DAILY, from sunrise to sunset, the radio, newspapers and magazines broadcast to the world how to maintain health, how to regain health - what to eat, what to drink, and even about what to think.
The conflicting information, expressive of the different opinions of these various health authorities, has proved to be nothing less than "confusion worse confounded" to the millions of radio listeners, readers of newspapers and magazines, who are so unfortunate as to hear or read the diametrically opposed viewpoints of our so-called guardians of our health, since it is rather the exception than the rule, that these instructions are in agreement in their ideas and methods.
To one who has devoted the major portion of his life to the scientific study of the body and practical application of nature's laws of life as pertaining to the natural development of coordinated physical and mental (normal) health and the prevention, rather than the cure of disease, the misinformation he has so often listened to on the air or read, borders closely on the criminal. Why? Because the acceptance of the theories so advanced, not only results in the squandering of untold millions of dollars, but, what is more serious, results in actually shortening, instead of lengthening, the lives of uncounted millions who fall for this bunk.
How many hundreds of thousands die prematurely between the age range of 35 and 59 years, who should rightfully live from 20 to 40 years longer if they but understood and applied the natural laws of life to normal living? Daily we hear the cry for more hospitals, more sanitariums, more homes for the crippled, more lunatic asylums, more reformatories and more prisons!
Who is responsible for this sad, abominable condition?
Our so-called health authorities, whose remarks are accepted as law; our so-called scientists, whose statements are religiously accepted - they primarily are to blame because they fail in their mission to civilization! In the practical universal world, ignorance of the little-understood and much less practiced natural laws of life as applied to normal living, lies the cause for the condition referred to, and I blame those in control of our health systems, for not correcting the evil.
Figures may or may not lie, but the statistics compiled by the United States Army, Navy and Marine Service in the World War, point the way to truth and warn us what health paths to choose and what by-paths to ill-health we should avoid. The record speaks for itself!
How much longer shall this grave situation continue?
Is not this vital question worthy of the closest attention? Should we not have a most vigorous' support of at least a select group of men adequately clothed with the proper official authority and imbued with the necessary inherent idealism to initiate a campaign for the purpose of devoting only a comparatively few hours to an impartial investigation of the merits of my claims herein set forth, even in the face of pessimists' predictions of their failure?
I have proved my case hundreds of times to my pupils and patients, but those who hate to see the old order cast aside, refuse to acknowledge the benefits of my system. That's why I've written this booklet, so that all who are interested, may read, digest and know what is wrong with the human race today and how its physical ills can be cured or prevented.
Through medicine? No! Through their own efforts, simple exercising, simple health rules that CAN be observed and MUST be observed.
The truth ultimately will burst through the clouds of ignorance and, once in the clear atmosphere, will shine forever in the blue sky of knowledge.
Truth will - must conquer.
Instead of pursuing a policy of passivism, aggressive action should and must be taken to bring to light my teachings of health, strength and happiness through proper corrective exercises. The living examples of former broken-down human beings — ill physically and mentally, but now perfect specimens of manhood and womanhood — speak volumes for my work. Investigate and see for yourself.
It is confidently asserted by me that the statements following, representing my personal views, can be demonstrated and proved.
1 - That (barring the writer's own work), there exists today no other fundamental system, no other standard code, designed to gauge, measure and indicate what really constitutes health normalcy. My method, in that respect, is unique and revolutionary. It stands out all by itself.
2 - That not even the medical fraternity as a profession really understand the natural laws of life as applied to normal living, hence the reason for that profession's failure to benefit civilization by proper teaching of health control.
3 - That there is today probably not even a single resident professor, scientist or doctor who is really enjoying normal health.
4 - That there is today probably not a single private or hospital nurse, or private or professional masseur or masseuse, pseudo or bona-fide physical culture director, who can properly and fully explain what constitutes normal health, and who is a living example of that natural philosophy of health.
5 - That in view of the foregoing facts, it is humanly impossible for these uninformed authorities to appreciate the condition, appearance and reactions of the human body in normal health at any age.
6 - That the teachers of our children are, generally speaking, usually not enjoying ideal health and wholly unable to detect (and therefore unable to correct) the unnatural, harmful habits acquired by their pupils.
7 - That not even the very trainers of our athletes, as well as our outstanding athletes themselves, are with only few exceptions, in any more favorable condition than their fellow creatures, and these often are not even aware of the superior standards of their own condition, which was reached not because of, but in spite of, their lack of information relating to natural methods innocently practiced without their knowledge. They attained their condition rather through the medium of artificial exercises, etc., to which they resorted in striving to realize their ambition to reach the heights of physical perfection, thus resulting in their acquiring more balance of mind and body, than is found in the average person.
8 - That practically all human ailments are directly traceable to wrong habits which can only be corrected through the immediate adoption of right (natural, normal) habits.
9 - That the present-day efforts of our so-called health departments are in vain so far as physical health is concerned.
10 - That this condition will prevail until such time as marks the recognition of a standard foundation of sound and sane physical culture, based upon the natural laws of life, as applied to the coordination of physical and mental activities tending to the intelligent development of normal health.
11 - That all tuberculosis and a veritable legion of other minor ills, not to mention bow-legs, knock-knees, flat feet and curvature of the spine, and heart disease can be prevented (an impossibility under present methods).
12 - That the millions of dollars today foolishly expended in the purchase and maintenance of gymnasium equipment, etc., could be more wisely expended for the purpose of training teachers, living examples of normal health, not mere preachers of what normal health (if they really knew) should be.
13 - That the millions of dollars today spent on so-called health foods, health talks, and health articles, are actually wasted for the reason that the claims made for them cannot be proved.
14 - That comparatively speaking, only a very small fraction of the money now so spent would, if spent in the right direction, accomplish that most desirable of all aims; namely, restoring the population to normal health, naturally.
15 - That century after century we persisted in sitting and sleeping in unscientifically constructed chairs and beds.
16 - That only today has science discovered that the real cause of our restlessness lies in the fact that our modern chairs, benches and beds are so designed that comfort and relaxation can be had only by constant change of position.
17 - That our chairs, benches, settees, sofas, couches and beds seemingly are designed for every other purpose than that of rest, relaxation or sleep - they are in reality the primary cause of our acquiring wrong and harmful postural habits, too numerous for mention here.
18 - That as with chairs and beds, etc., our physical training and sports, with relation to health, are misunderstood.
19 - That only through the attainment of perfect balance of mind and body, can one appreciate what really constitutes normal health.
20 - That for over 25 years, the writer has conducted progressive experiments along scientific and practical lines with his own body and those of his pupils, and the complete results of his extensive research along these lines, are now incorporated in the writer's work under his coined name of "Contrology." This represents a brief but comprehensive system of physical culture and is presented in the form of a new art and science, which, if universally adopted and taught in all our educational institutions, will not only tend greatly to eliminate needless human suffering, but will also tend to reduce the necessity for more hospitals, more sanitariums, more homes for the crippled, more lunatic asylums, more reformatories and more prisons. It also will tend to make the expression "health" and "happiness" something more than mere words indicating theoretical conditions rather than the conditions in fact.
Everyone possessing the moral courage owes it to himself and to humanity to investigate the merits claimed for "Contrology" by me.