Loud-mouthed neighbours through the floor

Bloody, bloody chattering

Nothing to say and bursting with the saying of it

Spouting, bursting forth,

short-syllabled and chopped, elided, hard clacking, hurried

Challenging and disagreeable

hard braying laughter sometimes


contentious, rising and inimical

Push forward, importance

mouths apart, cheeks blowing, repetitious piffle

Ten thousandth-hand opinion misconceived

burst in with it and interrupt

bear down and overlay that other voice

the whining one

The women never wholly stop

All rise and fall

– the least is loud –

and all unpleasant harsh and God damned apes.


They have nothing to say

they should exchange their meagre informations



Quiet quiet and quiet

are you illiterate, can never think?

sit quiet and think?

Or go to sleep.