There was a man.
His name was Bill.
Bill had a friend.
His name was Phil.
One day Bill and his friend Phil
climbed to the top of a very big hill.
‘I dare you to roll
down the hill,’
said Bill.
‘I will if you will, Bill,’
said Phil.
‘I will if you will, Phil,’
said Bill.
So Bill and Phil
rolled down the hill.
Faster and faster
rolled Phil and Bill.
‘Help!’ said Bill.
‘I’m feeling ill!’
‘Me too,’ said Phil.
‘It’s a VERY big hill!’
But Bill and Phil
kept rolling until
they landed in a puddle of
smelly pig swill!
‘Yuck!’ said Bill.
‘Yuck!’ said Phil.
‘Do you want to do it again?’ said Bill.
‘I will if you will, Bill,’ said Phil.
‘I will if you will, Phil,’ said Bill.
So …
once more they climbed
that very big hill
and rolled back down
into the swill.
And then they did it again …
and again …
and again …
and for all I know
they’re doing it still.