Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations

Abominable Snowman, 141

adaptation, 58

Aesop’s fable, The Crow and the Pitcher, 90–91, 90

affordances, 68, 69

agency, tests of, 241

Age of Empathy, The (de Waal), 134

aggression, redirecting, 181

AIDS epidemic, 161

Alex (parrot), 98–99, 100, 102–5, 109, 110, 113

Allen, Colin, 266

Allie (dolphin), 263

alligators, 94

altruism, 51, 67–68

Alzheimer’s disease, 220

Ambosli National Park, Kenya, 238

American Sign Language, 144

analogy, 74, 75, 83, 319, 320

anatomy, 39

anecdotes, 41–42, 67

Animal Awareness (Griffin), 22, 169

animal cognition, 10, 27, 161, 271

attitudes toward, 266–67

and human cognition, 5, 121, 157,

and language, 100–104, 113–14

research on, 48, 53, 60, 62, 63, 275

animal culture, 151–52, 175

animal psychology, 43–44


naming, 60, 170, 263–64

as “nonhuman models of human behavior,” 27–28

anthropic principle, 22–24

anthropocentrism, 162, 319

anthropodenial, 25, 319

Anthropoid Research Station, Tenerife, 63

anthropoids, 26

anthropomorphism, 24–26, 61, 66, 319

Ape and the Sushi Master, The (de Waal), 258


altruism of, 51, 67–68

American Sign Language taught to, 144

as anthropoids, 26

brains of, 267

cause and effect in, 107

common ancestor of humans and, 161

communication by, 99

compared to human children, 141–46, 145, 151, 152–53, 187, 192

cooperation among, 187–90, 197–98

empathy in, 132

evolution of humans and, 122

in eye-tracking study, 142

hand gestures of, 108–9

human-raised, 152

and imitation, 151–56, 161

intelligence in, 68

intentionality in, 68

interspecies interaction of, 141–42

kissing, 24–25, 24, 26

and mirrors, 49–50

new games invented by, 154–55

new patterns from preexisting knowledge, 68

planning by, 216

responses to death, 106

and self-control, 228

social abilities of, 141, 142

and theory of mind, 146

as thinking beings, 87

tickling, 25

tools fabricated by, 76–87, 77

tool use by, 76, 81, 126–27

Wernicke’s area of the brain in, 109

aphasia, 112

archerfish, 12

Archimedes, 64–65

arctoidea family, 32

Are You as Stupid as a Chimpanzee? (BBC), 127

Aristotle, 249

scala naturae, 12, 13, 22

armadillos, 75

arthropods, 252

Asimov, Isaac, 2

attention, 34, 150

auditory cortex, 11

Ayumu (chimpanzee), 119–20, 120, 121, 127–28, 129, 134, 152, 161

Babb, Stephanie, 211

baboons, social relationships in, 169, 177

Baerends, Gerard, 39, 56

Bailey (dolphin), 263


auditory cortex of, 11

echolocation of, 10, 75

Umwelt of, 9–11

wings of, 74

Beach, Frank, 57

Beck, Benjamin, 14–15, 78, 265

beewolves (digger wasps), 38, 62, 69

behavioral diversity, 51

behavioral evolution, 45

behaviorism, 30–31, 32, 33, 56–58, 238, 271, 319

decline of, 55

and ethology, 36–37, 41, 44

expectation in, 207

operant conditioning, 31, 36, 37, 99

and purposiveness, 207

rewards in, 207, 256, 257

and Skinner, 49, 50, 266

stimulus-response, 42, 154

behaviorists, as psychologists, 39


analogous, 75

inhibitions in, 222–23

innate, 40, 56

naturalistic, 174

purposeful, 213–15, 214

species-typical, 39–40, 60

spontaneous, 37–38

structure of, 39, 175

survival value of, 44

Bekoff, Marc, 266

Beran, Michael, 227–29

Betty (crow), 89–90

Bierens de Haan, Johan, 43–44

Bimba (chimpanzee), 186

BIOL (Bonding- and Identification-based Observational Learning), 155, 259, 319

Biologically prepared learning, see learning, biologically prepared


function vs. mechanism in, 73–74

utilitarian view of, 267

bipedalism, 120–21


brain studies of, 115, 267

food caching by, 98, 217–18, 225

intelligence of, 98–99

memory of, 211

and mirror image, 242, 244

referential signaling by, 108

self-restraint in, 225

theory of mind in, 146–48, 147

toolmaking by, 90

wings of, 75


duplicating behavior, 151

FoxP2 gene in, 109

body language, 131–32

body movements, imitation of, 159

Boesch, Christopher, 191, 192


bipedalism in, 120–21

future planning by, 216

in Hominoid family, 80–81, 120

and language, 110–11

and missing link, 161

problem solving by, 84

purposeful behavior in, 213–15, 214

sexuality of, 218

tool use by, 176

Borie (chimpanzee), 50, 194

Bovet, Dalila, 183

Boysen, Sarah, 228–29

brachiators, 14


and consciousness, 123–24

and future planning, 220–21

interconnectivity in, 123

and mental powers, 160

mirror neurons in, 159

neuron count in, 124, 160

primate expansion of, 176

sizes of, 123–24, 248, 267

brain studies, 114–15, 116, 117, 121, 267

Breuer, Thomas, 81

Brosnan, Sarah, 197, 227

Browning, Robert, 205

Bruck, Jason, 263

Bshary, Redouan, 198–200

Budongo Forest, Uganda, 180

Bugnyar, Thomas, 147–48

Bula (chimpanzee), 186

Burgers’ Zoo, Arnhem:

chimpanzee studies in, 53, 134, 167, 170–71, 175, 188

Great Escape from, 67

Burghardt, Gordon, 26

Bushmen, 79–80

Call, Josep, 54, 216

Callie (dog), 115–17, 116

Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, The, 233–34

camouflage, 250–51

capuchin monkeys:

coalitions formed by, 178–79, 179

conformism in, 253–54

cooperation among, 186, 197

delayed gratification in, 224–25

face recognition in, 70–71, 129

headflagging by, 179–80

lab for, 59

and mirror image, 243

perspective taking by, 135, 138

reciprocity among, 175

and theory of mind, 138

tool use by, 82–86, 85

trial-and-error learning by, 84

Carpenter, Ray, 61

Cartesian view of animals, 4

Cashew (cat), 212


inhibitions in, 222

Köpfchengeben of, 21

and “law of effect,” 20–21, 20

punishment for behavior of, 56–57

cephalopods, 246, 252

cerebellum, 124, 160

Cheney, Dick, 72

Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, China, 32

chest beating, 127

Chester Zoo, UK, 219

Chimpanzee Politics (de Waal), 168–69, 171, 175–76


affordances learned by, 68, 69

alliance formation by, 162, 171–72, 219

altruism of, 67–68

complex cognition of, 43

computer game competitions of, 161–62, 170

conflict resolution in, 184–85, 193, 195

conformism among, 252–57, 258, 259

conspecific approach in research with, 153–54

cooperation among, 187, 188–89, 188, 191, 193–95, 197–98, 200

delayed gratification in, 225

and emotions, 106

empathy in, 133

face recognition in, 18–19, 70, 75, 260–61

floating peanut task, 91–92

food deprivation tested on, 36

generosity of, 256

ghost box test of, 159

grapefruit experiment with, 53–54, 62

grooming of, 155, 257

hand gestures of, 108–9

haptic (touch) discrimination of, 34

HIV-1 resistance in, 161

in Hominoid family, 80–81, 120

insight in, 64, 64, 65

intentional signaling in, 137–38

kissing, 24–25, 24, 171

in lab settings, 142–43, 146

logic sought by, 54–55

memory in, 119–20, 120, 207–10

and mirror test, 48–50

and missing link, 161

perspective taking by, 136, 138–40, 148–49

political strategies of, 68, 172–73

problem solving by, 67–68, 84, 86, 87

reconciliation after fights, 174, 175

reputation of, 195

rivalries in, 162

self-awareness of, 48–50

and sexuality, 218, 221–22

social hierarchies, 168, 219, 221–22

social learning in, 155

social skills of, 165–74, 185, 218

status of, 162

stimulus equivalence in, 182–83

targeted helping by, 134

theory of mind in, 130–31, 146

toolkits of, 79, 87, 217

tool use by, 14, 63–64, 64, 77–80, 77, 81, 82, 84, 127, 257

traveling parties of, 172

trial-and-error learning by, 68

vocalizations by, 172, 180–81

in the wild vs. zoo-bred, 171, 173

Chimpita (chimpanzee), 111–12

“chimpocentrism,” 162

Chomsky, Noam, 99

cichlids, 39, 74

civilization, 151

Clark’s nutcrackers, 12, 69

Clay, Zanna, 214

Clayton, Nicky, 146–47, 211, 217

Clever Hans (horse), 45–48, 46, 53, 60, 109, 141, 144

Clever Hans Effect, 47–48, 109, 111, 141, 319

coalition formation, 167, 171, 178–79, 179

cognition, 319

animal and human, 5, 121, 157, 268

attention and motivation required in, 150

and brain size, 123–24

comparative, 27

complex, 43

embodied, 159–60, 320

evolutionary, see evolutionary cognition

function vs. mechanism in, 73–74, 158

and language, 102

and learning, 69, 271

and perception, 238

of primates, 11–12

pure, 271

representational mental strategy, 86–87

research on, 13, 34, 45–48, 59, 163, 265, 269–70, 272–73

ripple effects of, 69–70, 75–76, 93, 94, 108, 136, 320

social, 156

unitary theory sought in, 158

use of term, 10–11, 69

cognitive ethology, 26–27, 266, 319

cognitive evolution, 12, 21–22, 252

cognitive maps, 206

cognitive ripple rule, see cognition, ripple effects of; ripple effects

Columbia Obstruction Method, 35

common ancestor, 161


geared to audience, 109–10

hand gestures, 108–9, 111

human skills in, 106

innate skills of, 108

interpretation of, 110

language, see language

nonverbal signals in, 106, 112, 131–32

unawareness of, 48

vocalizations, 172, 177, 178, 180–81, 262

comparability, 192

comparative psychology, 27, 28, 56, 58, 61, 271, 320

conditioning, 21

conflict resolution, 184–85, 193, 195

conformism, 252–59

conformist bias, 252, 253, 255, 259, 320

consciousness, 23, 123–24, 206, 228, 229, 233–34

conspecific approach, 152–54, 156, 159, 320

continuity, 124, 126, 221, 269, 274

convergent evolution, 74, 75, 83, 93, 109, 274, 319, 320

cooperation, 176, 186–201, 188

fishing cooperatives, 195–96

between ocean species, 198–200, 198

organization and scale, 196–97

cooperative pulling paradigm, 186–90, 192, 320

Copernicus, 268

cormorants, 226

corvids, 71–72, 92–93, 98, 136, 146–47, 147, 156, 244

courting, 21

coyotes, 75

crab-eating (long-tailed) macaques, 88

Crawford, Meredith, 186, 192

critical anthropomorphism, 26, 320

crocodiles, 94

Crow and the Pitcher, The (Aesop), 90–91, 90


complex cognition of, 43

face recognition in, 71–72

food caching by, 98

tool use by, 89–90, 90, 91, 93, 270, 274

Crystal, Jonathon, 211

Cullen, Esther, 31

cultural learning, 152–53

cultural transmission, 156

cultural variability, 268

culture, 48, 51, 52, 151–52, 153, 175, 253, 268, 320

Curmudgeon (capuchin monkey), 180

cuttlefish, 251–52

Dandy (chimpanzee), 62

Darwin, Charles, 1, 124, 158

on animal emotions, 4, 41, 96, 114

on continuity, 221, 269

and natural selection, 122, 123

Darwin-Wallace Theory, 122–23

death, 106

delayed gratification, 224–29, 320

Dickinson, Anthony, 211

digger wasps, 38, 62, 69

Dijkgraaf, Sven, 10

Diogenes, 125

displacement activity, 37, 226–29, 320

DNA studies, 120, 121

dognition, 114


behaviors of, 30–31, 152

brain studies on, 115–17, 116

domestication of, 114, 149–50, 156

eye contact with, 150

imitation in, 156

and mirror test, 242

punishment for behavior of, 56–57

restraint in, 222

wild, 191

and wolves compared, 149–50, 156


brain size of, 123, 248

communication with, 99, 260

cooperation among, 189, 196

empathy in, 132

imitation in, 156

individual recognition by, 261–63

memory in, 263

self-recognition in, 243–44

shapes of, 75

signature whistles of, 262

targeted helping by, 133–34, 133

uncertainty response in, 230, 232

dual-gender signaling, 252

Dücker, Gerti, 245

ducklings, 32–33

Dunbar, Robin, 176

Eba (macaque), 52

echolocation, 10, 11, 12, 22, 75

ecological niche, 8, 320

Elephant Conservation Center, Thailand, 189


brain size of, 123

complex cognition of, 43

cooperation between, 186, 189–90

embodied cognition in, 159–60

empathy in, 132

future orientation in, 205

listening, 237–40

mirror tests of, 17–18, 157, 235–36, 236

neurons in brain of, 124, 160

politics among, 201–3

self-recognition in, 243

tool use by, 15, 16

trunks of, 15

Umwelt of, 237

Eli (dog), 115–16, 117

Embodied cognition, see cognition, embodied

Emery, Nathan, 147

emotions, 41, 45, 96, 106, 114, 273

empathic perspective taking, 132–40

empathy, 61, 132–33, 176, 275

Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA), 45

episodic memory, 207–12, 229, 320

equivalence learning, 183

Estosha National Park, Namibia, 202

ethnic triumphalism, 127

ethologists, 9, 27, 39, 43, 45


attacks on, 56

and behaviorism, 36–37, 41, 44

cognitive, 26–27, 157, 266

and comparative psychology, 58, 61

defined, 29, 320

and displacement activities, 37

and evolutionary cognition, 55, 60, 271–72

and fixed action patterns, 37

and innate releasers, 37

and instincts, 37

and morphology, 39

and spontaneous behavior, 37–38

study of species-typical characteristics, 37

evolution, 122–29

adaptation in, 58

behavioral, 45

and cognition, 58–59

common ancestor in, 161

continuing, 160–61

convergent, 75, 109, 274

early intimations of, 125

of Hominoids, 87, 122, 160–61

homology vs. analogy in, 74, 75, 83, 274

of language, 109

missing link in, 160–61

myths about, 83

and natural selection, 23, 122–23

and Neo-Creationism, 122

evolutionary cognition, 21–22, 50, 61, 265–75, 320

comparative approach in, 200–201

and ethology, 55, 60, 271–72

learning theory, 271

The Mentality of Apes (Köhler), 65

scope of, 28, 158, 176–77

and time dimension, see time

and variation between species, 53, 200, 270

Evolution of Culture, The (White), 151

exceptionalism, 125–26

extraterrestrial civilizations, search for, 141

face recognition, 70–72

in apes and monkeys, 260, 274

in capuchin monkeys, 70–71, 129

in chimpanzees, 18–19, 70, 75, 260–61

in crows, 71–72

inversion effect in, 70

in sheep, 72

in wasps, 70, 72–73, 75, 274

facial expressions, human, 40

false-belief task, 148

fashion, use of term, 154–55

Figaro (Goffin’s cockatoo), 103

fish, 25

cooperation between, 198–200, 198

discus, 74, 75

and mirror image, 242

shapes of, 75

fission-fusion society, 262

fixed action patterns, 37

Flo (chimpanzee), 170

Foerder, Preston, 16

Fons (chimpanzee), 1

fox, 8

FoxP2 gene, 109

Franje (chimpanzee), 1, 2, 3, 213

Frankfurt, Harry, 223–24

Freud, Sigmund, 151

Frisch, Karl von, 11, 61

frontal lobes, 124

fruit flies, 162

function, 44, 320

interpretation of, 108

vs. mechanism, 73–74, 158

future planning, 212–21, 229

Galileo Galilei, 113

Gallup, Gordon, 48–49, 50, 240, 241, 265

Ganzheitsbetrachtung (holistic contemplation), 19–21, 61

Garcia, John, 57–58, 59, 270

Garcia Effect, 58, 320

Gardner, Allan, 144

Georgia (chimpanzee), 111, 130–31, 154

ghost box test, 159

gibbons, 13–15

as arboreal, 14–15

hands of, 14–15, 14, 157

tool use skills lacked by, 81

Gingrich, Newt, 169

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 125

goldfinches, 89

Goldfinch, The (Tartt), 89

Gombe Stream, 221

Goodall, Jane, 68, 78, 264

In the Shadow of Man, 169–70

goodbye, saying, 2–3


in Hominoid family, 80–81

in mirror test, 240

tool use by, 81–82

goslings, 37, 40

Goualougo Triangle, Republic of Congo, 79

Grande (chimpanzee), 64, 65

Grandin, Temple, 101

greeting, 2, 21, 25, 26

Greg (colleague), 115–16, 117

Griffin (parrot), 104, 225, 226

Griffin, Donald, 28, 104, 265

and cognitive ethology, 26–27, 157, 266

on consciousness, 23

on echolocation, 10, 11, 22

The Question of Animal Awareness, 22, 169

Guapo (capuchin monkey), 180

gulls, 37, 38

Gumert, Michael, 87–88

Hall, Katie, 130–31

Hampton, Robert, 230, 232–33


evolution of, 74

opposable thumbs, 75

of primates, 14–15, 14, 157

Hanlon, Roger, 250, 252

Happy (elephant), 18

Hare, Brian, 138

Harlow, Harry, 35

Harris’s hawks, 191

Hattori, Yuko, 135

Hauser, Marc, 121

headflagging, 179–80

hedgehogs, 75

Heisenberg, Werner, 7, 15

hello, saying, 2

hippocampus, 220–21

HIV-1 virus, 161

Hobbes, Thomas, 168

hominization, 122

Hominoid family, 80–81, 87, 120, 125, 127, 160–61, 241, 243

Homo faber, 78

homology, 74, 75, 83, 117, 221, 274, 321

honey badgers, 88–89

honeybees, 107

waggle dance of, 11

Hopkins, Bill, 137

Hopper, Lydia, 159

Horner, Victoria, 152–53, 156, 252

horses, 189

hostility, redirected, 181

Huffman, Michael, 154

human behavior:

displacement activity, 226–27

evolutionary approach to, 187

human children:

apes compared with, 141–46, 145, 151, 152–53, 187, 192

delayed gratification in, 224, 225–26, 227

empathic perspective taking, 135–36

generosity of, 256

self-awareness of, 242, 243

human cognition, and animal cognition, 5, 121, 157, 268

human exceptionalism, 124–29, 152

anthropocentralism, 162

and continuity, 221

moratorium on, 158–59, 163

scientists’ bias toward, 22, 141, 153, 157, 187–88, 192, 206, 241, 268

human hands, 14

human immunity, 161

human mind, and Wallace’s Problem, 122–23

human soul, 123

Hume, David, 268–69

Hume’s Touchstone, 269, 321

hunger reduction model, 35–36

hunter-gatherers, 274

hunters, teamwork among, 190, 191, 199–200

Hussein, Saddam, 203

hyenas, 186

iceberg metaphor, 125, 128, 132

ichthyosaurs (extinct marine reptiles), 75

IgNobel prize, 261

Imanishi, Kinji, 51, 60, 61, 258, 263–64, 275

imitation, 151–56

of body movements, 159

and conformist bias, 253, 255

conspecific, 152–54, 156

and culture, 151–52, 175

definition, 151

overimitation, 153, 321

redefining, to prove a biased theory, 152–53

selective, 153, 161, 321

survival value of, 255–56

true, 126, 151, 153, 322

without rewards, 154

Imo (macaque), 51–53

Infant Chimpanzee and Human Child (N. Kohts), 96

inferential reasoning, 54–55, 321

information seeking, 231–33, 231

infrasound, 238

inhibitions, 222–23

Inman, Alastair, 232–33

innate, definitions of, 40, 56

innate releasers, 37

In Search of Lost Time (Proust), 209–10, 212

insects, wings of, 74, 75

insight, 64–65, 64, 67, 68, 89, 91, 321

instincts, 37, 271

use of term, 56

intelligence, 321

generalized, 68, 88

and language, 110–11

use of term, 11

intelligence testing, 128

Intelligent Design, 122

intentionality, 68, 78, 222

intentional signaling, 137–38

In the Shadow of Man (Goodall), 169–70

introspection, 44

Itani, Junichiro, 60

Ivory Coast, 83

jackdaws, 8–9, 37, 39, 71, 98

Jakie (chimpanzee), 134

James, William, 226–27

Janik, Vincent, 263

Janmaat, Karline, 210

Japanese primatology, 51, 60–61

jays, 136, 146–47, 147, 211, 217–18

Jigokudani Monkey Park, Japan, 87

joint intentionality, 190–91, 190, 192,

Joni (chimpanzee), 96, 97

Kafka, Franz, Metamorphosis, 7, 13

Kalunde (chimpanzee), 172, 173

Kandula (elephant), 16–17, 16

Kanzi (bonobo), 109, 110–11, 113, 227

Katie (chimpanzee), 154

Kennedy, John F., 56

Khrushchev, Nikita, 56

killjoy account, 51, 321

King, Stephanie, 263

kissing, 24–25, 24, 26, 171

Kitcher, Philip, 223

kittiwakes, 31–32, 270

know-thy-animal rule, 53, 77, 321

Köhler, Wolfgang:

on animal cognition, 63, 64, 271

chimpanzee research of, 63–66, 64, 67, 68, 73, 76, 96, 154

and evolutionary cognition, 65

on future planning, 217

influence of, 113, 265, 271

The Mentality of Apes, 65

Kohts, Alexander Fiodorovich, 95–96

Kohts, Nadia, 95–98, 97, 103, 113, 265

Infant Chimpanzee and Human Child, 96

matching-to-sample research of, 96–97, 260

Kohts, Roody, 96

Koko (gorilla), 105–6, 109

Köpfchengeben (head giving), 21

Kortlandt, Adriaan, 226

Koshima Island, 51–53

Koyama, Nicola, 219

Krom (chimpanzee), 134

Kuif (chimpanzee), 3

Kummer, Hans, 59, 60, 169, 175, 265

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 96


acquisition of, 99–102

and animal cognition, 100–104, 113–14

body language, 131–32

capacities underlying, 107–8

capacity for, 112–13

evolution of, 109

flexibility of, 106

and intelligence, 110–11

labeling of objects, 99

local dialects, 258

and memory, 212

and referential signaling, 107

roles of, 107–8

survival value of, 107

and theory of mind, 131–32

in thinking process, 101

Language Research Center, Atlanta, 227

laughter, 25

“law of effect,” 20–21, 20

Leah (gorilla), 81–82

Leakey, Louis, 78, 127


associative, 27, 200, 255, 266

BIOL, 155, 259

biologically prepared, 58, 113, 271, 319, 320

and cognition, 69, 271

equivalence, 183

evolutionary forces in, 59

inborn specializations, 32–33

role of, 69

social, 155, 256, 258

social traditions, 51–53, 77, 78–79

species-appropriate, 32

as tool, 69

trial-and-error, 21, 31, 66, 68, 84

vocal, 109

learning mechanism, 151

learning theory, 57–58, 271

Leavens, David, 137

Lehrman, Daniel, 55–56

Lethmate, Jürgen, 245

Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, 195

Linguistic Society of Paris, 109

Linnaeus, Carl, Systema Natura, 126

lions, 191

Lisala (bonobo), 213–15, 214, 217, 232

Living Links, 161

Liza (chimpanzee), 91–92

Loch Ness Monster, 141

Locke, John, 158

logic, 54–55

Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary, 213

Lolita (chimpanzee), 148–49

long-range future orientation, 205

Lorenz, Konrad, 6, 44, 275

and behavioral evolution, 40

and ethology, 38

on Ganzheitsbetrachtung, 19–20, 21, 61

jackdaws studied by, 37, 71, 259

Nobel Prize to, 61

as public lecturer, 38–39

Roah (raven) communicating with, 259–60, 263

waterfowl studies of, 27, 28, 37, 39, 40

Lovitz, Jon, 126

Lysenko, Trofim, 95–96

Maasai, 238–39


conformism in, 256

hands of, 14

imitation by, 154

lab for, 59

memory task for, 230–31, 231

and perspective taking, 138

social relationships of, 177, 181

sweet potato washing by, 51–53, 52

tool use by, 87–88

macaw, 97, 97

Machiavelli, Niccolò, The Prince, 168, 176, 200

Madame Bee (chimpanzee), 68

magic well, 11, 13, 22, 106, 250, 321

magpies, 244

Malcolm, Norman, 101

male superiority, 127

Mama (chimpanzee), 67, 68, 165, 166, 184–85

Man the Toolmaker (Oakley), 76

Marino, Lori, 243

Marks, Jonathan, 268

marmosets, brain studies of, 115

Martin, Chris, 161–62

Martin-Ordas, Gema, 208–9

Marzluff, John, 71–72

Mason, William, 87

Massen, Jorg, 200–201

matching-to-sample paradigm, 321, see also matching-to-sample (MTS) research

matching-to-sample (MTS) research, 19, 96–97, 260

mates, search for, 32

Mather, Jennifer, 249

Matsuzawa, Tetsuro, 80, 128, 259

Mayr, Ernst, 4

McComb, Karen, 238

mechanism vs. function, 73–74


autobiographical, 209–10

of birds, 211

of chimpanzees, 119–20, 120, 121, 207–10

and cognitive research, 163

of dolphins, 263

episodic, 207–12, 229

and human amnesics, 233

and language, 212

of monkeys, 205, 229, 230–31

of orangutans, 209

of rats, 163, 211

Mentality of Apes, The (Köhler), 65

mental time travel, 221, 321

Menzel, Charles, 138–40, 227

Menzel, Emil, 66–67, 138, 267

chimpanzee studies of, 67, 68, 169, 188

influence of, 147, 169, 265

and Theory of Mind, 131

metacognition, 229–34, 321

and consciousness, 229, 233–34

information seeking, 231–33, 231

and uncertainty response, 230–31, 231

Metamorphosis (Kafka), 7, 13

Mike (chimpanzee), 170

mindreading, 132, 135

miracles, 43

mirror-anesthesia hypothesis, 53

mirror mark test, 321, see also mirror tests, and elephants; mirror tests, in gorillas; mirror tests, and monkeys; mirror tests, visual mark test

mirror neurons, 159

mirror tests:

and birds, 242, 244

and chimpanzees, 48–50

and dogs, 242

and elephants, 17–18, 157, 235–36, 236

in gorillas, 240

and monkeys, 242, 243

and self-awareness, 240–42

visual mark test, 235–36, 236, 243–44

missing link, 160–61

Mito, Satsue, 51–52

modification, gradual, 43

mole, star-nosed, 8

mollusks, 245–52


communication by, 107–8

confirmism in, 256

cooperation in, 186

imitation in, 156

memory of, 205, 229, 230–31

neotropical, 83

and self-awareness, 240–41, 242

Moore, Bruce, 21

Morgan, Lloyd, 42

Morgan’s Canon, 42–43, 55, 321

morphology, 39

Morrell, Virginia, 128

Morris, Desmond, 222–23

The Naked Ape, 38

Morris Water Maze, 35

motivation, 34, 150

Mount Parnassus, 22

Mulcahy, Nicholas, 216

mutualism, 198–99

Nagel, Thomas, 9–11

Naked Ape, The (Morris), 38

Natasha (chimpanzee), 208

Natua (dolphin), 230

natural selection, 23, 122–23

nature-nurture dilemma, 150

Neanderthals, 127

Neisser, Ulric, 238

nematode worms, 162

Neo-Creationism, 122

neophobia, 254

neurogeography, 115

neuroscience, 268, 273–74

Ngamba Island, Uganda, 152

Nim Chimpsky (chimpanzee), 99–100

Nishida, Toshisada, 171–73, 200

Nose (rhesus monkey), 257–58

nursing, mammalian, 74, 75

Oakley, Kenneth, Man the Toolmaker, 76

object permanence, 98, 321

Occam’s razor, 43

O’Connell, Caitlin, 202

octopuses, 246–52, 246

brain of, 248

camouflage in, 250–51

life cycle of, 249

mimicry in, 251

recognition test, 247–48

tool use by, 94

uniqueness of, 249

World Cup predictions by, 105

operant conditioning, 31, 36, 37, 99

opossums, opposable thumbs of, 75


as escape artists, 81

floating peanut task, 92

future planning by, 216, 219–20

in Hominoid family, 80–81

memory in, 209

problem solving by, 84

tool use by, 81

orcas, brain size of, 248

os intermaxillare, 125, 126

Osnabrück Zoo, Germany, 245

Osvath, Mathias, 215

otter, Asian small-clawed, 32

overimitation, see imitation, overimitation

“overlord” position, 178–79, 179

oxytocin, 150

Palin, Sarah, 162

pandas, giant, 32

pangolins, 75

Panzee (chimpanzee), 138–39, 228

Parr, Lisa, 18–19


cooperation among, 186

counting abilities of, 103–4

delayed gratification in, 225

imitation in, 156

language in, 98–99, 100–105

toolmaking by, 103

Peony (chimpanzee), 143

Pepperberg, Irene, 98–99, 100, 103–4, 105, 113

Pepsi (elephant), 235, 243

perception, 238

percussive stone technology, 83

Perdue, Bonnie, 32

Perry, Susan, 178, 180, 253

perspective taking, 132–56, 321, 322

in birds, 147–48, 147

in chimpanzees, 136, 138–40, 148–49

false-belief task, 148

and self-identity, 241

tie to bodies, 159

Pfungst, Oskar, 46–48, 53, 144

phylogeny, 28

Piaget, Jean, 102

Piak Nam Yai Island, 87–88


behavioral training of, 66, 73, 244

and brain size, 267

extrapolation of test results to other species, 53, 73

and memory, 163, 233

and Skinner, 37, 49, 50, 59, 266

Planet Earth, 22–23

planning, 1, 2, 3, 26

Plato, 125

Plooij, Frans, 221

Plotnik, Joshua, 17, 18, 189, 235

politics, 68, 172–73, 201–3

Polynesia (African gray parrot), 100

porcupines, 75

power, drive for, 168–69, 172, 200

prefrontal cortex, 160

Premack, Ann, 54

Premack, David, 54, 121, 153

Primate Research Institute (PRI), Kyoto University, 119


brain expansion of, 176

chest beating by, 127

cognition of, 11–12

hands of, 14

imitation without rewards for, 154

intelligence of, 88

matrilineal order in, 177–78

as neophobic, 254

opposable thumbs of, 75

Prince, The (Machiavelli), 168, 176, 200

Prior, Helmut, 244

problem solving, 65–66, 67–68, 84, 86, 87

proof-in-the-pudding experiment, 192–93, 194

Proust, Marcel, In Search of Lost Time, 209–10, 212

Pulpo Paul (octopus), 105

purposiveness, 206–7

Pushinka (dog), 56

Pygmalion effect, 321, see also Pygmalion, Pygmalion leading

Pygmalion, Pygmalion leading, 144

rabbits, 31

Raby, Caroline, 217

raccoons, 37

racism, 123

rats, 53, 57, 266

brains of, 220–21

domesticating, 55

learning experiment on, 56–58, 270

memory in, 163, 211

in Morris Water Maze, 35

uncertainty response of, 230

ravens, 147–48, 183–84, 200–201, 259–60

Reagan, Ronald, 112

reciprocity, 175, 186

reconciliation, 26, 174, 175

referential signaling, 107–8

Reinette (chimpanzee), 130–31

reinforcement, 31

Reiss, Diana, 16, 243

representational mental strategy, 86–87


alternative theories in, 266

on ape-child comparisons, 141–46, 145, 151, 152–53, 187, 192

cherry-picking the data in, 153

in cognition, 13, 34, 45–48, 59, 163, 265, 269–70, 272–73

conspecific approach in, 152, 153–54, 156

controlled experiments, 174

critical distance maintained in, 61

ethics in, 36

expectations in, 157

fieldwork alone, 173–74, 180, 254

fieldwork and captive combined, 174–75

generalizability of, 163

human-controlled vs. natural behavior in, 36–37

hunger reduction model, 35–36

impossibility of proving a negative, 140–41, 143, 157–58

keeping in the background, 156

matching to sample (MTS), 19, 96–97, 260

methodology in, 129, 143, 152, 192, 219

pair-wise testing, 192

proof-in-the-pudding experiment, 192–93, 194

in psychology lab, 142

quality of life issues in, 59

species-appropriate, 15, 17, 18, 37, 50, 60, 269

testing under duress, 35

on theory of mind, 146–47

variation in outcome in, 129

on wild and semiwild creatures, 114, 254

respect, 35

rewards, 207, 256, 257

rhesus monkeys:

conformism in, 256, 257–58

haptic (touch) discrimination of, 34

and mirror tests, 242

social relationships of, 183

Rico (border collie), 48

Rio (sea lion), 183

ripple effects, 69–70, 75–76, 93, 94, 108, 136, 320

Rita (chimpanzee), 194

Roah (raven), 259–60, 263

Roberta (capuchin monkey), 86

Romanes, George, 41

rooks, 176, 186

Rowena (ape), 49–50

Sacks, Oliver, 112

Sadie (chimpanzee), 54

saltationist view, 43

Santino (chimpanzee), 215

Sanz, Crickette, 79

Saturday Night Live, 126

Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue, 110–11

scala naturae, 12, 13, 22, 157, 321

Schaik, Carel van, 220

Schusterman, Ronald, 181–82


arrogance of, 50–53, 66, 127

bias toward human exceptionalism, 22, 141, 153, 157, 187–88, 192, 206, 241, 268

crossover scholars, 58–59

resentments among, 73

rivalries among, 92

semantics as distraction to, 55

skepticism of, 3–4, 5–6, 41, 43, 55, 76–77, 103, 109, 265–66

slayers, 266–67

sea lions, 183

SEALs, 116

sea otters, 88

selective imitation, see imitation, selective

self-awareness, 48–50, 240–43, 321–22

self-control, 226–29

self-fulfilling prophecy, 144, 146

self-recognition, 11, 243–44

Sheba (chimpanzee), 228–29

Sheehan, Michael, 73

sheep, face recognition in, 72

Sherman (chimpanzee), 228

Shettleworth, Sara, 58–59, 232, 265

siamangs, 177

signature whistles, 322, see also dolphins, signature whistles of; dolphins, individual recognition by

Skinner, B. F., 27, 36, 37, 49, 50, 59

Skinner box, 35, 117, 266

Skinnerian behaviorism, 66

Slocombe, Katie, 180

Smith, Adam, 132

Smith, David, 230

snow monkeys, 87

social brain hypothesis, 176, 322

social hierarchies, 167–77, 181, 183–84, 219, 221–22

social learning, 155, 256, 258

social networks, 176

social perceptions, research on, 68

social problem, solution to, 67

social skills, 165–74, 185, 218

“allegiance fickleness,” 173

coalition formation, 167, 171, 178–79

conformism, 256

deal making, 171–72, 175

reciprocity, 175, 186

research topics in, 176

triadic awareness, 171, 175, 177–85

Sociobiology (Wilson), 187

Socko (chimpanzee), 146, 207–8

species, variation between, 53, 200, 270

spiders, 252

spoon test, 213

squirrels, 12, 216

Stalin, Joseph, 95

status reversals, 202

Steward (chimpanzee), 213

sticklebacks, 29–30, 38

stimulus equivalence, 181–83

stimulus-response, 42, 154

Stoffel (honey badger), 89

stress, as testing tool, 35

Stuttard, Susan, 21

subjectivism, 44

submission, 202

Suchak, Malini, 193

Sultan (chimpanzee), 63–64, 65, 68, 76

Suma (orangutan), 245, 245

sushi masters, 258–59

swallows, barn, 23

sweet potato washing, 51–53, 52

Systema Natura (Linnaeus), 126

Taï National Park, Ivory Coast, 191, 210

targeted helping, 133–34, 133, 241, 322

Tartt, Donna, The Goldfinch, 89

Taylor, Alex, 93

teamwork, 190–91

Terrace, Herbert, 99, 109

theory of mind, 126, 130–32, 134, 138, 146–48, 322

theriomorphic, 39

Think Elephants International, 18, 235


abstract thought, 5

before acting, 84

and language, 101

use of term, 65

Thorndike, Edward, 20, 21

thumb, opposable, 14

Tibbetts, Elizabeth, 73

tick, eyeless, 7–8

tickling, 25

Tietê Ecological Park, Brazil, 82

tigers, Tasmanian, 75

time, 205–34

delayed gratification, 224–26, 229

and displacement activities, 226–29

and expectation, 207

and future planning, 212–21, 229

and intentionality, 222

long-range future orientation, 205

and memory, 205, 207–12, 229

and metacognition, 229–33

Timmermans, Paul, 33

Tinbergen, Niko, 39, 56, 61–62

on animal cognition, 62

and ethology, 29–30, 38, 40–41, 43–44

Four Whys of, 44

Tinklepaugh, Otto, 207

Tolman, Edward, 206–7, 230, 232, 265

Tomasello, Michael, 187, 192

toolkits, 78–79, 87, 217

tool use:

by alligators, 94

by apes, 76, 81, 126–27

of body appendages, 88, 94

in captive species, 176

by capuchin monkeys, 82–86, 85

by chimpanzees, 14, 63–64, 64, 77–80, 77, 81, 82, 84, 127, 257

by crocodiles, 94

by crows, 89–90, 90, 91, 93, 270, 274

definition of, 78

by elephants, 15, 16

and fabrication, 76–87, 77

by gorillas, 81–82

hunting weapons, 80

by macaques, 87–88

by an octopus, 94

by orangutans, 81

by sea otters, 88

triadic awareness, 171, 175, 177–85, 322

trial-and-error learning, 21, 31, 66, 68, 84

triok, long-fingered, 75

true imitation, see imitation, true

Tulving, Endel, 211, 213, 215, 217, 233

Twain, Mark, 13

Uexküll, Jakob von, 7–9, 13, 28, 275

ultrasound, 10

Umwelt (worldview), 7–13, 15, 61, 237, 267, 271, 322

uncertainty response, 230–31, 231

unconditioned responses, 21

uniqueness claims, 126, 128, 158, 192

utilitarianism, 122, 267

van de Waal, Erica, 254–55

vervet monkeys, 107, 255

Visalberghi, Elisabetta, 84–85, 86

visual perspective taking, 138

vocal learning, 109

waggle dance, 11

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 122–23, 268

Wallace’s Problem, 122–23

Washoe (chimpanzee), 105, 109, 113


brains of, 73

face recognition in, 70, 72–73, 75, 274

Weaver, Ann, 261

Wernicke’s area of the brain, 109


brain size of, 123, 248

cooperation among, 190–91, 190, 196

echolocation of, 75

lobtail technique of, 254

Wheeler, William Morton, 37

White, Leslie, The Evolution of Culture, 151

Whiten, Andrew, 152, 153, 254–55

wildebeest, 223

will, and self-control, 226–27

Williams, Robin, 105

Wilson, E. O., 13

Sociobiology, 187

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 9


compared with dogs, 149–50, 156

conspecific research with, 152, 156

human-raised, 150

imitation in, 156

teamwork among, 191

Yamakoshi, Gen, 77

Yerkes, Robert, 65–66, 96, 111–12, 113, 143, 185, 265

Yerkes Field Station, 148, 189, 193

Yerkes Primate Center, 36, 137–38, 185–86, 213

Yeroen (chimpanzee), 165–67, 170, 172

zebra fish, 162

Zuberbühler, Klaus, 180