Dear Reader

Dear Reader;

Just the Wrong Twin is Sonia’s and Nate’s story. Sonia has been part of the Flatiron Five Fitness team from the very beginning of the series, originally as one of the receptionists at the club—she had her first real appearance in Kyle’s book, Just One More Time. In Two Weddings & a Baby, she caught Cassie’s bridal bouquet. She was promoted to a marketing position reporting to Cassie in Just One Second Chance. We met Nate Buchanan in Damon’s book, Just One Night Together, and he joined the F5F as an instructor in the weight room in that book. He was also promoted in Theo’s book, Just One Second Chance, and joined the Wednesday night meetings. In Just One Silver Fox, both Sonia and Nate stepped forward a bit—we met Sonia’s troublemaking twin sister, Katia, and at the Valentine’s Day party, the twins switched places at Katia’s insistence. At the F5F party, Nate thought Sonia was drunk and ensured that she got home safely—he didn’t realize he was with Katia until they got back to Sonia’s place and things went sideways.

At this point, Sonia and Nate’s book is my last planned romance in the Flatiron Five Fitness series. There will be one more novella in the series, which is Annika and Thom’s story and the source of the rumors that people fall in love at F5F. Look for When Annika Met Thom in the spring of 2022.

After that, I’ll be launching a new series set in Harte’s Harbor. You might remember Aidan Hawke, Shannyn’s brother from Just One Fake Date, and his discussion with Tyler about opening his own craft brewery. You might also remember my fictional town of Harte’s Harbor from Shannyn and Tyler’s wedding in Just One More Time. We’re going to Harte’s Harbor as Aidan opens his business. He’s always been the one to fix things for other people and his craft brewery is no different: he’s formed a team with his old buddies, some from high school and some from his military service, and also hopes to give his hometown an economic boost. Too bad Meredith Sinclair, the one woman immune to his charm, is the only obstacle in the path to success. I really enjoy the energy between Aidan and Merry, and hope you’ll join me for their book, Just a Small Town Romance, book one of the Heroes of Harte’s Harbor series, coming in July. I’m determined to have a more organized publication schedule for this series, and you can expect book two of this new series in late 2022. (It’s a holiday romance.) The pre-orders for Aidan’s book are up at some portals, and there’s more information at the end of this book about that.

Since Harte’s Harbor is in the same world as Flatiron Five Fitness, you’ll see some characters making cameo appearances in the new series, so we’ll be able to keep up with everyone. On that note, I’ve added a new page on my website under the Flatiron Five Fitness tab for F5F Babies—I was losing track of them all! There’s also a character list there and a timeline for reading order. There will be new free resources for Heroes of Harte’s Harbor closer to the publication of Aidan’s book—I’ll definitely add a character list and maybe a map of my little coastal town.

Don’t forget that I gather images on Pinterest for inspiration while writing my books: the board for Flatiron Five Fitness is right here and it’s divided by books. (I’m still working on the boards for Heroes of Harte’s Harbor.)

To learn about my new releases and get additional content available only to subscribers, please sign up for my monthly contemporary romance newsletter, Heroes & Happy Endings.

Until next time, I hope you have plenty of good books to read!

All my best,
