amazing copyediting skills and discerning eye.
To my inimitable critique partners, Lauren Thoman, Paige Crutcher, Sarah Brown, and Alisha Klapheke. You believe when I don’t and I thank you from the bottom of my queso-loving heart.
To my beta readers, Dahlia Adler, Keiko Furukawa, Becky Albertalli, Tristina Wright, and Ami Allen-Vath, I cannot thank you enough for your time and insight, especially when offering that insight was painful. Thank you for helping me see not only Mara and Hannah and Charlie, but you as well.
Thanks to Court Stevens for listening to me rant while we walked under the trees.
Thanks to Carla Schooler for writing Charlie’s song with me. I could not have fully captured what I wanted her to say and how I wanted her to say it without you.
Thanks to Christa Desir for answering my procedural and legal questions.
Thanks to Lily Anderson, who, when I tweeted “What’s something unique two girls could do together at night?” responded with the perfect answer. Mara and Hannah find a lot of comfort in that abandoned movie theater, thanks to you.
Thanks to my family at Parnassus Books and Stephanie Appell for being a tireless advocate of stories and kids.
To Benjamin and William, my little stars. I hope that one day, you read this book and are angry. I hope that one day, you read this book and are hopeful. I know that one day, you will be men who listen, who champion, and who ask.
And to Craig, thank you for listening, for championing, for asking.