MORTAL perfection is achievable only through bodily perfections and therefore the development of physique to high levels of strength and beauty, under control of the mind. This is the first requisite of human achievement Also the maintenance of a superior standard of physical fitness is increasingly necessary to the maintenance of life and liberty in any complex civilization. It is supremely so in times of social strife. Therefore, the discovery and use of the most efficient programs of physical improvement are now vital to the very preservation of the race.

In my judgment, Contrology is an ideal system to transform the body into a perfect instrument of the will. It is kinesiologically proper, physiologically sound, psychologically correct. I have personal knowledge of its success in effecting astonishing results, not only for normal adults but also for those suffering from supposedly incurable physical defects and organic deficiencies.

For twenty years 1 have studied professionally the leading systems of body development proposed and used in schools, colleges, private gymnasia, and other institutions, and have no hesitation in saying that the Pilates system is not merely 20 or 50 or 80 per cent more efficient, but must be several times as effective as any practicable combination of other systems.

To appreciate the truth of this statement the reader must himself have experimented with other systems, and then must have actually used Contrology. For it develops not only the muscles of the body, suppleness of the limbs, and functioning of vital organs and endocrine glands; it also clarifies the mind and develops the will.

So it is with great pleasure that I endorse Joseph H. Pilates' work, and hope it will spread throughout our country, bringing increased physical fitness to all.


Frederick Rand Rogers
North American Physical Fitness Institute