In 1947, numerous sightings of UFOs were reported across the western United States. The most famous occurred in Roswell, New Mexico, where initial news reports claimed a UFO had actually been captured by the U.S. Air Force.
Although the Air Force denied these reports, the following year it began an ongoing investigation to study the possibility of UFOs. Known as Project Blue Book, this investigation lasted for decades and researched thousands of sightings.
When Project Blue Book was officially terminated in 1970, the government maintained that there was no evidence suggesting aliens had visited Earth.
Despite this claim, many UFO experts allege that the government continues to research alien activity to this day. Most believe the research is done at the ultra-top secret Area 51, a military installation located in the Nevada desert.
In fact, the speculation about, and focus on, Area 51 has been so intense, that there has been virtually no notice or public mention of another government facility hidden just across the Nevada border in California.
It is known as . . .Witch Mountain.