Niccolò Machiavelli
Envoy of Florence at the Court of Duke Valentino Greetings,
Since being elected Gonfalonier by our people,
12 is safe thanks to your swift action, for which I am very grateful.
I have not written any missives or letters, neither to Lords or acquaintances, unless
The man you wrote about acted in the name of money. He was not alone,
somehow related to the honorable office I have been asked to fulfill: for this reason
the poisoned plant has secretly been uprooted, but soon 58 will realize it.
I have not even written to the most Illustrious Prince.
Try and find out if 59 has a backup plan. Also, communicate to us
I now write on behalf of Marco and Iacopo Brinciassi, two of our wagon drivers
and with great haste, how many men, both riders and infantry, he has in his command
who were robbed of six mules in the past months in Castel Durante
and where they are located; send a list.
by men in the employ of His Excellency.
The messenger who brings you this missive will give you additional invisible ink
Kindly speak with his Illustrious Lordship about this matter and relay to him
and all florins available to us at this time. We have no additional money at our disposal.
how much it would mean to me if he would return the mules to the Brinciassi brothers.
With sincere regards to His Lordship, and may God only increase his happiness.
Be well.
Florence, 26 October 1502
Pietro Soderini
Vexillifer of the People of the Florentine Republic
* * *
Niccolò Machiavelli
Secretary, Envoy of Florence at the Court of Duke Valentino
That which His Excellency the Prince has asked of the Dieci di Libertà e di Balìa regarding troops to be sent to Borgo San Sepolcro is not possible; we need to use them to protect our borders, from high to low. Make all efforts to explain this to His Lordship in the best way possible so that no shadows are cast on us. We understand that the prince would like more, but we have no choice.
Tarry as long as you can; try and discover what his intentions are for our Republic.
We have written to the Very Christian King three times already and await his response. We include the letters sent to His Majesty here, so that you may share them with the Duke as proof of our noble sentiments.
The information you have sent is useful but we have nothing to offer in exchange.
On behalf of the Republic, ask the Prince for a letter of safe conduct for our merchants traveling through his towns and states on their way to and from the East, a route that is of great importance to the prosperity of our city.
Palagio Fiorentino, 28 October 1502
Dieci di Libertà e di Balìa of the Florentine Republic. Marcellus.
* * *
Magnificent Vexillifer of the People of the Florentine Republic
Your Illustrious Lordship,
In addition to this missive, to be delivered by Ardingo, I will make all efforts to send you
I received the ink and florins, for which I am very grateful.
additional letters but I must point out that I am dealing with a Prince
I provide the list that you asked me for, based on the information I have gathered. I can
who governs his matters personally, and it is impossible to know his next move.
personally only attest to what I see around the city; for all else I rely on others.
I spoke to His Excellency about the mules of wagon drivers Marco and Iacopo Brinciassi,
58 is here now, and will not leave until the French spearmen arrive; they
and he immediately called for his First Secretary so that the matter would be swiftly handled.
are expected this week. Also soon to arrive are the Swiss, whom they say will number
Yesterday, Lord Paolo Orsini arrived in these parts dressed as a messenger to
around 3000. Infantry and captains around Imola: Dionigi from Naldo, 600 men;
explain himself to His Lordship. He had been urgently called for by
Marcantonio from Fano, 600; Comandantore, 600; Romolino, 500;
Valentino and came to justify what had taken place in Urbino
Master di Sala, 400; Sgalla, 300; Grechetto, 200; the Spaniard Salzeto, 300;
and to find out the Duke’s intentions so that he can refer to the others. Today he sent
Giambattista Mancino, 400; Mangiares, 200; Giannetto from Seville, 150.
one of his men to those with whom he is allied to find out their decision.
Armed soldiers: the Spaniard Don Ugo, 50; the Spaniard Monsignore d’Allegri, 50;
I could not find out anything further, nor do I expect to be able to do so,
Don Giovanni from Cardona, 50. These last three companies are smaller because
as His Lordship is extremely secretive. What he harbors in his soul towards Lord Orsini,
of the onslaught they suffered at the hands of the Vitelli forces and the resulting retreat.
I cannot verily judge.
They said Conte Lodovico della Mirandola had 60, but I discovered there were 40.
His First Secretary approached me to discuss the matter and explain the arrival
He and his forces are 6 miles away from here now.
of Lord Paolo and said, “They merely want the Duke to reassure them,
Rinieri della Sassetta, 100 crossbowmen. Master Francesco da Luna,
but it remains to be seen how this will be done.”
50 musketeers on horseback. Other men from Lombardy will be arriving soon.
They speak of peace but prepare for war. There is no
They say that three troops of mounted soldiers have set up camp in Faenza.
movement of the allies, neither coming nor going: this truce is very ambiguous,
How many others are spread out around Romagna remains to be seen. I will be ever vigilant.
and the winner will be he who best deceives the other, the one with more men and allies.
Imola, 31 October, 1502
Your Servant, Niccolò Machiavelli, Secretary