
There are many to whom I owe a debt of gratitude. Samuel Assefa and Joel Rogers offered extensive comments on the original manuscript. I also received valuable insights from Rosalyn Baxandall, Steve Best, Judith Grant, Larry Hartenian, Bertell Ollman, Charles Noble, James Orsini, Diana Owen, Robert Rocklein, Ann Sweeny, Peter Wagner, and Linda Zerilli. Douglas Kellner often caused me to rethink my positions, and this was also the case with Michael Forman, Micheline Ishay, and Manfred Steger. John Ehrenberg, Christian Fenner, Carola Frege, Kurt Jacobsen, and Ulrike Knotz offered some valuable insights for this second edition. I also owe a genuine debt to my German translator, Eva Gruenstein-Neumann. The Rutgers Research Council offered its support for the project. Without Victoria Irmiere, Karen Sullivan, and my editor at Routledge, Maureen MacGrogan, this book would probably not have seen the light of day. As for Leo Wiegman and David McBride of Westview Press, let me just say how much I appreciated their enthusiasm for bringing out this new edition. Finally, I would like to offer a special thanks to my wife, Anne Burns.