The Woman at the Well Got Filled (24 March)
Bible Passage
: John 4:1-42, John 2:13-25, II Corinthians 5:17, and Luke 19:10
Key Verse
: "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?
When Jesus was returning from the Passover Feast of John 2:13-25, He passed through Samaria and went to Jacob’s well in the town of Sychar. He arrived at the well during the hot part of the day, around noon, and while there, a Samaritan woman came to get water. She was probably an outcast in her community because she had gone to the well during the worst part of the day, whereas the other women in her town would have gone either earlier or later in the day when it was cooler. But Jesus had gone to Sychar specifically to see her, and she was the one with whom He conversed. He was tired from His long journey, so He asked her for some water. Then, in the course of their conversation, He spoke to her about receiving living water, about the man with whom she was currently living, and also about her having had five husbands.
In John 4:9, the woman’s initial observation was that Jesus was a Jew and that she was a Samaritan. In John 4:19, she noted that He was a Prophet. Then, in John 4:25, she showed that she understood about a coming Messiah, and by John 4:28-29, she was racing through her town telling others that she had found Him. When a person meets Jesus and opens up to Him, then that person becomes a new creature in Christ. According to II Corinthians 5:17, all things become new, and old things are passed away. This outcast woman, who had been living a life of immorality, met Jesus, believed on Him, and by so doing, changed her life forever. Though the Bible does not say, she probably never returned to her immoral lifestyle again. Also, in her excitement over what had happened to her, she could not keep from telling others. A big change had taken place in her heart, and she wanted everyone to know. The people, to whom she spoke, listened to what she said, and because of her enthusiastic testimony, they went to see. Luke 19:10 says that Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, and with the woman at the well, He proved it. She was saved, and John 4:41 says that many other people in Sychar also believed into Him.