Chapter 3: Dreadful Conditions

CONTRARY to the general opinion and popular belief that the mind is absolute master of the body, as expounded by Christian Scientists and others, and contrary to the general opinion and popular belief that the body is absolute master of the mind, as expounded by modern so-called expert physical culture directors and trainers who concentrate their efforts solely on developing the muscles of the body through the medium of various machines and other apparatus, it is contended that neither theory is the correct solution of our centuries-old health problems.

It is contended, however, that the correct solution of our present-day health ills can best be solved only by recognizing the fact that the normal development of the body and mind is possible, not by pitting the body against the mind, or vice versa, which results from concentrating only on the mind or only on the body, as herein indicated, but rather by recognizing the mental functions of the mind and the physical limitations of the body, so that complete coordination between the mind and the body may be achieved.

The theory advocated by this author is safe, sane and sound, whereas the other theories under consideration, are more or less unsafe and unsound. That is indicated by the newspapers daily recording the death of some of our most prominent men and women, comprising educators, scientists, inventors, physicians, industrialists, bankers, politicians, actors, lawyers and artists, who, more often than not, die in the very prime of their life. Unfortunately, only too frequently, when they are just reaching the heights of their vocations and when death overtakes them, deprives the world of their most valuable services.

Many of these notables silently suffer untold agonies for years, spurred ever onward by their own ambition to accomplish their aims, and while they themselves and their families are fully cognizant of their condition, the public as a rule, is in entire ignorance of it. These martyrs of false health doctrines die comparatively young, their families are bereaved, their friends are grieved and the world suffers unnecessarily an irreparable loss in their passing.

It is not generally known that many of our most popular misnamed expert physical culture directors and trainers, athletic and other champions, have suffered for years from all various ailments. Especially have they been subject to the dreaded heart disease. In fact, many of these persons die even before they have reached their prime, others right in their prime.

Barring accident, is not this record indicative of the fact that despite their expressed faith in their expounded theories and methods - and one must give them the benefit of the doubt - that they are mistaken in their teachings? Instead of improving their own health and lengthening their lives by the acceptance of practice of their theories and methods, they are, as a matter of fact, actually injuring their health and shortening their own lives, as substantiated by their own untimely death and the record of longevity established by other physical culture authorities, whose theories and methods are diametrically opposed to theirs. The system of the latter must be correct, since the acceptance of practice of their theories and methods by others, as well as themselves, results in improved health and resulting long life - oftentimes exceptionally long life.

Very few of these exponents of physical culture can prove that their doctrines will cause one to live longer and happier than will one who never indulges in any artificial exercise of any kind.

Very few of these so-called physical culturists practice up to 60 or more years what they preach in their youth and very few of them can substantiate their claims as reflected in the condition of their own bodies whenever they do reach those years, if they live that long at all.

It would be exceedingly difficult to find them, for there are not many of them to be found. An impartial investigation would disclose that.

Now is the time for the promotion of a committee composed of influential personages, for the purpose of investigating the sad and deplorable state of ignorance existing with reference to one of the simplest, if not the simplest law of nature - balance of body and mind - and the absence of its practical application in our present-day program of physical education and training.

In these times, with ever-increasing mental training, the human system is more and more dependent on the vitality of the body, which vitality itself is dependent on the absolute coordination of the body and mind - perfect balance!

What is balance of body and mind?

It is the conscious control of all muscular movements of the body. It is the correct utilization and application of the leverage principles afforded by the bones comprising the skeletal framework of the body, a complete knowledge of the mechanism of the body, and a full understanding of the principles of equilibrium and gravity as applied to the movements of the body in motion, at rest and in sleep.

Lacking this knowledge, which is termed “Contrology”, physical perfection, with resultant normal life, cannot be attained and comparatively early death cannot be avoided.

Unless the present-day system ignoring the art and science of Contrology are overthrown, it can safely be predicted that they will be successful in accomplishing more harm than good.

On the other hand, if the art and science of Contrology were

universally accepted and practiced, one could confidently predict that mental anguish and physical suffering would progressively decrease from generation to generation, and life would be a real pleasure, instead of the curse it now is to so many of our fellow men.

Therefore, it is recommended that the knowledge of the science and art of Contrology should be acquired by all.

Contrology is based upon lessons learned from a life-long study of the principles underlying and governing the laws of nature.

Suffice to say that incorrect habits are responsible for most of our ailments - if not all of them.

Equally true is the statement that only through proper education is it possible to correct bad habits for good ones, the time necessary, depending upon one's condition and age, and while the cost is comparatively nominal, one is assured of regained health and renewed happiness.

Where can this information be obtained?

Who is qualified to furnish it?

He who criticizes anything without offering something constructive and proved, had better not criticize at all.

An idealist and humanist is in duty bound impelled constructively to criticize our present-day systems of physical education and training and prove by actual demonstration in his own body and that of his disciples and students, that they are positively harmful. He must lend his support to effect an immediate change, substituting the correct theory and practice for our current systems.

Accordingly, the undersigned offers - briefly to expound the general principles of his theories and methods covering balance of body and mind, upon which the science and art of Contrology is founded. He offers to demonstrate the truth of his statements to any person desirous of cooperating with him from a more or less altruistic and philanthropic view, in his aim to spread the doctrines of his system and furnish further detailed information regarding his personal ideas on the subject of "tension" and "relaxation," as related to the attainment and maintenance of normal health, so that the world at large may be benefited accordingly.


In this plate you see a student and the professor demonstrating the correct and incorrect use of the human mechanism. Study each photograph carefully and see how the body can benefit through my corrective exercises.