IT is scarcely believable in this day and age of revolutionary discoveries and inventions, that the constituted authorities of our Public Health Departments are so deplorably ignorant on the subject of scientifically constructed beds, couches and chairs of all types primarily designed to promote normal health.
That the correctness of the writer's theories in this regard is unqualifiedly supported by other reputable professional and lay investigators, it is only necessary to refer to the mass of pertinent information which he has accumulated during the course of his many years of activity devoted to the keen study and close research of general health problems. The conclusions reached by these various authorities as set forth in this booklet, are fully confirmed by my personal theoretical and practical investigations along these and similar lines.
This prevailing universal lack of understanding of natural laws of health, particularly by professional health authorities is astounding. In fact, it is unique in comparison with the remarkable progressive "Seven League Boot" strides of medical science, mechanization of industry, telephony, radio, television and so on infinitum ad libitum.
The vital statistics of our leading insurance companies indicate unmistakably that the death rate arising from heart disease is constantly increasing. Should not this alarming factor emphasize the urgent necessity for an immediate and intensive study of the underlying causes responsible for this most unfavorable and really unnecessary condition?
Here are a few more models of my corrective, restful comfort chairs and beds - each made by me in my studio. They can be made up in any kind of wood and any color to fit the color scheme of the most beautiful home.
While it is only too true that heart disease is not infrequently "acquired" in childhood, it is only too true that it is not often discovered until later on in life. Usually, the persons afflicted find it out when between forty to fifty-five years of age; unfortunately, often at a time too late to offer its victims a cure.
Today our public health and research programs do not sufficiently stress the importance due to a profound study of the "laws of mechanics" as applied to the human body. Particularly is this true with reference to a proper consideration and deep study of the necessity for recognition of the importance of the attainment of normal equilibrium of the body in motion, at rest or in sleep.
From a strict humanitarian rather from a purely commercial viewpoint, a close and unbiased study of the reasons responsible for the invariable restless tossings experienced by the average sleeper, can lead to but one definite conclusion with reference to our modern beds - i. e., that while admittedly they are appealing to the eye from an esthetic standpoint and apparently seemingly comfortable, they are, however, as a matter of fact, quite unnatural and impractical for the very purposes that they are supposed to have been originally designed. They do not afford maximum rest and complete relaxation. All they do is to afford a place upon which to toss the body.
Those beds may look pretty, but they absolutely fail in their aid to rest and health.
I have invented a bed that affords both rest and comfort, but the makers of our beautiful beds, will not give my inventions the recognition they deserve, for they fully realize that when this is done, the field of bed manufacturing will be revolutionized.
It is, of course, axiomatic that restful sleep is impossible without the fullest and complete relaxation of all our muscles.
Here is the old style bed or the kind almost everyone is using today. The arrow shows the strained position in our present day straight beds. No matter how pretty a bed might be, it cannot and does not give you the comfort and rest of my "V" shape bed. There is nothing but continuous restlessness in the present day bed. All of the chairs and beds illustrated in this book, were made by myself, from carpentry to upholstery and each model is protected by patents registered with U.S. Patent Office.
Strange as it may seem, to those who are not technically informed, beds equipped with even the very finest of wire bed springs, actually defeat this very object.
Why? Because the bony structure forming the "foundation" of our body does not in beds so equipped receive the necessary natural resistance to afford the requisite simultaneous relaxation of both the skeletal and muscular systems of the human body.
Under these adverse circumstances, the body has, so to speak, literally to snatch rest with its corresponding motion of relaxation "on the fly," as it were. I have taken motion pictures of a person in sleep covering a period of eight hours, and my film, the same of that of the outstanding manufacturer of beds today, records as many as forty-five different changes of position during sleep. In fact, mine showed 48, and his, 45. In my bed, you won't change half a dozen times.
While recognizing the fact that we tire either by too little or by much activity - there is a happy medium - not too much and not too little. Is not an average of 55/8 movements an hour during sleep rather excessive for persons supposedly enjoying normal health.
Can the body under such conditions really receive the benefit naturally inherent in proper rest which is implied by minimum rather than maximum changes of position during normal sleep?
Here is the author resting comfortably in one of the bed inventions. Note the manner in which he rests - like the cat or the dog in his natural, comfortable position. This is my "V" shape bed and has been specially devised for the child as a bed for correcting faulty posture and perfect relaxation of the spine and the muscles surrounding it. This "V" bed is especially adopted for the expectant mother, who requires all the comfort and rest she can get and also requires a perfect spine. This is the natural bed for the hospital for expectant mothers, asthma sufferers and consumptives.
Is it not perfectly reasonable and logical to deduce from this inference that our present-day beds are unfortunately neither designed nor constructed to afford the maximum of proper rest for the body? This deduction is demonstrably true. Here are the facts:
From time immemorable, it has been the stupid parents, wholly ignorant of the laws of nature, who have unknowingly inflicted needless cruelty upon their offspring. They have labored under the false impression that their growing children must stretch their little legs out straight while sleeping in their beds instead of permitting them to retain the natural and normal position in sleep. That normal position is one in which they entered the world. It is a position similar to that taken by the cat family and other animals when they curl themselves up in a "coil," just before going to sleep.
In this respect, it would seem that the instinct of the mothers of the animal kingdom is to that extent, at least, far superior to the unthinking practice of the mothers of mankind. Unfortunately, this is only one instance of the many "sins" against the laws of nature committed by the majority of mothers calculated to jeopardize the present health and future welfare of their progeny. Certainly if animals thrive on such coiling practice, mankind can do likewise. Try it and see for yourself. You won't suffer from constipation, weak kidneys and other ailments if you sleep as the cat sleeps.
Why haven't our educators the moral courage to advocate the immediate destruction of all the old and musty orthodox tomes which continue to perpetuate the teaching of false health doctrines? Why don't they actively advocate the immediate substitution therefor of modern physical culture books based upon sane, sound and safe methods such as I have preached in this book? Do you want the answer? Because such adoption would ruin them.
Why does practically every one naturally assume, what might be for want of a better term, called the "kitten coil" position when preparing to go to sleep?
Why do health authorities assert that to assume this natural position, is not only unnatural but also not conducive to good health?
What sound, logical arguments can be advanced to support the obvious falsity of the latter foregoing conclusion?
Is it correctly based upon any well known and equally well recognized principles governing the laws of nature?
Why is it that children and adults alike, whenever opportunity presents itself, invariably tend when seated to lean backward in a tilted position and balance themselves on the rear legs of a chair?
Why do mothers and fathers object to the foregoing practice (aside from the fact that doing so, scratches the chair and mars the wall etc.)?
Why do most of us become more or less restless and lean backward and forward, cross our legs from left to right and vice versa after we have been sitting in a chair for only a comparatively short period of time?
Why is it that it is more comfortable to "squat" on the floor, Turkish or American Indian fashion, than it is to sit comfortably for a longer or shorter time in an ordinary chair?
Why are present-day chairs and beds not what they should be - mediums for rest, relaxation and normal sleep?
The correct answers to the foregoing series of closely related questions are all of paramount importance and should be closely studied. You have them all in this booklet.
I will be most happy to demonstrate my system and my inventions to all interested. My aim is to offer a real service to humanity from an altruistic and philanthropic point of view.
I am not of the mercenary, quack type. I welcome the opportunity to furnish further detailed information regarding my personal views on the subject of "Tension" and "Relaxation" as related to the attainment and maintenance of normal health to all who read this.
I have the only course in the world that teaches physical education on a corrective basis and brings the results I claim for it. I have invented, as I already stated, several variety of chairs - one for the kindergarten children to build proper posture and keep the spine as God intended it to be; another for the benefit of those afflicted with knock-knees, bow-legs and flat feet, also a corrective chair; still another for the development of proper posture for the man who must sit at a desk and has little time for exercising; and a fourth as an aid for those who have been afflicted with the scourge of infantile paralysis and require leg and arm movements.
I have invented, as I have already stated, several types of beds and mattresses, which, those who have viewed them in my studios at 939 Eighth Avenue, have marveled at. Those beds and mattresses are so revolutionary, that when I showed a model to a leading bed and mattress manufacturer with the aim of having him produce them in quantities, his chief engineer remarked:
"Prof. Pilates, your invention is marvelous, but it cannot be adopted by us because if we did, it would mean turning our entire plant topsy-turvy. We would have to destroy all of our present-day models and create new advertising and that would practically mean starting out on a new business."
And immediately following that, this firm began to advertise extensively the very thing I had submitted - namely, that a person in sleep moves from forty to fifty times, and that by the use of their specially constructed mattress, such restlessness is reduced at least thirty percent. But do they? Certainly not! They still sell and use the old style mattress and bed. It was just a ruse to offset any advertising I might do.
What folly! I appeal in this booklet to those interested in the future welfare of our race.
I appeal to them to aid in putting my practical physical education method before the public where it will do most benefit, and to have them see and test my health producing inventions to the end that mankind can enjoy God's blessing - health and happiness.