by Judd Robbins and Lin Van-Heuit Robbins
Certified Trainers in The Matwork Developed by Joseph and Clara Pilates
This new printing of Joseph Pilates’ original 1934 and 1945 works retains the original photographs and step-by-step poses and accompanying instructions. While some of the latest research in the fitness world might suggest caution when performing some of these poses and exercises, the overall program of exercises developed at the turn of the 20th Century remains astoundingly effective and beneficial for fitness enthusiasts in the 21st Century.
As with all exercise programs, you should consult your doctor before commencing to follow any or all of the exercises and poses presented in this book. The overall impact of Joseph Pilates’ exercises can be extraordinarily beneficial to anyone suffering from a variety of physical weaknesses. However, the exercises are most effective when presented to beginners by a trainer who has studied the matwork instructions as well as the fundamental physiological and biomechanical aspects of the body so analytically coordinated into the exercises by Joseph Pilates.
Joseph Pilates preached the benefits of a perfect balance of body and mind. He coupled his own gymnastics and martial arts background with a keen analytical approach to body mechanics, posture, and correct breathing. When we began to experience his recommendations for exercises, postural modifications, and breathing mechanisms, we truly began to feel like converts. Both of us are certified by the PhysicalMind Institute in the matwork that was originally developed by Joseph and Clara Pilates. We’ve read and used the principles offered in many fitness books, from yoga to stretching to strength training. Joseph Pilates created a truly effective combination of strengthening and stretching that can work well for virtually every body. With the right instruction and guidance, some or all of Pilates’ recommendations can demonstrably improve anybody’s health and fitness levels.