Chapter 8
The next morning, right after he woke, Sebastian was on his phone for a half hour. Morgan pretended to be asleep, even as he cursed and tossed the phone down, heading into the bathroom to shower.
She picked up his phone and looked at it before it could lock. She used her phone to carefully photograph the page he had left it on so she could put it back exactly.
She scanned through the apps he had running open. Mostly the usual: email, web browser, and productivity apps. She took another photo of the order of them. She didn’t want to leave anything changed.
She glanced at the bathroom door. The shower was still running.
She looked at the web pages he was browsing. Mostly news outlets. Nothing interesting.
She used her phone to photograph his list of texts. Apparently, he deleted them pretty quickly. He only had a few days’ worth. She also photographed his call log, which was similarly short. She pulled up his email, which included both work and personal. She photographed a couple of screens of the inboxes for each.
One email caught her eye. The sender was “Security.”
She didn’t take the time to read the text of the message; she just photographed it.
She heard the shower shut off. Quickly, she worked her way backward, opening each app in reverse order, so they’d be exactly the way he’d left them. She shut off the phone and put it exactly where he’d dropped it. She pretended to wake when he walked in.
“Hey, babe,” she said. “You headed into the office?”
“Yeah,” he said, putting on his boxers and undershirt. He only kept underwear and casual clothes in the bedroom. His suits, dress shirts, ties, and shoes were in another closet across the hall. “There’s a Christmas party week after next at the office. I’d like to have you there.”
That was exactly what she hadn’t liked when they were just dating, even before she knew all about him. He didn’t ask when he wanted something. He didn’t exactly command, but the way he phrased it, as far as the tone and language, it was the way you spoke to an employee. You told them what you wanted with the expectation they’d do it.
“Of course,” she said. “I love parties.”
With a quick kiss on her forehead, he was gone.