
Our thanks to the individuals and organizations named below extends far beyond the scope of the writing of this book. Mind Over Markets is born out of years of teaching, research, and trading. In one way or another, the following individuals and companies have made a significant contribution to this effort:

Second edition acknowledgment is to Julia Stuart, my partner at J. Dalton Trading, who has worked with me over the past several years as a student, a fellow trader, writer, and editor.

J. Peter Steidlmayer, who pioneered the theories upon which much of our work is based. When I met Pete in 1985, one of the first questions I asked was “If your theories are so good, why share them with anyone else?” Pete's response was not what one would expect from a successful commodity trader. He said, “The market has been good to me. Like Marshall Field's contribution to the city of Chicago was the Field Museum, my contribution to the financial world is a better way to trade.”

Peter Steidlmayer has always encouraged his students to take the information he has provided and make it their own. In less than five years, we have witnessed the birth of new types of quotation software, databases, and all forms of expanded market research. Such is the natural process that follows any significant new discovery. Given the magnitude of the contribution that Peter Steidlmayer has made to the financial markets, this information expansion will likely continue for a long time.

Norman Hovda, who, as a broker in the Soybean Meal pit at the Chicago Board of Trade, observed Pete Steidlmayer as he came into the pit to trade. It was Norman who first introduced me to Pete, and that meeting has since changed the way we look at markets. One of the equations to which you will be introduced in this book is: Market Understanding + (Self-Understanding × Strategy) = Results. Norman's specialty is Self-Understanding. Although he remains a member of both the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Board Options Exchange, his primary focus is consulting businesses, schools, and families on tools for Self-Help. Norman resides in Wilmette, Illinois.

Donald Jones, president of CISCO, a Chicago-based research and database firm, has helped us in countless ways over the years. CISCO was the first database to begin providing the Market Profile and Liquidity Data Bank to the public. In addition to providing the data for many of the illustrations presented in these pages, Don has also taken the time on numerous occasions to share his ideas and analytical research.

Elaine Dalton, for her unwavering support both as a partner in business and partner at home.

Barton J. Hanson, whose literary efforts and market research as Senior Editor of the Profile Report are indirectly woven into portions of this book.

Cletus Dobbs, for his vivid explanation of how the auction process works in the real world—at a livestock sale. Cletus is a rancher in Texas.

Commodity Quote Graphics (CQG), for their quality, ongoing technical support over the years. CQG is also responsible for the majority of the charts and data presented in this book.

CBOT Market Profile®, Market Profile is a registered trademark of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), which holds exclusive copyright to the Market Profile graphics. Nothing herein should be considered as a trading recommendation of the Chicago Board of Trade. The views expressed in this publication are exclusively those of Dalton Capital Management, Inc.

James F. Dalton
Eric T. Jones
Robert B. Dalton