Profound and meaningful conversations with Professor George Lakoff at Berkeley, Professor Rajiv Lal at Harvard, and Professor Shankar Sastry at Berkeley.
Colleagues and friends at Unilever, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Hersheys, Nike, Clorox, Red Bull, Chanel, Starbucks, Miller Coors, Home Depot, Rag & Bone, and ITC India, who contributed ideas, thoughts, and inspirations.
Daphne, Dev, Ying, David, Daniel, Mithun, Katy, Chris, Jared, Eric, Ellen, Luca, and Rachael in the United States, and Anirudh, Susmitha, Sathishkumar, Rajendran, Sugumar, Prem, and Jai in India, who make MachineVantage and its algorithms hum every day producing insights that fill the pages of this book.
Bob, Piyush, Ash, Jose Carlos, Krishnakumar, and Nishat at IRI for hours spent in debate and conversation over wine.
Tom Robbins for tinkering with thought itself.
Olivier, Ian, Andrew, Stan, Ben, and Russ who made all of this possible by investing in MachineVantage.
Wisdom and wit of my co-authors!
Sunrises on the island of Paros in Greece, great beer in London, wine in Napa, sunsets on Stinson Beach, and pizza in Chicago that inspired content in the book.
Colleagues at IRI whose desire to disrupt industries makes cutting-edge innovation happen every day.
Ash Patel, whose technological genius is unmatched for teaching me everything about Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning.
My executive team, who every day works with our clients to help accelerate data-driven, machine-augmented decision-making in companies.
To the field teams of IRI who help consumers make better buying decisions.
Board members of New Mountain Capital for the vision and courage to hit the “Go Button” so many times as we race in the Age of the Algorithm.
Leadership team of CMI for embracing new ideas and concepts with an open mind.
Paul and Keith, for sponsorship and support of scholarship and professional growth.
Supplier ecosystem for partnership and sharing of knowledge.