Chapter 9: Proved Facts!

PRACTICALLY everyone knows that nature has endowed human beings, and certain animals, with a "backbone," but few recognize that state of perfection which nature intends the human spine to reach through the medium of its scientific, progressive, and natural development from birth to maturity, so that the "ridgepole" of the human "house" may properly grow into normal form (straight). Still less understand the mechanism of the spine and the proper methods of training this "foundation" bone of the body so that its movements will be under their absolute control at all times. Most persons are not aware of the fact that, by reason of this utter lack of understanding, the human spine has been sadly neglected, for many, many generations.

Accordingly, it has been permitted to develop itself, as it were, to fit the individual cases, with the result that the average human spine today invariably is more or less deformed. The prevalence of this condition, unfortunately, has been too generally accepted by the public as normal. Some of our leading anatomists, likewise, seemingly, hold similar beliefs. This state of affairs is truly deplorable since it not only gives credence to a grievous error, which, if not immediately corrected, will continue effectually to bar the victims of this gross misunderstanding from traveling the road to ultimate recovery, and prevent them from reaching their goal - normal health.

At no time in the history of medicine was it more important than it is right now, that organized science undertake an impartial investigation of the facts herein presented and supplement them by an intensive study of this all-important subject.

In view of the revolutionary inventions and the neverceasing research in laboratory and afield, medical science should be emboldened to discard its old-fashioned ideas as well as its orthodox methods of instruction, and concentrate upon ways and means of preventing rather than curing disease. That is why I am preaching the sermon embodied in this booklet.

Consideration and examination of proved facts pertinent to this subject should quickly convince unbiased medical and other authorities that the human body has for centuries been tortured unnecessarily by reason of our failure to recognize and understand the underlying principles governing the natural mechanism of the human spine, as well as recognizing and understanding the factor of equilibrium with reference to its application to the human body - in motion, at rest, and at sleep. That is a study I have made and upon that study I have invented chairs, mattresses and beds for the proper development of the spine.

It is the duty of the humanist to direct attention to this important matter, based upon observation and experience rather than to enter into merely controversial arguments with anatomists regarding divergent views on this subject.

Without undue reiteration (reference to standard medical literature is readily accessible) to the subject of these remarks - "the anatomy of the human spine" - the following is presented: l - Knowledge based upon fact regarding the mechanism of the human spine is woefully insufficient. This deplorable lack of knowledge is primarily responsible for the present-day acceptance of abnormal and subnormal conditions as normal, which in turn is responsible for practically every ailment afflicting mankind today.

2 - Spine curves as depicted by anatomists, represent on the average the actual conditions usually found in the human body, but instead of being accepted as normal, should be rightfully considered either abnormal or subnormal as the case may be.

Practically 95 per cent out of every one hundred persons examined are afflicted with an abnormal spine curvature. See photograph No. 1.

Undoubtedly, it is this very "preponderance of evidence," the 95 percent of malformation of spines, which leads anatomists and others to the false conclusion that since so many have this curvature, that represents the ideal and therefore the normal condition of the human spine.

Furthermore, it is contended that this curving of the spine is necessary not only to lend added strength to the spine itself, hut also that it may better absorb vibrations to which it is constantly subjected.


Photographs 1-6: Here is a chart giving proved facts regarding the curvature of the spine. It shows that the spine must be straight.

Has not science grievously erred in this instance in view of the fact that its unqualified acceptance of this conclusion is in violation of the simplest law of body mechanics?

3 - The spine of every normal child is straight. The back is perfectly flat.

Fortunately for its own benefit, the growing child inherits sonic natural movements such as that of bending the knees and assuming the natural curled position in sleep. Thus the child--animal (pardon the expression), subconsciously seeks the most comfortable natural position affording its bones just the right degree of resistance to achieve this desirable result.

It is almost criminal, to insist upon the child lying flat with legs outstretched and joints "locked" in a bed equipped with our more or less elastic modern bedsprings as most parents do.

Forcing the child to assume these unnatural positions incidentally reacts upon several groups of muscles, especially the major muscles, which is reflected in their tensed or semi-tensed condition, according to the extent of the child's deviation from the normal-natural positions.

Naturally, this unnatural posture, is both uncomfortable and more or less painful, as evidenced by crying until the vicious habit of wrong position is more or less permanently formed. Later on, the child perpetuates this harmful custom when parenthood blesses it with children and so on.

How much physical damage and suffering are due to this unpardonable mistake?

Photograph # 2, admirably illustrates the bad effects caused by this practice of unduly taxing the muscles by the resultant steady straining pull unnecessarily inflicted upon them and which constant pull tends to draw the spine out of a straight line - its normal position. As the child grows older and reaches the walking stage, its spine assumes a more or less pronounced curve, particularly is this true if parents, through neglect or ignorance, permit the child to slouch, and deny it the benefit of natural exercise, such as creeping, and tumbling on the ground. These parental prohibitions detrimentally affect their offspring's normal development and jeopardizes their attaining normal health.

Not satisfied with this inhibition, the "head of the family" and his "better half" make matters even worse by insisting that the child stand on its legs before the muscles in the upper portion of his legs and the muscles of its back are sufficiently developed to support its weight.

These muscles are developed naturally and normally by permitting the child to run on "all fours" bear fashion, or at least by allowing it to creep on its hands and knees and after many trials with accompanying falls, to stand up leaning against the wall, chairs, beds, etc.

Every normal child, if left alone, will quite naturally and without parental help, try and try and try to move about from point to point as herein previously indicated. Knowingly to force the child to stand on its weak and undeveloped legs, is positively cruel.

The penalties are resultant curvature of the spine - are bowlegs, knock-knees and later on in life, so-called flat feet. The suggestion advanced that the curve in the spine affords additional strength to the vertebrae column, is scarcely borne out by even a cursory study of simple mechanical principles.

Photographs 3 and 4 furnish convincing proof that a lateral arch is undeniably stronger than a horizontal plane, while photographs 5 and 6 aptly demonstrate the fact that a curved line up right is not so strong as a straight line.

Therefore, is it not logical to conclude from the foregoing illustrations and observations, that there is no justification for accepting the curved spine as indicative of normal? Rather is it not conclusive evidence that just the contrary is the truth ?

Accordingly, by the same token, should not remedial steps be taken forthwith to correct the disadvantages arising from the continued acceptance of this false philosophy regarding the human spine?

The photographs submitted tell the story even better than the writer's words can do, since they are life examples and appeal to the eye as well as to the mind.

For instance, photograph 6 illustrates perfectly and furnishes adequate justification for the writer's conclusion that the normal spine should be straight to successfully function according to the laws of nature in general and the law of gravity, in particular. Photograph 5, aside from being unesthetic, illustrates only too tragically the ills inherent in the backward curve - decreasing force bordering close to no force whatsoever, mere feebleness, "dis-grace," the curve itself being especially dangerous to the vital organs and the body in general.

The slouch position illustrated in the foregoing paragraph (the pelvis is pressed forward), upsets the equilibrium of the body resulting in disarrangement of the various organs affected including the bones and muscles of the body as well as the nerves and blood vessels, not overlooking the glands. More or less permanently harmful injuries sustained, are not recorded here.

5 - Abdominal obesity and the dangerous effects of corpulency, have their origin in the "mis-carriage" of the spine.

Proper carriage of the spine is the only natural preventive against abdominal obesity, shortness of breath, asthma, high and low blood pressure and various forms of heart disease. It is safe to say that none of the ailments here enumerated can be cured until the curvatures of the spine have been corrected.

How can this cure be effected?

Unfortunately, the majority of those seeking the true answer, are still hopelessly groping in the dark after having read more or less false and true literature and listened to more or less false or true advice pertaining to this subject, or by reason of the fact that they could neither afford the time necessary nor the expense incidental to such methods advocated which might have proved beneficial to them. Only a comparatively few have learned the truth and benefited by it.

It is urged that the properly constituted authorities in our research laboratories and health departments impartially investigate the statements herein set forth, to the end that they may solve human ailments by methods of prevention and correction, rather than by methods of "cure." That is what my method of physical education does. I can convince you.

Time and progress are synonymous terms - nothing can stop them - the truth will prevail!

My work will be established and when it is, I will be the happiest man in God's Universe. My goal will have been reached.