of capital
labor movement and capital
of power in socialism
Accumulation of Capital, The (Luxemburg)
Adler, Viktor
Alienation and reification
Anarchists of First International
Engel’s attack on SPD tendency to
Luxemburg’s experience of
Arendt, Hannah
Auer, Ignaz
Bakunin, Mikhail
Bebel, August
Beria, Lavrentii
Bernstein, Eduard
apparent defeat of revisionism
bringing consciousness from outside working force
on class
concept becoming concrete
on crisis in capitalism
on democracy
ethics and ideology of compromise
on evolution
From Sect to Party
influence of revisionism
intent to reorient SPD
life of
Millerand affair and socialist participation
motivations for revisionism
origins of revisionism
Blanc, Louis
Blanqui, Auguste
Bloch, Ernst
Blum, Leon
belief in party
Lenin’s support of
modernization left to
reaction against
support for Russian Revolution and
in World War I
after revolutions of 1848
concepts of economic justice
loss of earlier radical democratic ideals
Marx on
rule of law and
Brezhnev, L. I.
Bukharin, Nikolai
before his death
compared with Stalin
during Leninism
during rise of Stalin
Luxemburg’ views on
Marx on
accountability of
controlling profits for
defining forms of
accountability of capital
Bernstein’s concept of
as discussed in Communist Manifesto
engendering revolutionary mission of working class
Kautsky’s view of
linked to nationalism, militarism, imperialism
socialism tied to capitalist production
Carlyle, Thomas
Civil War in France, The (Marx)
abolishing distinctions of
Bernstein’s notion of
in critical theory of socialism
duty to resist social inequality
emergence of class consciousness
Lenin’s view of
Marx and Engels’ synthesizing notions of
revolutionary violence stemming from ruling
structural interpretations of
struggle and ideal of
in United States
See also class ideal
Class action
Class ideal
aligning social movements into
organizing competing interests for attention with
perfecting socialism and
perversion of socialism and
Class struggle
Cold War
democracy as prelude to
dissolution of Soviet communist regime
fulfilling democratic aspirations
socialism as transition to
transformed by Stalin
Communist International
dissolution of
establishment of
Communist League
Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels)
capitalism as discussed in
democracy described in
objectivity of
revolution dependent on ruling class joining oppressed
Communist Party of 1930s
Bernstein’s ideology of
Comte, August
Concept becoming concrete
Condition of the Working Class in England, The (Engels)
Cosmopolitan sensibility
Crisis of German Social Democracy, The (Luxemburg)
Critical theory of socialism
Darkness at Noon (Koestler)
Darwin, Charles
Das Kapital (Marx)
Debacle, The (Zola)
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, The
Bernstein’s view on
bourgeois concepts of economic justice
bourgeoisie and worker class after revolutions of 1848
breaking connection between property and
class action
communism as fulfillment of
as described in Communist Manifesto
development of Paris Commune
development of working class
Kautsky and Bernstein’s views on
Marx and Engels’ views on
Marxism and
positivism of Comte
scientific analysis of working class
worker support for république démocratique
Democratic centralism
Democratic rejuvenation (galsnost)
Development of Capitalism in Russia, The (Lenin)
Lenin’s introduction of
Dictatorship of proletariat
defined by Lenin as virtuous necessity
Luxemburg’s philosophy of
Marx on
Paris Commune as
as part of transition from capitalism to communism
Russian Revolution and
See also proletariat
Die neue Zeit
Dissolution of communist regime
Djilas, Milovan
Dreyfus Affair
Economic Doctrine of Karl Marx, The (Kautsky)
Economic issues
Bernstein’s commitment to workers
bourgeois concepts of economic justice
compromise to transform party ideology into
during dissolution of Soviet communist regime
imperialism and
implications of internationalism
Lenin’s economic determinism
linking economic and political democracy
Luxemburg’s Accumulation of Capital
perestroika and glasnost
scarcity and ultimate aims of organization
SPD and question of economic reform
Empiricism of Bernstein
Empowerment and domination
Engels, Frederick
achieving union of proletariat
attack on SPD anti-Semitism
building of Marxism by
commitment to internationalism
Condition of the Working Class in England, The
dictatorship of proletariat
founding of Neue Rheinische Zeitung
linking economic and political democracy
role of ruling class to create revolution
synthesizing notions of class
views on political democracy
working class to create new order
See also Communist Manifesto, The
Erfurt Program
absence of in Leninism
accountability and socialist
Bernstein’s ideology of compromise and
Bernstein and Kautsky’s notions of
Kautsky’s attraction to Darwin’s theory
of views on internationalism
Evolutionary socialism
First International
From Sect to Party (Bernstein)
Gallifet, General Gaston de
General Council
German Communist Party (KPD)
Kautsky’s criticism of imperial
pact between Stalin and Hitler
Giddens, Anthony
Globalization. See internationalism
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Habermas, Jürgen
Harrington, Michael
Hegel, G. W. F.
Helphand, Alexander
Hilferding, Rudolf
Hitler, Adolph
Hobson, John A.
Ideology of compromise
Imperialism (Lenin)
Hobson on “parasitical interests” of
Lenin’s theory of
Luxemburg on
“Inaugural Address” (Marx)
Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD)
Industrial Development of Poland The (Luxemburg)
Institutional imperative
cultural implications of
democracy and
economic implications of
Engels commitment to
evolving views on
multiple interests in
political implications of
as posture toward underdeveloped nations
Inverted world
reproduction of reification in
Jaurès, Jean
Jones, Homer
Junius Brochure
Kamenev, Lev
Kant, Immanuel
Kautsky, Karl
beliefs in social scientific analysis
bringing consciousness from outside working force
on capitalism
commitment to parliamentary rule
criticism of imperial Germany
Economic Doctrine of Karl Marx, The
on Erfurt Programm
fall from popularity of
helps jailed Luxemburg
increasing power of SPD
Lenin’s esteem for
on mass strike
Materialist Conception of History, The
notions of evolution
Origins of Christianity, The
pacifism of
political theories of party and state
popularization of Marxism by
Precursors to Socialism
on Russian Revolution
Social Revolution, The
Kerensky, Alexander
Keynes, John Maynard
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kierkegaard, Soren
King Louis-Phillipe
Kirov, Sergei
Koestler, Arthur
Kropotkin, Peter
Labor movement and capital accountability
Labor power sold by proletariat
Lafargue, Paul
Lassalle, Ferdinand
Left-Wing Communism (Lenin)
Lenin, V. I.
on class struggle and class war
death of
Development of Capitalism in Russia, The
esteem for Kautsky
foreign policy of
on imperialism
introduction of dictatorship
Left-Wing Communism
life and studies of
Luxemburg critical of Treaty of Brest-Litvosk
Materialism and Empirio-Criticism
on minorities
on national self-determination
omissions of institutional checks on party
possible successors to
on proletariat
recognizing role of soviets in new regime
on revolution in Russia
role of party in revolutionary politics
State and Revolution, The
support of Bolsheviks
on “unequal development”
view of Luxemburg
What Is To Be Done?
on “withering away of the state”
absence of ethical standards in
as guardian of revolution
imperialism and appeal of
overview of
possible successors to Lenin
rise of Stalinism
Russian Revolution and dictatorship of proletariat
Stalinism’s break with
underdevelopment and revolution
Levi, Paul
Liberalism and private property
Lichtheim, George
Liebknecht, Karl
Liebknecht, Wilhelm
Lukács, Georg
Luxemburg, Rosa
Accumulation of Capital, The
on aligning social movements into class ideal
on bureaucracy
Crisis of German Social Democracy, The
critical of Lenin’s signing of Treaty of Brest-Litvosk
critique of nationalism
death of
on dictatorship of proletariat
on emergence of class consciousness
fight against social inequality
Industrial Development of Poland, The
Junius Brochure of
life and philosophy of
linking of nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and capitalism
Mass Strike, Party, and Trade Unions
mass strike and solidarity
on Millerand Affair
Reform or Revolution
on revisionism and reformism
as romantic revolutionary
Russian Revolution, The
on socialism
Spartacus Revolt of 1919
on terrorism and authoritarianism
underground legacy of
on women’s rights
Malenkov, Georgei
Market initiatives (perestroika)
Marshall, T. H.
Martov, Julius
Marx, Karl
as antipolitical
on bourgeoisie
on bureaucracy
capitalism’s effect on capitalists and workers
Civil War in France, The
commitment to internationalism
Das Kapital
dictatorship of proletariat
differentiation between base and superstructure
founding of Neue Rheinische Zeitung
“Inaugural Address”
Lenin’s differing views on transition and proletariat
linking economic and political democracy
On the Jewish Question
on political democracy
promotion of Paris Commune by
on religion
retrospective views of
on revolutions of 1848
role of ruling class to create revolution
subordination of imperialism to capitalism
synthesizing notions of class
on transition to proletarian regime
warning to SPD not to present socialism as distribution
See also Communist Manifesto, The
appeal of
Bernstein’s revisionism vs. orthodox
development of
Engels’ building of
impact of Bernstein’s revisionism on
Kautsky’s attraction to Darwin’s evolutionary theory
Kautsky’s interpretation of
Leninism and
Lenin’s revision of
popularization of by Kautsky
scientific character of
under Stalin
Mass association
Mass strike
as creation of friction between classes
Kautsky’s view of
Luxemburg’s theory of
as underground tradition of Luxemburg
Mass Strike, Party, and Trade Unions (Luxemburg)
Materialism and Empirio-Criticism (Lenin)
Materialist Conception of History, The (Kautsky)
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Millerand, Alexandre
Millerand affair
Minorities as viewed by Lenin
Molotov, Viacheslav
Mühsam, Erich
critiqued by Luxemburg
historic development of
internationalism and
linked to militarism, imperialism, and capitalism
restoring national autonomy to achieve union of proletariat
National self-determination
Natural science. See science
Naumann, Friedrich
Neue Rheinische Zeitung
New Economic Program (NEP)
Nicolaevsky, Boris
On the Jewish Question (Marx)
Original compromise
Origins of Christianity, The (Kautsky)
Pacifism of Second International
Paine, Thomas
Palmer, R. R.
Paris Commune
destruction of
as dictatorship of proletariat
function of
Marxism promoted by
Parliamentary rule
Bolsheviks belief in
Kautsky’s priority given to
Kautsky’s theories of state and
in Lenin’s revolutionary politics
Stalin’s rise to eminence in
transforming ideology into economics with compromise
See also Social Democratic Party
Plekhanov, Georgi
Political democracy
Engel’s views on
linking economic and
See also democracy
Politics from below
Positivism of Comte
Precursors to Socialism (Kautsky)
achieving unity of
as class selling labor power
democracy seen as prelude to communism
dictatorship of
Lenin’s views on
Marx on transition to proletarian regime
See also dictatorship of proletariat
Proudhon, Pierre
Reform or Revolution (Luxemburg)
positive purpose of Utopia
required to achieve socialism
SPD and question of economic
Reification and alienation
Religion as critiqued by Marx
République démocratique
Retrospective views of Marx
apparent defeat of
Bernstein’s ethics and compromise
Bernstein’s influence on past and present
challenging privileged status of working class
concept of crisis in capitalism
imperialism and
Leninism and
life of Eduard Bernstein
Millerand affair
motivations for
origins of
as product of working class
role of state in
of 1848
internationalism and
Leninism as guardian of
Lenin’s views on
Luxemburg as romantic
Luxemburg’s report of 1906
revolutionary mission of working class
role of party in Lenin’s revolutionary politics
ruling class’ role to create
violence dependent on action of ruling class
Rights of Man, The (Paine)
Robespierre, M.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Rule of law
Ruling class
revolutionary violence dependent on action of
role in creating revolution
impact of World War I on
support for Bolsheviks and Russian Revolution
See also Russian Revolution
Russian Revolution
dictatorship of proletariat and
as first revolution of modern age
Kautsky’s criticisms of
Lenin’s views on revolution in Russia
as premature
speculation about in turn-of-the-century Russia
support for Bolsheviks and
Russian Revolution, The (Luxemburg)
Russian Social Democratic Party (RSPD)
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Scandinavian socialism
Schmidt, Helmut
Bernstein’s beliefs in social scientific analysis
integrity of empirical knowledge and
Kautsky’s views on social scientific analysis
scientific character of Marxism
Second International
decline of
influence of controversies on Lenin
interest in bourgeois revolutions
Lenin’s attack on state at
pacifism of
reaction to Millerand Affair
Sensibility of individuals
Serge, Victor
Shevardnaze, Eduard
Smith, Adam
Social democracy
Bernstein’s revisionism and contemporary
See also democracy
Social Democratic Labor Party
Social Democratic Party (SPD)
attack on in Junius Brochure
Bernstein’s intent to reorient
breadth of
impact of mass strike on
increasing power of
question of economic reform
reaction to first electoral setback
theory building in
three competing theories of
accountability of power in
aim of
associated with transition to communism
Bernstein’s beliefs on
class ideal and
democratic defense of material and social equality in
developing critical theory of
empowerment and domination
ethics and accountability in inverted world
institutional imperative
Kautsky’s understanding of
Luxemburg’s view of
new views of internationalism
origins as worker’s protest movement
pursuit of unity and vagaries of class
reform required to achieve
reification and alienation
social movements and class ideal
ties to capitalist production
Socialist ethics
Social movements
aligning into class ideal
organizing competing interests for attention with class ideal
Social science. See science
Spartacus Revolt of 1919
SPD. See Social Democratic Party
Spencer, Herbert
Sperber, Manès
Stalin, Joseph
association with Hitler
collectivizing agriculture
lack of policy for underdeveloped world
as leader
life of
modifications to Leninism by
rise to party eminence
terror used by
transformation of world communism by
Trotsky and Bukharin’s qualities compared with
beginnings of
break with Leninism
Communist International
Khrushchev’s rise to power
terror used during
Kautsky’s political theories of party and
revisionism and role of
State and Revolution, The (Lenin)
Structural interpretations of class
Technology and environmental legislation
after defeat of Paris Commune
Luxemburg speaks against
party views on use of
used by Stalin
Thiers, Adolphe
Third way
Tito, Marshall
Trade unions
to proletarian regime
from socialism to communism
Treaty of Brest-Litvosk
Trotsky, Leon
during Leninism
during rise of Stalin
Twentieth Party Congress
21 Points
Underground tradition of Luxemburg
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and dissolution of communist regime
United States
class and social privilege in
transclass issues in
Unity and class
positive purpose of
reform required to achieve socialism
Von Treitschke, Heinrich
Von Vollmar, Georg
Wagner, Richard
Waldeck-Rousseau, René
Weber, Max
What Is To Be Done? (Lenin)
Wie eine Träne im Ozean (Sperber)
Wissel, Rudolf
Women’s rights
Working class
after revolutions of 1848
Bernstein’s commitment to improving worker’s economy
capitalism and revolutionary mission of
challenges by revisionism to privileged status
costs of technology shifted to
development of
emergence of radical
Engels description of existence of
founding of first German political party for
lack of bonds to party or union
Marx’s and Engel’s scientific analysis of
revisionism as product of
socialism’s origins as protest movement
worker support for république démocratique
Wurm, Mathilde
Yakolev, Aleksander N.
Yeltsin, Boris
Zinoviev, Grigory
Zola, Emile