


The blizzard tore at Sofia’s coat as she staggered across the ice. She fixed her eyes on the metal staircase leading up to Outpost Zero, and prayed she would reach it. She didn’t want to end up like the others.

Those stairs were her lifeline. The Outpost was the only place for her to go. Everything else was a swirling frenzy of wind and snow and ice, spinning in never-ending clouds. It howled around her, clawing under her hood, sapping her strength.

Just a bit further. That’s all. A bit further and she would be safe from—

Tick-tack-tick-tack. Tick-tack-tick-tack.

Her thoughts blazed white with terror at the sound.


They were coming for her.

Sofia forced herself onwards, reaching the stairs and grabbing the handrail to drag herself up. At the top, she lunged for the panel on the wall beside the door. She fumbled her gloved fingers under the handle and yanked it open with a violent tug that unbalanced her.

Help me.’ Prof Peters’ last words echoed in her ears as she steadied herself and grabbed the emergency lever. She pulled it hard to one side. With a calm hiss, the Outpost door slid open and she was there. She was home free.

Sofia scrambled to safety and turned to punch the button. She hit it hard, the door immediately beginning to slide shut. As it did so, she backed away, staring at the horror approaching through the blizzard.

The world was lost in the nightmare of swirling ice and howling wind, but there were shapes out there. Dreadful shapes in the storm.

The door took an eternity to close. Sofia willed it to move faster, and when it eventually slid shut, she engaged the lock and her legs gave in. Her knees buckled and she sank to the floor, staring at the door. Outpost Zero was silent except for the muffled sound of the storm raging outside. Sofia tried not to think about what she had seen – about what had happened to the others. Prof Peters, Commander Miller, Dr Asan, Lee, Doc Blair . . . all of them.

But this wasn’t over yet. There was one more thing she had to do.

She drew on her last reserves of strength and pulled herself to her feet. It wasn’t far to Refuge, and that’s where she needed to go. It was essential she upload the video. When the Exodus Project sent a rescue party, the footage might – just might – save someone’s life.