Pose 1 |
Take position illustrated |
and |
Pose 2 |
Pose 3 |
(b) Head raised upward and backward as far as possible |
(c) Chest raised high from mat or floor |
(d) Raise arms upward and sideward in line with locked shoulders |
(e) Turn palms upward (right to left) |
(f) Legs (close together) stretched and raised off mat or floor |
(g) Toes (pointed) forward and downward (knees locked) |
(h) Body rigid |
(i) Back locked |
Pose 4 |
(a) EXHALE SLOWLY as you "rock" forward |
(b) INHALE SLOWLY as you "rock" upward |
Repeat the foregoing "rocking" exercise six (6) times.
Pose 3 - Keep back locked, legs off mat or floor, head back, arms rigid, shoulders locked.