Isaiah Saw Himself as Ruined and Unclean (04 June)
Bible Passage : Isaiah 6:5, John 17:3, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Hosea 6:6, and John 6:44
Key Verse : "'Woe to me!' I cried. 'I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.'"
The best thing in life is to know God in a personal way.  The Bible teaches, in John 17:3, Jeremiah 9:23-24, and Hosea 6:6, that having a relational knowledge of God should be the chief end of each individual.  Eternal life is to personally know Him.  Eternal death or separation is to not have a personal knowledge of Him.  God wants every person to know Him, and He wants to know every person.  But how does someone actually get to know Him in a personal way?
The first step is to see oneself as a sinner, lost and undone.  Isaiah wrote, in Isaiah 6:5, that he was ruined and that he was a man of unclean lips.  Each person needs to see himself or herself in the same way, as lost and undone.  The next step is to realize that Jesus is the Son of God and that He offered Himself on the cross at Calvary as a way to bring redemption to every person.  The final step is to receive Christ by faith and to trust Him to remove the sin gap that exists between each person and Him.
The Bible says in John 6:44 that a person cannot come to the Lord unless he or she is first drawn to Him. This means that God actually takes the initiative to make it happen.  He reveals Himself to everyone in a way that they can know that He is real and that they are accountable to Him.  Through special biblical revelation, He, then, shows an individual how to receive forgiveness for his or her sins and how to enter into a personal relationship with Him.  Knowing God in a personal way causes the individual to have great energy for Him, to see Him as the Most High God, to be bold for Him, and to be content in Him.  When a person shows those traits, it is evidence that he or she has a relational knowledge of the God of the Bible.