In the process of researching this book we talked to many scientists, animal trainers, and others whose expertise was invaluable. We would particularly like to acknowledge the help of George Archibald, Mattie Sue Athan, Luis Baptista, Kim Bartlett, John Beckman, Mark Bekoff, Tim Benneke, Joseph Berger, Nedim Buyukmihci, Lisa De Nault, Ralph Dennard, Pat Derby, Ian Dunbar, Mary Lynn Fischer, Maria Fitzgerald, Lois Flynne, Roger Fouts, William Frey II, Jane Goodall, Wendy Gordon, Donald Griffin, David Gucwa, Nancy Hall, Ralph Heifer, Abbie Angharad Hughes, Gerald Jacobs, William Jankowiak, Marti Kheel, Adriaan Kortlandt, Charles Lindholm, Sarah McCarthy, David Mech, Mary Midgley, Myrna Milani, Jim Mullen, Kenneth Norris, Cindy Ott-Bales, Joel Parrott, Irene Pepperberg, Leonard Plotnicov, Karen Reina of Bristol-Myers Squibb, Diana Reiss, Lynn Rogers, Vivian Siegel, Barbara Smuts, Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, Ron Whitfield, and Gerald S. Wilkinson, among others, for their patience in talking to us. We are also grateful to Jennifer Conroy, Joanne Ritter, Mike Del Ross, and Kathy Finger of Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael. Any errors we have made and any wild speculations, particularly those deemed scientifically disreputable, are not to be laid at their doors.
More personal thanks are owed to our friends and family also for their support and real assistance, especially Daniel Gunther, Joseph Gunther, Kitty Rose McCarthy, Martha Coyote, John McCarthy, Mary Susan Kuhn, Andrew Gunther, Barbara and Gerald Gunther, Thomas Goldstein, Martin Levin, and Bernard Taper; and Daidie Donnelley, Fred Goode, Justine Juson, Marianne Lo-ring, Jane Matteson, Eileen Max, and Barbara Sonnenborn.
We also want to thank Elaine Markson for being a wonderful agent; Tony Colwell for having faith in this idea all along; Steve Ross for his enthusiasm and his indispensable help in making this the book it is; as for Kitty, only Kitty knows what Kitty is owed.