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II. Books by Terence McKenna
McKenna, Terence K. 1993. True Hallucinations: Being an Account of the Author’s Extraordinary Adventures in the Devil’s Paradise . San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.
—–. 1992. The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon, Virtual Reality, UFOs, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, and the End of History. New York: HarperCollins.
—–. 1992. Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge: A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution . New York: Bantam Books.
—–. 1984. True Hallucinations . Talking book version. Mill Valley, CA: Sound Photosynthesis.
III. Books Coauthored by Terence McKenna
Abraham, Ralph H., Terence K. McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake, and Dennis J. McKenna. 2005. The Evolutionary Mind: Trialogues on Science, Spirit & Psychedelics . Revised edition. Rhinebeck, NY: Monkfish Book Publishing. Includes a new preface by Dennis McKenna and new chapters on the evolution of the human mind and skepticism.
—–. 2001. Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness . Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press. Revised edition of Trialogues at the Edge of the West . 1992. Bear and Company.
—–. 1998. The Evolutionary Mind: Trialogues at the Edge of the Unthinkable . Santa Cruz, California: Trialogue Press.
—–. 1992. Trialogues at the Edge of the West: Chaos, Creativity, and the Resacralization of the World . Santa Fe, New Mexico: Bear & Company Publishing, First Edition.
Ely, Timothy C., and Terence K. McKenna. 1992. Synesthesia. New York: Granary Books.
McKenna, Terence K., and Dennis J. McKenna. 1993. The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching. Revised and updated edition. HarperCollins Publishers.
—–. 1975. The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching . New York: Seabury Press.
Oss, O.T. [Terence McKenna], and Oeric, O.N. [Dennis McKenna]. 1976. Psilocybin, Magic Mushroom Grower’s Guide: A Handbook for Psilocybin Enthusiasts. Berkeley: And/Or Press. A revised second edition was published in 1986 by Lux Natura, followed by a 1991 printing from Quick American Publishing.
Venosa, Robert, Ernst Fuchs, H. R. Giger, Mati Klarwein, Terence K. McKenna. 1999. Robert Venosa: Illuminatus . Sydney, Australia: Craftsman House.
IV. Books and Papers by Dennis McKenna (and Coauthors)
McKenna, Dennis J., Kerry Hughes, and Kenneth Jones. Coauthors and editors. 2000. Natural Dietary Supplements Pocket Reference: Pocket Reference Guide to Botanical and Dietary Supplements. Institute for Natural Products Research (INPR).
—–. 2002. Botanical Medicines: The Desk Reference for Major Herbal Supplements . Binghamton, NY: Haworth Herbal Press.
Book Reviews and Popular Articles:
McKenna, Dennis J. 1989. “It’s a Jungle Out There: Biochemical Conflict and Cooperation in the Ecosphere.” Whole Earth Review 64: 40–47.
—–. 1989. “Plant Wisdom Resources.” Whole Earth Review 64: 48–49.
—–. 1990–1991. Review of The Sacred Mushroom Seeker: Essays for R. Gordon Wasson , edited by Thomas J. Reidlinger. Shaman’s Drum, Winter 1990–91 and Whole Earth Review, Spring 1991.
—–. 1991. Review of The Healing Forest: Medicinal and Toxic Plants of the Northwest Amazonia, by R. E. Schultes & R.F. Raffauf, Shaman’s Drum, Spring 1991 and Planta Medica. 57: 509.
—–. 1992. “DMT: Nature’s Ubiquitous Hallucinogen.” Interdependences. Fall 1992.
—–. 1992. “Tryptamine Hallucinogens of the New World: An Ethnopharmacological Survey.” Interdependences Fall 1992.
—–. 1992. Review of Ayahuasca Visions: The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman , by Luis Eduardo Luna and Pablo Amaringo. Shaman’s Drum, Spring 1992.
—–. 1992. Review of PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story, by Alexander T. Shulgin and Ann Shulgin. Gnosis, Spring 1992.
—–. 1995. “Bitter Brews and Other Abominations: The Uses and Abuses of Some Little-Known Hallucinogenic Plants.” Integration, Journal of Mind-moving Plants and Culture 5: 99–104.
—–. 1999. “Ayahuasca: an Ethnopharmacologic History,” in Ayahuasca: Hallucinogens, Consciousness, and the Spirit of Nature, edited by Ralph Metzner. New York: Thunder’s Mouth.
—–. 2000. “An Unusual Experience with Hoasca: A lesson from the Teacher,” in Ayahuasca Reader: Encounters with the Amazon’s Sacred Vine, edited by S.F. White and Luis Eduardo Luna. Santa Fe: Synergetic Press.
—–. 2006. “Mescaline: A Molecular History,” Fate Magazine. January 2006.
Peer-Reviewed Scientific Articles and Reviews:
Anderson BT, BC Labate, M Meyer, KW Tupper, CR Barbosa Paulo, CS Grob, A Dawson, D McKenna. 2012. Editorial: “Statement on Ayahuasca” International Journal of Drug Policy 23: 173–175.
Mishor Z, DJ McKenna, JC Callaway. 2011. “DMT and Human Consciousness,” in Altering Consciousness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Vol. 2: Biological and Psychological Perspectives. Edited by E. Cardeña and M. Winkelman. Praeger Publishers.
McKenna DJ, JM Ruiz, TR Hoye, BR Roth, AP Shoemaker. 2011. “Receptor screening technologies in the evaluation of Amazonian ethnomedicines with potential applications to cognitive deficits.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 134: 475–492.
McKenna, DJ. 2007. “The healing vine: ayahuasca as medicine in the 21 st century,” in Psychedelic Medicine: New Evidence for Hallucinogenic Substances as Treatments, edited by MJ Winkleman and TB Roberts. Praeger Publishers.
Donelson R, G Ostroff, D McKenna, J Slaton. 2006. “Quantitative determination of beta-glucan constituents in Trametes versicolor (L.:Fries) Pilát.” Poster presented at the 47 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, Crystal City, Virginia. August 5–9, 2006.
Callaway JC, CS Grob, DE Nichols, A Shulgin, DJ McKenna. 2006. “A demand for clarity regarding a case report on the ingestion of 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (5MeO-DMT) in an ayahuasca preparation.” Letter to the editor, Journal of Analytical Toxicology 30: 406–407.
McKenna DJ, R Kingston, I Harris. 2006. “Introduction to botanical medicines.” Peer-reviewed online learning module offered by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). URL: .
McKenna, DJ. 2005. “Ayahuasca and human destiny.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 37: 231–234. Special issue of JPD devoted to ayahuasca use in cross-cultural perspective.
McKenna, DJ. 2004. “Clinical investigations of the therapeutic potential of ayahuasca: rationale and regulatory challenges.” Pharmacology and Therapeutics 102: 111–129.
Hughes K, K Jones, DJ McKenna, L Mischley. 2004. “Co-enzyme Q10 and cardiovascular health.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 10: 22–30.
McKenna, DJ. 2003. “Kava in the treatment of anxiety.” Natural Pharmacy 7: 16–17.
McKenna DJ, K Hughes, K Jones. 2002. “Astragalus.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 8: 34–40.
McKenna DJ, K Hughes, K Jones. 2002. “Co-enzyme Q-10: efficacy, safety, and use.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 8: 42–55.
McKenna, DJ, K Hughes, K Jones. 2001. “Efficacy, safety, and use of Ginkgo biloba in clinical and preclinical applications.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 7: 70–86, 88–90.
McKenna DJ, K Hughes, S Humphrey, K Jones. 2001. “Black Cohosh: Efficacy, safety, and use in clinical and preclinical applications.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 7: 93–100.
McKenna DJ, K Hughes, K Jones. 2000. “Green tea monograph.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 6: 61–84.
Lebot V, E Johnston, QY Zheng, D McKern, DJ McKenna. 1999. “Morphological, phytochemical, and genetic variation in Hawaiian cultivars of ’awa (kava, Piper methysticum Piperaceae).” Economic Botany 53: 407–418.
Callaway JC, DJ McKenna, CS Grob, GS Brito, LP Raymon, RE Poland, EN Andrade, EO Andrade, DC Mash. 1999. “Pharmacokinetics of hoasca alkaloids in healthy humans.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 65: 243–256.
McKenna DJ, JC Callaway, CS Grob. 1999. “The scientific investigation of ayahuasca: a review of past and current research.” Heffter Review of Psychedelic Research 1: 65–76.
Callaway JC, and DJ McKenna. 1998. “Neurochemistry of psychedelic drugs.” Chapter 6.6 in Drug Abuse Handbook, edited by Stephen B. Karch. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
Callaway JC, LP Raymon, WL Hearn, DJ McKenna, CS Grob, GS Brito, DC Mash. 1996. “Quantitation of N,N-dimethyltryptamine and harmala alkaloids in human plasma after oral dosing with ayahuasca.” Journal of Analytical Toxicology 20: 492–497.
McKenna, DJ. 1996. “Plant hallucinogens: Springboards for psychotherapeutic drug discovery.” Behavioural Brain Research 73: 109–116.
Grob CS, DJ McKenna, JC Callaway, GS Brito, ES Neves, G Oberlender, OL Saide, E Labigalini, C Tacla, T Miranda, RJ Strassman, KB Boone. 1996. “Human pharmacology of hoasca, a plant hallucinogen used in ritual context in Brazil.” Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease 184: 86–94.
Callaway JC, MM Airaksinen, DJ McKenna, GS Brito, CS Grob. 1994. “Platelet serotonin uptake sites increased in drinkers of ayahuasca.” Psychopharmacology 116: 385–387.
McKenna DJ, LE Luna, GHN Towers. 1995. “Biodynamic constituents in ayahuasca admixture plants: an uninvestigated folk pharmacopoeia,” in Ethnobotany: Evolution of a Discipline, edited by S. von Reis and R. E. Schultes. Portland: Dioscorides Press.
Torres CM, DB Repke, K Chan, DJ Mckenna, A Llagostera, RE Schultes. 1992. “Botanical, chemical, and contextual analysis of archaeological snuff powders from San Pedro de Atacama, Northern Chile.” Current Anthropology 32: 640–649.
Mathis CA, JM Gerdes, JD Enas, JM Whitney, SE Taylor, Y Zhang, DJ McKenna, S Havlik, SJ Peroutka. 1992. “Binding potency of paroxetine analogues for the serotonin uptake complex.” Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 44: 801–805.
McKenna DJ, XM Guan, AT Shulgin. 1991. “3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) analogues exhibit differential effects on synaptosomal release of 3 H -dopamine and 3 H -5-hydroxytryptamine.” Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior 38: 505–512.
Nichols DE, R Oberlender, DJ McKenna. 1991. “Stereochemical aspects of hallucinogenesis.” Chapter 1, pp. 1–39 in Biochemistry and Physiology of Substance Abuse, Vol. III, edited by R. R. Watson. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
McKenna DJ, and SJ Peroutka. 1990. “Serotonin neurotoxins: Focus on MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, “ecstasy”)” in Serotonin Receptor Subtypes: Basic and Clinical Aspects, edited by S. J. Peroutka. New York: Alan R. Liss Publishers.
McKenna DJ, DB Repke, L Lo, SJ Peroutka. 1990. “Differential interactions of indolealkylamines with 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtypes.” Neuropharmacology 29: 193–198.
McKenna DJ, and SJ Peroutka. 1990. “The neurochemistry and neurotoxicity of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, “ecstasy”).” Journal of Neurochemistry 54: 14–22.
Hekmatpanah CR, DJ McKenna, SJ Peroutka. 1989. “Reserpine does not prevent 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity.” Neuroscience Letters 104: 178–182.
McKenna DJ, DB Repke, SJ Peroutka. 1989. “Hallucinogenic indolealkylamines are selective for 5HT 2A binding sites.” Neuroscience Abstracts 15: 485.
McKenna DJ, and SJ Peroutka. 1989. “Differentiation of 5-hydroxytryptamine 2 receptor subtypes using 125 I-R-(-)-2,5,-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine ( 125 I-R-(-)-DOI) and 3 H-ketanserin.” Journal of Neuroscience 9: 3482–3490.
McKenna DJ, AJ Nazarali, AJ Hoffman, DE Nichols, CA Mathis, JM Saavedra. 1989. “Common receptors for hallucinogens in rat brain: a comparative autoradiographic study using 125 I-LSD and 125 I-DOI, a new psychotomimetic radioligand.” Brain Research 476: 45–56.
McKenna DJ, AJ Nazarali, A Himeno, JM Saavedra. 1989. “Chronic treatment with (±)DOI, a psychotomimetic 5HT 2 agonist, downregulates 5HT 2 receptors in rat brain.” Neuropsychopharmacology 2: 81–87.
Nazarali AJ, DJ McKenna, JM Saavedra. 1989. “Autoradiographic localization of 5HT 2 receptors in rat brain using 125 I-DOI, a selective psychotomimetic radioligand.” Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 13: 573–581.
McKenna DJ, CA Mathis, SJ Peroutka. 1988. “Characterization of 125 I-DOI binding sites in rat brain.” Neuroscience Abstracts 14: 247.12.
Himeno A, DJ McKenna, AJ Nazarali, JM Saavedra. 1988. “(±)DOI, a hallucinogenic phenylalkylamine, downregulates 5HT 2 receptors in rat brain.” Neuroscience Abstracts 14: 229.2.
McKenna DJ, and JM Saavedra. 1987. “Autoradiography of LSD and 2,5-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine psychotomimetics demonstrates regional, specific cross-displacement in the rat brain.” European Journal of Pharmacology 142: 313–315.
McKenna DJ, CA Mathis, AT Shulgin, JM Saavedra. 1987. “Hallucinogens bind to common receptors in the rat forebrain: a comparative study using 125 I-LSD and 125 I-DOI, a new psychotomimetic radioligand.” Neuroscience Abstracts 13: 311.14.
McKenna DJ, CA Mathis, AT Shulgin, Sargent Thornton III, JM Saavedra. 1987. “Autoradiographic localization of binding sites for 125 I-(-)DOI, a new psychotomimetic radioligand, in the rat brain.” European Journal of Pharmacology 137: 289–290.
McKenna DJ, LE Luna, GHN Towers. 1986. “Ingredientes biodinamicos en las plantas que se meszclan al ayahausca. Una farmacopea tradicional no investigada.” America Indigena 46: 73–101. (Spanish with English abstract).
McKenna DJ, and GHN Towers. 1985. “On the comparative ethnopharmacology of the malpighiaceous and myristicaceous hallucinogens.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 17: 35–39.
McKenna DJ, and GHN Towers. 1984. “Biochemistry and pharmacology of tryptamine and ß-carboline derivatives: A mini review.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 16: 347–358.
McKenna DJ, GHN Towers, FS Abbott. 1984. “Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in South American hallucinogenic plants: tryptamine and ß-carboline constituents of Ayahuasca.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 10: 195–223.
McKenna DJ, GHN Towers, FS Abbott. 1984. “Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in South American hallucinogenic plants, part II: constituents of orally active myristicaceous hallucinogens.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 12: 179–211.
McKenna DJ, and GHN Towers. 1981. “Ultraviolet-mediated cytotoxic activity of ß-carboline alkaloids.” Phytochemistry 20: 1001–1004.