During the writing of this book I received encouragement and information, as well as suggested corrections, from a number of people, most prominently the following: I am most grateful to John Allison, Opera; Sir Christopher Bland; Mark Bostridge; I. M. Caws, Bursar, Dragon School; Lady Dunsany; Victoria Humble-White, Dragon School Alumni Officer and Gay Sturt, Dragon School Archivist; O. J. A. Gilmore MS, FRCS; Victoria Gray; Sir Ronald Harwood; Linda Kelly; Eric McGraw, former Director, New Bridge; Oliver Mahoney, Lady Margaret Hall Archivist; Miriam Owen; Allen Packwood, The Sir Winston Churchill Archive Trust and Jonathan Aitken; Kevin Pakenham; Valerie Pakenham; Jim Palma, Weidenfeld & Nicolson Archivist; Georgia Powell; Professor Munro Price; Michael Rudman; Sally (Bentlif ) Sampson; Anna Sander, Balliol College Archivist; Dr. Ruth Scurr; Sister Ann Stafford C.J., The Bar Convent, York; Sir Roy Strong; Lord Waldegrave of North Hill.

I wish to thank Robert Sawyer, of Water Eaton Manor, for his kindness in providing the image of his historic house which confirmed my happy memories.

My first book was published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson sixty years ago. It is a pleasure to thank the latest team with renewed gratitude: Alan Samson, who like my agent Jonathan Lloyd supported this project from the beginning, and Lucinda McNeile, as well as Linda Peskin at home.

Antonia Fraser

Feast of St. Anthony

13 June 2014