
8. The Spine Stretch


INSTRUCTIONS for “The Spine Stretch”

Pose 1

(a)  Take position illustrated


(b)  Spread legs as wide apart as possible


(c)  "Draw" toes (pointed) upward and backward

Pose 2

(a)  Rest palms flat on mat or floor, then with


(b)  Outstretched arms, palms flat on mat or floor


(c)  Chin touching chest


(d)  Begin reaching forward with three (3) successive "sliding" motion-stretching movements as far forward as possible until you assume position as illustrated in Poses 3 and 4


Repeat the foregoing exercise three (3) times, trying with each repetition to reach farther and farther forward as indicated.


Pose 4 - Continue EXHALING SLOWLY, abdomen "drawn" in, chin pressed firmly against chest.