Thanks to the magic of electronic publishing, it has become practical to update the classic Robotech novelizations. Many of these changes are simple spelling and grammar corrections while others are minor continuity corrections which were made to more closely match the events of the television episodes. Such continuity updates were made where we felt it could be done without too much disruption to the original prose, and left alone in other instances where we felt the disruption would outweigh the benefit. For those of you curious about the specific changes made, we offer the following list of updates and errata:
• Different spellings of Jonathan Wolff’s last name have been updated to “Wolfe,” which was the spelling Carl Macek settled on in later books.
• The spelling of “Regis” has been updated to “Regess” (feminine of Regent).
• Various changes to weapon references and descriptions to match the animation.
This Page: When the Regess departed for Earth in 2030, Rick’s age has been changed to 41 instead of 35, to closer match television continuity.
This Page: “Past eleven years” changed to “past nine years”
This Page: The mainstay airborne Veritech of the Southern Cross changed to the VF-8 Logan instead of the Alpha Fighter.
This Page: At this time in 2042, Veritech Fighters had been in development for nearly 4 decades, not 3.
This Page: Originally stated that the Invid Sensor Nebulae had first been detected months earlier.
This Page: Marlene originally stated that she’d almost forgotten what Earth looked like, but would not have been old enough to remember.
This Page: Changed “Wolff’s forces” to “the 10th Division”
This Page: Changed the age of the Veritechs from fifteen years to twenty to match TV continuity.
This Page: Originally stated that Invid used Shock Trooper mecha in this battle.
This Page: Changed references to Scouts to Troopers.
This Page: Originally stated that the Invid Invasion began two years after the end of the Second Robotech War, when it was closer to a year.
This Page: The text originally implied that Lunk and Lancer (Metamorphosis p.80) were part of the Southern Cross, though they are too young to have been veterans of previous Robotech wars. Flashbacks in the animated series show their origins to be from the Mars Division.
This Page: Breetai was killed in McKinney’s Sentinels novel Rubicon, before being able to return to Earth to become acquainted with Scott and his group, so his reference to them has been changed to “freedom fighters.”
This Page: In the original text, Wolfe missed out on the SDF-1’s trip to Pluto.
This Page: Haydon IV reference swapped out for Karbarra.
This Page: “Fifteen years” changed to “Twenty years” to match TV continuity.
This Page: Originally stated that the last of the Invid’s enemies were dead. Updated to account for the Regess’ reference to the “Children of the Shadow” at the end of the series.
This Page: Marlene’s last name updated to “Rush” from “Foley.”
This Page: While the novel originally described that the Invid Ariel was genetically derived from the late Marlene, the animated series explicitly made no such connection.
This Page: Originally stated that Rand switched to Cyclone Guardian mode, which doesn’t exist.
This Page: Major Carpenter returns to Earth in a Tokugawa-class vessel, per the TV series, instead of the unique vessel described in the original novels.
This Page: Originally the novel named Shadow technology as “Nichols drives”
This Page: “Neutron bombs” updated to “Neutron-S” missiles, per the animated series.
— list compiled by Jonathan L. Switzer and Steve Yun