Guide to the website

This book is accompanied by a freely accessible website – located at – which provides an array of resources for students and instructors.

For students

Guide to Comparative Politics on the Internet

This guide helps students navigate their way through the multitude of resources available on the internet related to the comparative study of politics.

Flashcard Glossary

These ˛ashcards help students to test their knowledge of the key terms highlighted and deñed in each chapter.

Additional chapter on Political Economy

This online chapter explores the interdisciplinaryêld of Political Economy.

For instructors


The Testbank comprises a series of pre-prepared multiple choice questions related to the coverage of each of the book’s chapters.

PowerPoint Slides

A corresponding set of PowerPoint slides has been prepared for each individual chapter, ready for instructors to adapt and customize to suit their weekly lectures.


New co-author John McCormick introduces the new edition and talks about the most signiĉant changes to the book.