There was a man
called Harry Black.
Harry Black had a sack.
In his sack he had a snack.
He carried the sack
with the snack on his back.
One day while walking
down a track,
Harry Black met Jack the Yak.
‘Hello, Jack,’ said Harry Black.
‘Hello, Harry Black,’ said Jack.
‘Is that a snack I can
smell in your sack?’
‘Why, yes, it is,’
said Harry Black.
‘I carry a snack
in the sack on my back.’
‘Can I have some, Harry Black?’
said Jack the Yak, who had no snack.
‘No way, Jack,’ said Harry Black.
‘Get your own snack, Jack the Yak!’
‘You’ll be sorry,’
said Jack the Yak.
‘You’ll be sorry, Harry Black!’
But Harry Black
just turned his back
and kept on walking
down the track
until he saw
a big haystack.
‘I think I’ll have a little nap
and rest my sore and aching back,’
said the very tired Harry Black,
as he climbed the haystack
with his sack.
But while Harry Black
enjoyed his nap,
Jack the Yak
snuck into the sack
and ate up all of Harry’s snack.
Then Jack the sleepy,
snack-filled Yak
fell fast asleep
in Harry’s sack.
‘Alas! Alack!’ cried Harry Black
when he woke up—
opened his sack—
and found Jack the Yak
in place of his snack.
‘Alas! Alack! What a setback!
My snack has been stolen
by a snack-stealing yak!’
said the very angry Harry Black.
‘I’m going to give that yak a whack!’
But Jack the Yak
jumped out of the sack
and yelled, ‘Get back,
I’ve got a tack!
And it’s a SHARP one,
Harry Black!’
‘Alas! Alack!’ said Harry Black.
‘I cannot give that yak a whack!
Or he’ll attack me with that tack!’
And then Jack the Yak
with his sharp tack
jumped out of the sack
and fled on horseback.
So ...
if you’re ever walking
down a track
carrying a snack in a sack
on your back
and you meet a snackless yak
called Jack,
don’t hold back:
open your sack
and share your snack—
for Jack the sneaky,
snack-stealing Yak
might just have
a very sharp tack
and you could end up
like poor Harry Black—
alone and hungry
on a haystack
with nothing but
a snackless sack.