There once was a frog
who lived in a bog.
The frog rode around
on a jet-rocket log.
There was no faster
frog in the bog.
But then one day
while riding its log
the frog looked up
and saw a dog.
The dog
was riding
a jet-rocket cog.
‘My cog is faster
than your boggy old log,’
said the dog on a cog
to the frog on a log.
‘My log is faster
than your rusty old cog,’
said the frog on a log
to the dog on a cog.
‘We’ll see about that!’
said the dog on a cog.
‘I challenge you, frog,
to a race round the bog!’
‘I agree!’ said the frog.
‘It’s you and your cog
versus me and my log ...
and I’m going
to beat you,
But just then
along came
the boss
of the bog:
a big fat hairy
slob of a hog.
‘STOP!’ said the hog
to the dog and the frog.
‘Racing is NOT
allowed in my bog!
Not on a log!
Not on a cog!
No log-racing frogs!
No cog-racing dogs!
Do you hear me,
Do you hear me,
But the dog and the frog
just laughed at the hog—
and took off at high speed
around the bog.
The frog on a log
got in front of the dog!
Then the dog on a cog
got in front of the frog!
The frog raced its log
and the dog raced its cog
and around
and around the bog
until ...
up ahead
they saw the hog
standing on top of a
wall made of logs!
‘Stop!’ cried the hog.
‘Stop, dog!
Stop, frog!
Stop this race around my bog!’
‘But we’re going too fast!’
cried the frog on a log.
‘We CANNOT stop!’
cried the dog on a cog.
Into the air flew the dog and the frog.
Into the air flew the log and the cog.
Into the air flew the hog and his logs.
And then
down came the dog
on top of the cog!
Down came the frog
on top of the dog!
And last of all
down came the hog—
right on top of
the frog’s
rocket log!
‘Hey, this is fun!’
said the log-riding hog
as he rode the frog’s log
past the dog and the frog.
‘I’m the fastest hog on a log in the bog!
Try to catch me, dog and frog!
Try to catch me on the cog!’
‘Okay!’ said the frog.
‘It’s you on the log
versus us on the cog,
and we’re going
to beat you,
And so the dog and the frog
on the jet-rocket cog
spent the rest of the day
racing the hog ...
and around
and around the bog.