Chapter 7: "Balance of Body and Mind"

A sound mind "housed" in an unsound body (50% balance) is just about as desirable a physical condition as is the structural weakness of a house boasting a fine copper roof but built upon a foundation of shifting sand.

A sound body "housing" an unsound mind (50% balance) is just about as desirable a physical condition as is the structural weakness of a house boasting a solid rock foundation but possessing a roof of flimsy paper.

A sound mind "housed" in a sound body (100% balance) is desirable just as is a fine copper-roofed house built on a solid rock foundation.

An unsound mind "housed" in an unsound body (no balance) is undesirable just as is a flimsy-papered roof house built on a shifting sand foundation.

What do the foregoing statements with their accompanying figures indicate?

Obviously, they clearly indicate that neither the mind nor the body is supreme - that one cannot be subordinated to the other.

Both must be coordinated, in order not only to accomplish the maximum results with the minimum expenditure of mental and physical energy, but also to live as long as possible in normal health and enjoy the benefits of a useful and happy life.