A trillion light-years high,
Expanding primordial fireball,
Your Universe is still
Your body
Mingtao, Protoculture: Journey Beyond Mecha
This isn’t gonna be one of those numbers where I find myself in school with no pants on, is it? Rand wondered.
Suddenly Marlene, clothed, was behind him on the Cyc. But he saw that he was back in the Lizard Lounge. Appropriately enough, the dragon showed up. At least the Cyc wasn’t mired in mud; he accelerated away past dueling dinosaurs.
Then he had to dodge some Shock Troopers. I told Scott there were Invid here! “I get the feeling this is some kind of laboratory,” he told Marlene, whose hands pressed him tighter to her. “That the Invid are experimenting with the evolutionary processes of Earth. But why?”
A ridge of rock rose up to send Rand and Marlene head over heels. When he had crawled to her, to cradle her head, she groaned, “You mustn’t fight with Scott.”
Scott? What’s she telling me, here? “The two of us just don’t see eye to eye. I honestly don’t think our lives—any of us—mean a thing to him.”
“Rand … water, please …”
But when he fetched it from a pool, she couldn’t sip. He brought some in his mouth, pressed it to her lips. Then he was kissing her, and her eyes opened.
He laughed and tried to joke. “Um, in some places, that would mean we were engaged.”
But the roar of the dragon filled the cave as it came at them like a bomber, and they were off again on the Cyc. Off to one side was Annie, leering over the flames once more in the Genesis Pit, speaking in the voice of the Regess.
“Look, Human, into the flames of truth and tremble, for it is your doom that you will see there. Even now the final chapter of your people is being written in the great Book of Time.”
Annie wasn’t finished. “Once the Invid were a simple race, content with our own existence. But with our world destroyed, our Flowers stolen, we were changed forever. And once we have conquered the Universe we shall rise, rise—we shall ascend beyond the physical. We shall rule the higher planes of existence, as a race of pure intellect, pure spirit!”
Rand saw again those mindshapes in the flames called up by the possessed Annie. Somehow he saw Reflex Point, and the very dwelling place of the Regess herself, though he could not see her.
She said, “So we have come here, to regenerate, to take Earth from the dying hands of Humanity. From the ashes of your people we shall arise, reborn, like the Phoenix!”
There was a lot more to the dream, and it got even weirder. The dragon snatched Marlene again, and Rand found himself riding to the rescue with his teammates, all of them dressed in combination Wagnerian-R.E. Howard getups, but using mecha. And even Lunk’s truck could fly. Rand noticed that Rook seemed very displeased with him.
Couldn’t I just click my Ruby Slippers three times and call it a night?
Still, it was great to have a team to back him up, great to have friends. He realized that it was still a new thing to him, but he also realized that he had felt a little lonely back there, facing the Leaping Lizard all alone.
Somewhere along the line even the VTs got swords, gleaming silvery ones as big as telephone poles. When that dragon came at bay, the team pureed him.
But when demigoddess Marlene had thanked the warriors for saving her, and they were following the Eagles of Light homeward, after having been assured that a new day was dawning for the Human race, Rand could still hear the voice of the Regess. From the ashes of the Humans, the Invid would rise like a Phoenix.
What happened subsequently seemed dreamlike, but it hurt so much that he decided it wasn’t. The sandstorm had passed and he was being helped back to the cave by Rook, who had come looking for him, and his scalp was matted with blood.
But when he saw the look of concern on her face, Rand reconsidered the possibility that he was still unconscious.
When the team—except for Lancer and Marlene—ran out from the cave demanding answers, Rand found himself slurring, “Listen, a new day is dawning, for the Dragon is slain at last. Shut up and listen! The, the day of oblivion’s come f’r us all. Who th’ hell were we, t’believe we could rule the Earth forever?”
There was a lot of crosstalk and some friction, some of them mad at Rand, others—especially Rook—telling them to lay off. But Rand plowed on, “The Invid have come here from across the Cosmos to regenerate themselves into a new form. They want to rule the physical Universe, and the higher planes of existence, too!”
“Wow! His brain’s been fried!” Annie whispered.
“Naw, Annie,” Rook countered. “The boy just hasn’t woken up.” She gave him a therapeutic slap on the cheek that she tried not to enjoy too much. Rand found himself back in the real world.
He took a few deep breaths and started again. “I know now why the Invid are here. They’re trying to survive by plugging themselves into the Earth’s evolutionary system. Don’t look at me like that; you can’t hardly blame ’em! We’d do it, too, if we faced racial extinction!”
Which we do, he realized.
Scott was close to taking a swing at Rand. “I couldn’t care less whether the Invid survive or go the way of the Zentraedi and the Robotech Masters, just as long as they leave Earth. This is our planet!”
“Well, I wasn’t saying that we—”
“I don’t know what happened to you out there, Rand,” Scott seethed, “but it seems to have knocked your loyalties out of whack.”
“He was lying on a bunch of Flowers of Life,” Rook blurted. “A whole little field of them. And the sandstorm hadn’t bothered them, not even a bit.”
While the others were thinking about that, Rand said, “What about Marlene? Is she all right?”
Rook looked at him for long seconds before she said, “She’s still pretty weak, I’m afraid.”
Rand went down on one knee next to her. Under his gaze, she stirred, wakened, smiled up at him as she had hours and an eternity ago. It had taken a look and a thought, not a kiss, to wake the sleeping damsel.
Well, Fair Milady, I don’t know if you’ll ever realize it, but you and I have just been on quite a spin. And I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
Rook, leaning against the cave wall with her arms crossed, glowered at the two. Maybe Marlene was braindamaged, but that was no excuse to gaze up at a bumpkin like Rand with liquid, lambent eyes. He was nothing but a wasteland Forager!
“Hi,” Rand smiled down gently. And now Scott, too, was scowling. In true military style, he didn’t bother to consider his reasons for being irked at Rand. It was easier than examining his feelings for Marlene.
Rand touched Marlene’s cheek. Her gaze gave him the eerie feeling that she had truly been along on the all-time championship motocross run. Marlene smiled up at him.
A thought crossed Rand’s mind. What was it Rook said he had been lying on?
Eventually, as Scott had fatalistically expected, a patrol of Shock Troopers spotted them. The freedom fighters jumped the Invid right away.
They knew little about the Regess, but they were beginning to suspect something. The simple fact was that the Regess’ attention was often diverted to matters elsewhere in her world-embracing scheme, and offworld as well. Although the whereabouts of her Simulagent and this persistently bothersome group of enemies were high on her priorities list, the Regess had a staggering number of projects and operations to control and guide.
All the freedom fighters knew was that there was still a chance to avoid disaster if the team could act quickly enough. Once more the VTs dodged and fired, barrel-rolled and spat missiles.
This battle took place over a strange landscape. The place looked like a jungle, except it appeared to have been roofed over. A translucent, shell-like pink covering stretched over hundreds of square miles of river valley. The roof, or whatever it was, had numerous irregular openings in it, openings so big that the VTs could fly in and out virtually at will. But so could the Invid.
The Humans were hampered by low Protoculture levels and ordnance supplies; Scott wondered if they would even have enough to get them through this latest mass dogfight. But Lancer was a tough, precise fighter jock, frugal with fuel and ammo when it was necessary, and he and Scott had taught Rand and Rook well. Trooper after Trooper went tumbling, burning, from the air under the weird shell-roof.
Down below, Lunk, Annie, and Marlene were having it a little tougher, as a Trooper noticed them and came swooping down’ at them. “Hey, you fancy fly-boys up there!” Annie squawked over the tac net, “you forgetting your friends here on terra firmal”
Rand broke away from the “ratrace” and, nearly at deck level, went after the Shock Trooper that was on the APC. But suddenly a bunch of trees came at him out of nowhere. I think I zigged when I shoulda zagged, he thought, as retros proved insufficient and the Beta hung up in a treetop.
A disc’s explosion overturned the truck and the Trooper closed in for the kill, as the shocked Lunk, Annie, and Marlene watched. All in an instant, a bolt from a heavy VT cannon holed the enemy through and through, and it toppled.
The three looked up to where Rand’s Beta hung like a fly in web. “Some shot, huh?” he beamed, although he was draped over his instrument panel at an undignified angle.
“Jeepers, what a dopey landing,” marveled Annie.
Above, Scott and the others switched from Protoculture to reserve impulse power, and used their jamming gear and spread clouds of aerosol smokescreen behind them. Then they dived through one of the holes in the river valley’s “roof,” breaking contact. As they had hoped, the Invid went off in all directions, apparently mystified as to where the prey had gone.
The group made its camp and held council. With power and ammo levels so low, Scott unveiled what he considered to be the only workable plan for continuing the trip to Reflex Point.
“A raft?” Rand exclaimed.
Scott sipped from his mug. “There are two things to recommend the idea: We’ll save what little Protoculture we have left, and we won’t attract the Invid by activating our mecha.”
Lancer blew on his coffee. “I think it’s a brilliant idea. We’ll just let the river do all the work.”
Rand looked at the mecha. “You’re talking about one helluva raft, there. D’you know anything about rafts, spaceman?”
Annie started demanding that she be allowed to supervise and that the raft be named in her honor. Rook scolded her and said that this wasn’t some dumb jungle movie where all you need is a couple of vines and a coconut.
Things began to turn into one of the team’s signature free-for-alls. Lancer rose, stretched, and paced away toward the river. “Since I don’t know the first thing about marine engineering, I volunteer for lookout duty.”
“Probably afraid he’ll break a fingernail,” Lunk grunted.
Rand was agreeing, “The guy’s just a lazy bum,” when something heavy tapped his shoulder.
Scott was handing him the ax. “Country boy, it’s time you showed us your stuff. I know this thing’s a little primitive, but at least it works without Protoculture. Just think of a raft as a very large ski.”
Lancer drank in the quiet beauty of the place. He found himself in a very quiet, serene world.
Coming to the shore of a fast-moving stream, he decided the current was too swift for predators and elected to bathe. In a moment, he had stripped, taken soap and personal articles from his belt pouch, and plunged in.
Several miles downstream from the team’s landing spot, another Invid stronghold straddled the river on five asymmetrical legs. It looked like a bulbous insect with a glowing, low-hanging belly.
Inside was a Hive Center like and yet unlike that of the fortress. The Sensor there was identical to the other in its physical shape, but its color was a putrid, lit-from-within green. But in one particular way, this was a very different scene: The Regess had manifested herself.
An oval energy flux surrounded by a blue nimbus, its long axis vertical, hung over the Sensor. The mauve flux gave off solar prominences of light. Within it were swirling lights and within the swirl, barely discernible in the brilliance, was the female form of the Regess.
“Our Matrix is now approaching the bio-energy level needed for transmutation.”
Regess and Sensor were attended by several Shock Troopers. One of these the Regess instructed, “Trooper, step forward!”
The Shock Trooper obeyed, somehow seeming subdued despite its immense size and armaments. The incandescence played across its armor as it stared at its ruler-deity, the Regess.
“You have proved yourself time and again,” she told it, “as both a soldier and a shape-changer. In both these capacities you have helped ensure the survival of our race. Your outstanding achievements won you the honor of engaging the enemy in the Shock Trooper armor that now enfolds your being.”
Her face was little more than a blank mask with shadowed eye sockets and the ridge of a nose. “Now the time has come for you to continue your evolution, to take the next step upward in the spiral of Protogenetic progress! Are you ready?”
The Trooper, watching her with its single optical sensor, made a biotechnic gurgling and a kind of hunching bow of obeisance.
“Very well! As I have spoken, so it shall be done! Prepare yourself for disembodiment and transmutation!” The Regess flung her arms wide, and the green Sensor was aglow. Energy crackled and sizzled through the Hive Center.
Vines of living Protoculture power snaked out from the Sensor to envelope the Trooper. In another moment it seemed to be in a rictus of agony, its superhard armor crumbling from it like plaster, as it stood in the center of a globe of transplendence.
Abruptly the armor was gone, and a pulsating egg hung in the center of the solar fury. “The disembodiment is complete,” the Regess decreed. “You are yourself, unadorned, without identity, awaiting transmutation into the shell that will make you invincible!”
The egg beat like a heart. What it held was like the drone Rand and Annie had seen, and yet unlike it, the product of a long evolutionary progression.
The Regess gathered her indistinct hands to her blank breasts, palm to palm. “Behold the final stage in your evolution! Behold the Enforcer!”